Mommy Daughter Day

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Mom and mommy are happy again! Now I can go downstairs without being scared.

"Molly come here" mommy calls

I run downstairs to see what mommy wants.

"Yeah mommy?" I say

"I want to take you to do something fun today, what do you think?" Mommy says

"Yeah! yeah! yeah!" I say

"Okay let's get you dressed then" mommy laughs

"I do it" I say

"Okay you do it" mommy says

I runs upstairs and Mommy starts packing some stuff to bring. When I get back down I hear mommy talking to herself.

"Mommy I'm ready" I say

I decided to wear a white tank top and blue shorts.

"You look cute kiddo" I say

"Thanks mommy" I say

"Let's do your hair then get socks and shoes on" mommy says

"Pig tails mommy?" I ask

"If you want" mommy says

Mommy brushes out my hair then put pigtails into braids. I run and grab my converse and come back down.

"Converse huh?" Mommy asks

"My favorite" I smile

Mommy helps me get my shoes on then I help put stuff in the car.

"Ready to go?" Mommy asks

"Yeah yeah yeah!" I yell

"Okay" mommy laughs

I run to the car and try to open the door but I can't get it.

"I can't get the door open mommy" I pout

Mommy laughs and opens the door "there you go" she says

Mommy makes sure I'm bucked in and she goes to her seat. Once she puts her seatbelt on she starts driving.

"Mommy are we there yet?" I ask

"Only a few more minutes baby girl" mommy tells me

"Yay!" I cheer

I watch out the window as mommy pulls into a place with a lot of trees.

"Mommy is this a forest?" I ask

"No baby this is the zoo" mommy tells me

"Zoo?" I ask

"Yeah, you get to go around and look at animals and even pet some" mommy explains

"Awesome!" I say

Mommy gets out of the car and opens my door. I take my seatbelt off and hop out of the car.

"Ready to go?" Mommy asks

"Let's go let's go let's go!" I say

Mommy laughs and takes my hand then We start walking towards all of the animals.

"Mommy that's a big bird" I say

"That's a peacock" mommy tells me

"It's pretty" I say

We keep walking until I see a bear, I scream and run away. I run until I get back to the car. Mommy shows up behind me a minute later.

"Molly Elaine Lovato you cannot run off like that" mommy says

"I'm sorry mommy" I say

"It's okay baby" mommy says "so no bears?"

"They're big and mean" I say

"Aww" mommy says "how about we go to the petting zoo part now"

I nod my head and we walk over.

"Mommy look it's a horsey!" I say

"Do you want to pet it?" Mommy asks

"Yeah!" I say

Mommy lifts me up and I pet the horse. He's so soft!

Mommy puts me down and I run over to bunnies.

"Mommy look at the bunnies!" I say

"They're pretty cute aren't they" mommy says

"Are you looking to adopt a bunny?" Someone asks

"Mommy can I? I asks

"They are pretty cute" mommy says

"Please mommy" I say

"You can have a bunny but you have to take care of it, I'll help but the bunny is your responsibility" mommy says

"I know mommy I'll take care of it" I say

"Good girl, go ahead and pick one out" mommy says

I pick out a white bunny with Carmel markings. She's so cute!

"Mommy we gotta get stuff for my bunny" I say

"You're right, we do" mommy says

Mommy tells the lady who sold us the bunny to keep the bunny until we get back.

We picked out a blue cage and a bunch of other stuff for the bunny, even toys! Mommy brought it home and asked Hannah to set it up for me and we went back to the zoo.

"Ready to take the bunny home?" Mommy asks

"Yeah!" I say

Mommy gets the bunny for me and puts it in a carrier. We thank the lady and go home.

So, Molly got a bunny! Thank you for that suggestion! Now what should the bunya name be?

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