Am i ready for this

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You guys are all giving me great ideas and I'm going to try and incorporate them all into the chaper! Thanks!

I recently started playing a roll in glee and I'm bringing Molly with me to the set. Everyone there is really nice and I think Molly will be okay.

It's 10:3o and we have to be at the set by 11.

"Shoot Molly come on we gotta go" I call

"Coming" Molly shouts

A minute later she appears at the top of the stairs. Molly ran down and I brought her out to the car.

"So Molly there are going to be a lot of people but I promise they're all really nice" I tell Molly

"I stay with you?" Molly asks

"For a bit, then you'll have to stay with someone else" I reply

Molly started sobbing and I immediately pulled over.

"Molly baby it's okay I'll let you choose and it won't be for very long okay" I say

Molly nodded her head and I drove on. By the time we got to the set we were a half hour late.

"Come on kiddo" I say as i help Molly out of the car

I took Molly's hand and we walked inside

"Ms. Lovato you are extremely late" the producer says

"Sorry but this little one comes first" I reply

"Who is she and why is she here?" The producer asks

"This is Molly and she's my daughter. She's terrified to be away from me right now so I brought her" I explain "that won't be a problem will it?"

"Well I'd rather not have a child on my set" Mark (the producer) says

"Well we can leave" I announce

"You can come back but she has to go" Mark states

"Look dude we're a package deal so make up your mind" I say angrily

"Mommy I'm scared" Molly announces

I bent down to Molly's level and said "It's okay baby girl don't be scared"

I stood back up and looked at Mark

"Fine whatever but I never want to see her ugly face again" Mark says angrily

"That's it you lost me" I shout

I picked Molly up and walked out to the car

"Demi wait" someone shouts

"oh hey naya" I say turning around

"What happened with Mark?" Naya asks

"He was being rude to me and making rude comments about my daughter so he lost me as a cast member" I explain

"Man I was looking forward to it" naya said sadly

"Sorry" i sigh "but Molly's more important"

"Oh I totally agree" naya says

"But maybe we can hang out sometime" I suggest

"That's a great idea!" Naya exclaims

I gave naya my number then drove home. Molly fell asleep so I carried her inside and decided to watch the id channel. Yes I know I'm obsessed with that channel.

As I watched the ID channel I got a call and I have no idea who it is (it's Simon).

Demi: hello?

Simon: hello Demi

Demi: Simon?

Simon: yes, I have a new number

Demi: oh okay well what do you need?

Simon: just a reminder that we come back to X factor tomorrow

Demi: shit I forgot Um okay see you tomorrow then

I heard Molly crying upstairs so I quickly got off the phone and ran upstairs.

"Molly shh it's okay baby it's just a dream" I whisper

"Mama" Molly whispers

"Yes baby it's me" I say

Molly raps her little arms around me and I cuddle her. It's times like these I wouldn't change for the world. Molly fell back asleep and I soon joined her.

When morning rolled around I got up and made my way to the shower. When I got out I found Molly waking up.

"Morning baby" I say as I look for clothes

"Morning mommy" Molly replies

After I got myself dressed and ready I got Molly ready and we made our way to X factor.

"Aww demi who's this?" Paulina asks

"She's adorable" Kelly ads

"Thanks" I smile "this is Molly, I adopted her"

"Aww hi Molly I'm Kelly" Kelly says looking at Molly

Molly looks terrified so I pick her up and whisper in her ear.

"It's okay baby girl they're nice"

Molly looked up at Kelly and Paulina and smiled.

"Hello ladies" Simon says walking up to us

"Hi Simon" Kelly replies

"Who's this?" Simon asks referring to Molly

"My daughter molly" I announce

"Oh Demetria don't you think you're a little young?" Simon asks

"No actually I don't" I state

"Whatever well talk about this more later now everyone get ready" Simon says

"Alright baby girl your going to go stand over there with max okay" I tell Molly

She nods her head and walks over to max. I make my way over to the judges table.

We're doing auditions in LA today, which is good since we're close to home.

A middle aged woman just auditioned and made it through. All of these people just ran out to congratulate her.

"Aww this makes me want to squeeze my baby girl" I state

"Which you are too young and irresponsible to have" Simon states

"Simon seriously shut up I don't need to hear your comments about MY personal life" I snap

"Whoa whoa all I'm saying is I don't think your ready to have a child" Simon replies defensively

"Well I have one so get over it" I say

During the next audition I heard Molly's cry. I looked over and saw max try to calm her down but it isn't working.

Without thinking I hopped up out of my chair and ran straight for molly.

"Demi where are you going?" Simon calls

I ignored him and scooped Molly up into my arms

"shh baby it's okay mommies right here" I whisper "what's wrong baby?"

Once Molly realized I had her she stopped crying and squeezed me tight.

"Baby do you want to come sit with me at the judges table?" I ask

Molly nodded her head yes and i walked back over.

"What was that about?" Simon asks

"Molly was crying and max couldn't calm her down" I state

"Well no more running off like that no matter what and you need to get her away from the desk before she messes something up" Simon demands

"She's fine Simon" I say and the next act walks out

"Hi" I say

"Hi Demi" the contestant says

"What's your name?" Simon asks

"Hannah" the contestant replies

"And what are you going to sing for us?" Kelly asks

"Simon you're going to hate me, I'm singing believe in me by Dems" Hannah announces

"Aww are you a Lovatic?" I ask

"Yup" Hannah smiles

"Alright! Let's show Simon who's boss" I say

Hannah laughed then began singing. Her voice is absolutely amazing! I gave her a standing ovation.

When Hannah finished she had tears in her eyes.

"Hannah" Simon says

"Wait I wanna go first" I say excitedly, interrupting Simon

"Fine Demi go" Simon sighs

"Yay!" I squeal

I notice hannah started crying heavier so I told Molly to stay in my seat and I ran up to hannah.

"Hey it's okay" I say hugging her

"That song just has so much meaning and it gets difficult to sing" Hannah explains

"That's fine you are amazing" I smile

"Thanks dems" Hannah smiles

"Hey put that fake smile away and show me a real one you're gorgeous" I tell hannah

"I'll try" Hannah says

"Stay strong for me okay" I state

"I'll do my best" Hannah smiles

I walked off the stage and back to the judges table.

"Well it's obviously a yes from me" I say

"It's a yes from me" Kelly smiles

"It's a yes" Paulina says

"It pains me to say this but it's a yes from me" Simon says

"Is a DUH from me!" Molly shouts

Everyone but Simon started laughing

"Oh my gosh demi she's so cute" Hannah smiles

Hannah's smile is genuine now but I still see the pain in her eyes.

Molly jumped off of my lap and ran up to hannah and hugged her.

"Aww thank you Molly" Hannah says "you made my day"

"Yay" Molly cheers

Molly ran back to me and Hannah walked off stage.

"You know you really made her happy" I tell Molly

"She was sad" Molly says

"Yes she was" I reply

The rest of the day is dragging on. I really just wanted to get away from Simon. He disrespected me and Molly and as much as I love judging I'm not going to if he keeps this up.

"Mommy I'm hungry" Molly whispers

"Wait a little bit longer okay" I tell her

"Mommy I'm really hungry now" Molly whined

"Demi shut the fucking child up" Simon snaps

I was in the middle of writing so slammed my pen down and picked Molly up then went to get my stuff.

As I started leaving I saw hannah again with tears in her eyes

I was holding Molly's hand and before I got a chance to stop her she let go and ran over to hannah.

"What's wrong?" She asks hannah

"Oh it's nothing" Hannah says "is your mommy around?"

"Right here" I say walking up to them "you okay kiddo?"

"I want to talk to you but not in front of her..." Hannah says

"want to come to my house then?" I suggest

"Can I?" Hannah asks

"Of course! Let's go" I say

Hannah picked Molly up and I grabbed her hand so paparazzi wouldn't separate us.

We made it out to the car and drove off. Hannah looks pretty distant, I'll have to talk to her about that.

When we got home Molly ran upstairs to play and hannah and I sat on the couch.

"So what's going on?" I ask her

"A whole lot" she sighs

"Tell me what you're comfortable with" I say

"I just have a really low self confidence and I have trust issues and depression and I'm basically a fuck up" Hannah sobs

"Baby look at me" I say cupping her chin "you're beautiful and remember everyone's perfect in unusual ways. You're my skyscraper and you will become unbroken okay"

Hannah nods and I pull her into a hug, which she gladly accepts. She hugged me back and I sang skyscraper to her.

She fell limp in my arms I looked down and she fell asleep. I laid her down and grabbed a blanket.

When I went upstairs to check on Molly I found her watching tv.

"Mommy" she says "come sit with me"

I sat down and she started looking at my tattoos.

"Mommy why are there white lines on your arm?" Molly asks

"They're from a rough past, I call them battle scars" I say

"Did you win the battle?" Molly asks

"I did" I smile

"Hannah has them too and some are red" Molly announces "will I get them?"

"I really hope not baby girl" I say "stay up here while I go check on Hannah"

When I went downstairs I noticed hannah start to wake up. I feel like there's something she left out when we were taking earlier.

"Hannah" I say

"Oh hi Demi" Hannah smiles

"Can you tell me thy you have depression and all?" I ask

"I guess, if I have to tell someone I'm glad it's you" Hannah sighs

I go sit next to her on the couch.

"Well here's my story from the begging" she starts "i was born six weeks early without the center part of my brain. I have a learning disability because of it and I usually don't get things easily. I feel as if I'm not good at anything because of this. Also when I was little I wouldn't eat and when I finally did I couldn't stop. I've gained weight because of that and I've been overweight for as long as I can remember. I got bullied for that until 8th grade. Now I still hear remarks here and there but it's rare. In October of 2011 my grandmother passed away and we were really close. Then in September 2012 my dad moved to Washington state. See with him we never had the best relationship, we fought a lot. He moved up to his moms who's is close to where I live for the summer and our relationship got a lot better. Also somewhere in there my moms boyfriend was in and out of the hospital. Everything hit me at once and I went downhill. I have always been a fan of you but I recently became a hardcore Lovatic because of your story and your music"

I sat there looking at Hannah tears in my eyes. I pulled her into a hug and didn't want to let go.

"You really are one strong girl and you are worth so much more than harming yourself" I whisper in her ear

"What? How did you find out?" She asks pulling away

"Molly saw them and told me" I reply

"Oh" Hannah replied now looking down

"It's okay I'm going to help you" I reassure hannah

"Thanks" Hannah says quietly

I saw her phone sitting on the table so I grabbed it and tried unlocking it. I put my birthday in and got it right away.

I went to her contacts and put my number in and took a selfie for the contact id then sat it back on the table.

"alright well we should probably get you home" I announce

"I guess" Hannah sighs

"You'll be fine and you can call me whenever okay" I tell her

She nodded her head and I went upstairs to get Molly.

When we got to Hannah's house she quietly got out and went inside. While I had her phone I sent myself a text so I'd have her number. I texted her telling her I love her and to stay strong then we left.

As I got home I saw someone's car in my driveway and someone standing at my door. As I pulled in I realized its wilmer...

So the Hannah character is basically me and that's my story but pretend it's not. I don't know if I'm going to have her in the story more or not. What do you guys think?

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