Finding Molly

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Demi POV

It gets pretty boring living home alone or being alone on a tour bus... I've thought about getting another dog but I really want someone to talk to. That's when I noticed the orphanage.

As I was driving I saw this orphanage and decided to go check it out. As I pulled in a saw a little girl about three or four being picked on by some older kids. I kept an eye on her as I got out of the car and as I walked up to the door she had gotten away and ran into me.

"I so Sowwy" she says

"It's okay sweety" I say bending down to her level "what's your name?"

"Molly" she whispered

"Aww that's an adorable name" I smile "hey Molly how would you like to get adopted?" I ask

"I'd like that vewy much" Molly smiled

"Come on then" I say sticking my hand out for Molly to take

Molly and I walked into the orphanage and she showed me where the caretakers office is. I knocked on the door with my free hand and waited for someone to open the door.

"What" a lady spat at me "did she run off again?"

"Oh no, actually I'd like to adopt her" I say reassuringly

"Why would you want her" the lady asked emphasizing the word her.

"I saw her outside being bullied and I was immediately drawn to her and how could someone not want this cute little face" I explain looking down at Molly for the last part.

Molly giggled and the lady yelled "shut up" Molly immediately stopped and tears formed in her eyes

I bent down to her level "Molly honey go ahead and get your stuff while I fill out the papers" I say

"Okay" she said and ran off

"You're serious about this?" The caretaker asked looking shocked

"Yes" I say proudly

"Alright find but I'm warning you that child has issues" the lady said handing me the paperwork.

Molly came back down as soon as I finished filling out the papers.

"Alright Molly let's go" I say and take her suitcase in one hand and her hand in the other

As we were walking I heard the caretaker yell to Molly "I wouldn't get yourself too comfortable you know you'll be back just like every other time"

I looked down at Molly and saw a look of fear in her eyes

"Don't worry Molly you're stuck with me" I say reassuringly.

Molly fell asleep on the way home so I laid her on the couch and let her sleep while I called my mom.

(M: mom d: Demi)

M: hello

D: hey momma

M: hey baby girl how are you

D: great! I actually called to tell you I adopted a little girl

M: aww that's so sweet! Details?

D: *laughs* her name is Molly and she's 3 1/2 I don't know much else because the orphanage sucks but I'll see what I can find out when she wakes up

M: aww! When do I get to meet my granddaughter? *madison yelling in the background "what! Who's pregnant?"

D: *laughs* soon I just want to get to know her before I have her around to many people

M: alright well I have to get Maddie to aerial practice

D: alright bye momma love you

M: love you too

I can't wait to introduce Molly to my family but I really know absolutely nothing about her. She seems shy and she got bullied so I have to keep an eye on her behavior. I walked back into the living room to Molly tossing and turning on the couch and starting to cry. She's probably having a nightmare.

"Molly baby girl wake up it's okay calm down mommies here" I say gently shaking her.

As she woke up I pulled her into my lap and cuddled her.

"What happened baby girl?" I asked

"I had a bad dweam" she replies

"What happened in your dream?" I asked

"Girls at the owfanage wur huwting me and cawing me mean names" Molly sobs

"Baby girl they can't get to you anymore okay you're safe here with me" I say

"Your my new mommy right?" Molly asks

"Yes ma'am" I reply

"I love you mommy" Molly says and snuggles closer to me

"I love you too" I whisper

I checked the time on my phone after taking a selfie of us and saw that it's dinner time.

"Molly hop on up I have to make dinner, how do chicken nuggets sound?" I ask

"NO" Molly started screaming and ran to the corner and cried

"Molly what's wrong baby?" I ask sitting next to her

"Mean girls say food make me fatter" Molly says

Oh no she's to young for this i thought to myself

"Molly those girls are wrong eating is good" I say

"Reawy?" She asks

"Absolutely" I say "now why don't we make some chicken nuggets" I say and hold my hand out

She was hesitant at first but took my hand. We walked into the kitchen and I made our dinner.

Molly did eat although I could tell she was struggling some. I'll have to keep an eye on that. As I did the dishes Molly went to watch tv and when I went In to check on her when I finished I saw her fast asleep. I carried her up to her my room and laid her down. I got in bed soon after and fell asleep.

Hopefully she'll stay asleep and not have another nightmare.

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