Happy Birthday

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I hear the door open downstairs so I quickly hide the present, it's probably Demi. Someone runs up the stairs and knocks on my door.

"Come in" I call

Demi walks in my room and hugs me tightly. Even though I wasn't gone long I missed those hugs.

"Baby where were you?" Demi asks

"I was upset and scared after the fight and I just ran off I don't know why I was like that but I got tired and fell asleep in an alley then I woke up to some guys staring at me then they jumped me mommy it was horrible" I cry

"Baby you'll be okay but please don't ever do that again" Demi says

"I won't" I say "and once I got away I went to a little spot in the woods by a pond for a bit then I went to Beas"

"I'm so happy you're okay" Demi says

"Me too mommy me too" I say

Demi hugs me tight and doesn't let go, I don't want her to let go.

"I would've been back by tomorrow no matter what" I tell Demi "I wouldn't miss your birthday for the world"

"I'm so happy to hear that" Demi smiles

"If it's okay with you I want to go pick Molly up from her friends house" I say

"Go right ahead I know she'll be happy to see you" Demi says

Demi let's me go and I grab her car keys. I don't have my permit yet but Demi's been letting me practice. Anyway I head out to Molly's friends house. I almost got lost, but I found the house. I knock on the door and a lady who looks to be at least 30 answers the door.

"Hi I'm here for Molly" I say

"Come on in" she smiles "I'm Lynn"

"I'm hannah" I tell her

"Did I hear Hannah?" Molly runs in the room and asks

"Yes ma'am" I say

"Hannah!" Molly exclaims

"Hey kiddo" I smile "ready to go home?"

"Can I spend the day with you?" Molly asks

"Yup" I say

"Then yes I'm ready to go home" Molly says

"Alright go get your stuff" I tell Molly

Molly runs off and I have to laugh. She is the cutest kid I've ever seen. A few minutes later she comes back in the room with her bookbag.

"Ready?" I ask

"Ready" she says

"Thank you for letting her come over" I tell Lynn

"Any time" Lynn says

Molly and I head out and I help her in the car. When I get in I turn on 104.3 to really don't care. Molly and I start singing as we drive home and I realize Molly's voice is incredible.

"Hannah isn't mommy's birthday tomorrow?" Molly asks

"Yeah do you want to get her something?" I ask

"I want to make her a picture but I need help" Molly says

"What kind of picture?" I ask

"I want to paint a picture of all of us you me mommy and mom" Molly explains

"Do you need stuff to paint with?" I ask

"Yeah and I don't know how to paint people" Molly says

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