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Alright so wilmer wasn't really liked so my thinking is he'll be a minor character that shows up here and there but Demi will not date him. She will date Naya for sure!

Also I'm adding more to the Hannah character that has nothing to do with me.

As I got out of the car wilmer left. I'm quite confused but I'll ignore it for now. Molly fell asleep so I brought her up to her room and put her to bed.

I went and laid down but I couldn't get hannah out of my head. She's only 17 and been through so much. Hopefully she'll take me up on my offer and call if she needs me.

I must've fallen asleep since it's now 10:00 am. I got up to shower and head to X factor. I'll probably be fired for my outburst but I couldn't let Simon walk all over me.

After getting myself ready I went to get Molly ready.

I found her already dressed in a presentable outfit and eating a banana

"We'll look at you" I say

"Mornin mommy" Molly smiles

"Mornin. Ready to go?" I ask

"But the old mans going to be mean" she states

"Don't worry Kelly, pau pau and I won't let him" I say

"Okay" she replies

We made it to X factor and today we're filming who our groups are and all that. Simon knows who we're getting but he won't tell us.

When I walked in I saw a lot of shocked faces.

"What I didn't quit and Simon didn't fire me" I state

"I'm shocked you came though" Kelly says

"I have guts" I laugh

"You sure do" Simon says walking up to me

"I'm sorry for leaving but you had no right to treat my daughter like that" I tell Simon

"Let's get into places" Simon demands

I rolled my eyes and carrie a now sleeping Molly over to the table with me.

Simon called everyone on stage I instantly saw Hannah in the back with tears in her eyes. I really hope I get the girls so I can go talk to her. After giving the contestants directions they went to their rooms to wait for their mentor.

"Kelly, you're with the over 25s, Paulina you're with the boys. Demi you're with the girls, and that leaves me with groups" Simon says

I have a huge grin on my face as I walk to the girls. I came in and laid Molly on the couch then gave the girls their hugs then walked over to hannah who is sitting alone in the corner.

"Hey sweetie what's wrong?" I ask her

"It's nothing dem" she replies

"I know there is so what's up" I say

"I'm just having a really bad day" Hannah says

"Stay strong for me okay" I say

Hannah nodded her head and I gave her a hug. When I pulled away Molly ran over to Hannah and hugged her.

"Don't cry you're too pretty to cry" Molly says

"Aww thanks Molly" Hannah smiles


Demi went and helped everyone choose their songs and I stayed with Molly.

"Hannah" she says

"Yeah?" I say

"Mommy calls her lines like that her battle scars are they your battle scars?" She asks

"I guess you could say that" I reply

"Are you winning your battle?" Molly asks

"Um not really but hopefully your mommy will help me win my battle" I say

"I wanna help too" Molly says

"You know what you can do?" I say "be here for me and keep making me laugh and smile and if you see me upset or doing something to myself I shouldn't tell your mommy right away"

"Okay" Molly smiles

I noticed Molly start to get tired so I picked her up and she fell asleep right away.


I walked back over to hannah to see her cuddling Molly. I took a picture without them noticing then continued walking over.

"You two are adorable" I state

"She's so cute" Hannah smiles

"I'm glad I adopted her" I think aloud

"Demi can I come to your place after this?" Hannah asks nervously

"Of course kiddo, is there something going on at home?" I reply

"Yeah" Hannah says quietly

"We'll talk about that later. Now we need to talk about what song your doing" I say

"I really want to do songs I can relate to" Hannah says

"I'm sure we can make that happen" I smile "any ideas?"

"Um maybe who you are by Jessie j or beautiful by Bethany Dillon" she says

"Oh my gosh you have to do beautiful" I say excitedly

"Okay I'll do it" Hannah laughs

I ran through each song with all the girls and now it's time to go home.

"Hannah, Molly are you two ready?" I ask

"Yup" Hannah says getting up

As we start walking to the car were stopped by Simon.

"Uh Demi why is one of the contestants with you?" He asks

"She's coming home with me" I tell him

"Um why?" He asks

"Hannah can you get Molly in the car then get in the car yourself? I'll be there in a minute" I ask hannah

"I'm waiting" Simon says

"Look there's some stuff going on that I'm helping her with okay" I say

"Like music related or?" He asks

"What is this 20 questions?" I snap "and no it's personal stuff that you don't need to worry about"

I walked over to my car and got in not caring about what Simon had to say. He tried coming over to the car but I left before he got the chance.

The drive home was silent, not the good kind of silent, it was awkward. I think hannah could tell there's tension between Simon and I.

When we got home it continued to be silent. Looks like I need to break it. I laid Molly down and went to talk to hannah.

"You know it's not your fault Simon and I aren't getting along right?" I ask hannah

"It's not?" She asks

"Of course not" I reply now sitting next to Hannah

"Then what is going on?" She asks sounding unsure of whether or not she should've asked

"He's just mad because I'm 21 and have a child and I keep bringing her" I tell hannah

"Oh" is all she says

"So what's going on at home?" I ask remembering the conversation we had earlier

"Just a lot of drama and I needed to get away from it" Hannah says

"What kind of drama?" I ask

"My mom and her boyfriend keep arguing about my sister and I and my sister keeps starting up stuff that isn't necessary" Hannah says and looks down

"Are any of them saying negative things to or about you?" I ask

"Well my moms boyfriend kind of does and my sister does, they're never horrible but they are hurtful and I tend to lock myself up in my room and my mom gets pissed because of that" Hannah explains

"Well you know you can come here whenever you want okay even in the middle of the night. It doesn't have to be an X factor day" I tell hannah

"Thanks Demi" Hannah smiles

"So how about some dinner" I suggest

"Oh no I don't want to eat your food" Hannah says

"Hannah come eat" I say sternly

I went upstairs to get Molly, who I found playing with her dolls.

"Come on kiddo dinner time" I tell her

She followed me downstairs and I made a quick oven pizza. As I made our plates I saw hannah go off in the other room.


Demi was making our plates when my phone started ringing. I looked down and saw my mom calling.

(H=Hannah hm=Hannah's mom)

H: hello?

Hm: where are you

H: out, I'll either be back later or tomorrow

Hm: out where? And you better be home tonight

H: does it really matter where I am? You won't believe me anyway

Hm: tell me where the fuck you are

H: fine but you won't believe me... I'm at Demi's

Hm: Demi as in Demi lovato?

H: yup *smiles*

Hm: *laughs* get your ass home now since you lied to me

"Hannah come on your pizzas getting cold" Demi calls

H: whatever I gotta go eat before Demi gets mad

I hung up the phone and went into the kitchen.

"Sorry about that it was my mom" I tell demi

"It's alright now come eat" Demi says

I sat down at the table next to Molly and began eating my pizza.

"So what did your mom want?" Demi asks

"She wants me home" I say

"Oh, does she know you're with me?" Demi asks

"I told her on the phone but she doesn't believe me" I say.

"Well I'll take you home and walk you in" Demi says

"Okay" I say

We cleared off the table and then Demi drove me home. I got Molly out of the car and we walked inside.

"Took you long enough" my mom says angrily

"Molly stay behind me" I whisper

Molly moved behind me and I kept ahold of her hand.

"Sorry I had to eat dinner" I say

"Well you're not allowed to be on X factor now" my mom shouts

"Look I'm sorry okay but please don't take me away from the one thing I love doing" I beg

"Too late" my mom snaps

"Do not argue with your mother" my moms boyfriend yells as he walks in the room "and who the fuck are they?"

My guess is he's referring to Demi and Molly.

"It's Demi and her daughter Molly" I smile

"We'll tell them bye because you're not allowed to see them anymore" my moms boyfriend shouts

"Fuck they're both drunk" I say to myself "Demi we gotta go" I say

I picked Molly up and we ran to the car as we drove off I noticed my parents get in their car and follow us. After a while we lost them and I could actually take a deep breath.

"What the fuck" Demi says

"They're drunk" I state

"Are they always like that?" Demi asks

"Not my mom and apparently her boyfriend is but not around my sister and I" I say

"Well when they're like that sneak over to my house okay" Demi says

"I will" I reply

It's now getting late so demi brought Molly up to her room and I stood there kind of awkwardly.

"Here" Demi says handing me pajamas

"Thanks" I reply

I got changed and went to the guest room. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I woke up to Molly bouncing on my bed.

"Morning kiddo" I say tickling her

"Morning hannah" she manages to get out in her laughter

"Is mommy up yet?" I ask molly

"No" she replies

I was about to say something when my phone started ringing.

H: Hello

Officer: hello, is this Hannah Simmons?

H: yes?

Officer: I've called to tell you your mother and her boyfriend have passed away from being in a car accident

H: oh okay um what should I do?

Officer: either you need to go to social services or they need to come get you

H: okay I'll talk to the person I'm with

Officer: okay have a good day

H: you too

I didn't realize it while I was on the phone but I'm crying now.

"Hannah what's wrong?" Molly asks

"My mommy and step daddy got in an accident and went to heaven" I tell Molly

Molly frowned then looked up and said "well now you can live with us"

"I wish it were that easy kiddo" I sigh "I really do"

"Morning la- hannah what's wrong?" Demi says walking in the room

"My parents got in an accident and passed away" I say

"Oh baby girl I'm so sorry" Demi says pulling me into a hug

"Demi the officer that told me said I have to go talk to social services" I say

"Okay let me get a babysitter for Molly then we'll go" Demi says

Demi left the room and Molly and I kept talking. A few minutes later demi came back in the room.

"Dallas is on her way come in my room I'll find you something to wear" Demi says

I followed Demi in her room and she found me an outfit. I went in the bathroom to change while Demi changed in her room.

I got ready pretty quick and walked out to demi only in her bra and underwear. I found my eyes wide and my mouth wide open.

"Like what you see?" Demi laughs

"holy fucking shit you have one hot body" I say without even thinking

I start blushing like an idiot and Demi laughs her obnoxious yet adorable laugh.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" Demi says

I did just that then decided to put it on twitter.

@hannaahlovatic: left Demi's bathroom to this, thought you all would enjoy 😉 -picture-

I got tons of retweets and mentions but I just turned my phone off.

"Hannah you ready to go? Dallas's here" Demi calls

I guess she went downstairs already... I ran downstairs and we left.

Once we got to the building I started getting nervous.

"You'll be okay" Demi reassures me

We walked in and went up to the desk.

"Hi, how may I help you?" The receptionist asks

"I was informed of my parents death and told to come here" I say nervously

"And what's your name?" The receptionist asks

"Hannah Simmons" I state

"Yes hang on" she says

A minute later someone comes out and we follow her into an office. Demi and I sat in the chairs in front of the desk while she sat behind it.

"I'm sorry for your loss ms. Simmons"

"Maybe it was meant to be" I say

"Alright so your parents didn't have anyone listed for you to go to if this were to happen except for your biological father" she says

"Uh I'd rather not live with him" I say

"Why is that?" She asks

"Because then id be leaving everything I have here and I really don't want to do that" I explain

"Well you have to go there for now I'm sorry. All of your belongings are here and packed and we have a flight set for you for tomorrow morning" she says

"Oh okay" I frown

"Say goodbye to demi now" she says

I turned to Demi and burst into tears.

"Hannah look at me" Demi says "it'll be okay I promise this will not be the last of me you'll see me again and you can call and text me whenever you want"

"I know but I'm going to miss you and Molly so much and I don't even get to say bye to her" I tell demi

"We'll both miss you so much too and I know it won't be the same but I'll FaceTime you when I get home" Demi says

"It's better then nothing" I mutter

"Alright I have to go now I love you don't ever forget that" Demi says

"I won't" I say and hug demi tightly

I let go and she walked away

"Come on let me show you where you'll sleep tonight" the lady says

I follow her up to a little room and when we walk in she leaves.

I sat on the bed and cried. Suddenly remembering my stuff is here I went over to my bag. I found my razor and broke it taking the blade out.

I literally just sat their and cried while cutting. So many emotions are going through my head and this is how I'm dealing with them.

I facetimed with demi and Molly for a bit then fell asleep.

I was woken up by being screamed at to get ready to leave. I quickly got up she dressed and left. The airport is right around the corner so I walked.

Once I got on the plane and it took off I texted Demi. The ride wasn't too horribly long and I'm getting off now. I found my dad and sister.

I really didn't want to be here so I walked over slowly and we went to get my stuff and go to his house. I was quiet the whole time and I don't plan on talking much.


It's now been a few days since Hannah left and she's only talked to me a couple times. I guess I'd rather have that then not at all but I miss her. X factor hasn't been the same and Molly's been crying a lot.

On a good note Naya asked me out on a date and we're headed to the place now.

We're now sitting at a booth at Taco Bell. Naya must know I love tacos.

"You know you're adorable" naya says

"I know!" I say and flip my hair

Naya and I both laugh

"Anyway thank you you are too" I tell naya

We spent the time walking and getting to know each other then we headed out.

Naya walked me up to my door and before I went in she leaned in for a kiss and I felt myself leaning in too. Our lips touched and I instantly felt the fireworks.

"Well I'd better go I'll see you soon" naya says after pulling away

"Okay see ya" I say

I walked inside to see Dallas and Molly asleep on the couch. I went upstairs and fell asleep.

There's an introduction to naya! She should be in the story more from now on. Hannah's now living with her dad, what do you think will happen next?

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