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I can't believe my idol adopted me! I have always dreamed about living with Demi but never actually expected It to happen.

"Hannah hurry and pack we get to see aunt Maddie and Dallas and grandma and grandpa!" Molly says excitedly

I laughed and started packing. Demi told me about the last time they all got together and Maddie and Molly really hit it off.

"Hannah hurry up" Demi shouts

"Coming" I call

I grabbed my stuff and we headed out. Demi already explained to me about how the holidays work. During the major holidays we all go down to the house in Texas and during the smaller ones we go to dianna and eddies LA house.

Max is driving us to the airport and then meeting us in Texas.

The plane ride was long and boring since Demi and Molly slept but we're on our way to the house now.

"Mommy are we almost there?" Molly asks

"Yup" Demi replies

"MOMMY I SEE THE HOUSE" Molly shouts

"Molly don't shout" Demi scolds her

"Sorry" she says

When we pulled in the driveway Molly started bouncing around in her seat. Demi quickly got her unbuckled and out of the car. Molly ran straight to the door.

"Mommy I can't reach" Molly frowns

Demi and I laugh at her and Demi opened the door for her. She ran inside and straight to Maddie.

"Hey guys" Demi smiles

Everyone says hi back.

"Demi who's that?" Dallas asks referring to me

"Oh this is Hannah I adopted her" Demi announces "and Hannah this is-"

"Dallas, Dianna, Eddie, and madison. I know demi I'm a Lovatic" I say

"Well then" Demi states

We all laugh at her.

"Whys everyone laughing?" A new voice says

"Okay Hannah who's that?" Demi asks

"Marissa Ann Callahan, your best friend" I smile

"Damn you know your shit" Demi says

"Um?" Marissa says

"I'm Hannah, Demi adopted me and she forgot I'm a Lovatic and I know who y'all are" I say

"Typical demi" marissa laughs

Dianna and Eddie went to make Christmas Eve dinner, Maddie and Molly went off somewhere, and Demi and marissa are talking so I'm stuck with Dallas.

"So hannah do you like living with Demi?" Dallas asks

"It's absolutely amazing" I say "it was always a dream to meet her and then this happens"

"How long have you been a Lovatic?" She asks

"As long as I can remember" I smile

"Okay so what's what's your full name?" Dallas asks

"What is this 20q?" I laugh "and it's Hannah Nicole Lovato"

"I like it" Dallas smiles

"And I like Dallas Leigh Lovato" I smile

as Dallas and I were talking I heard a thud. I turned around to see Molly on the floor crying. Dallas and I both jumped up and ran over to her.

"Dallas move" I snap

I grabbed Molly and sat her on the couch.

"Does it hurt?" I ask her

She nods and points to her head.

I kissed it and snuggled her and she stopped crying.

"All better?" I ask her

"I want mommy" she says

I picked her up and carried her upstairs to Demi's room.

I opened the door to see Demi making out with Naya Rivera.

"What the fuck" I say

Demi immediately stopped she looked at me.

"Okay you know what I don't care but when did she get here and how did I not see her?" I asks

"Window" Demi laughs

"Well Molly wants you so here she is" I announce

I left Molly with Demi and Naya and went to find Maddie.

"Watcha doin?" I ask Maddie

"Watching desperate housewives" Maddie laughs

"In watching too I love little mads" I laugh

The two of us sit and watch tv and laugh at madison.

"What's so funny?" Dianna asks

"Madison" I laugh

"Desperate housewives?" She guesses

"Mhmm" I say

"Well dinners ready" Dianna laughs

I ran downstairs so fast I guess I didn't realize how hungry I am. Everyone else followed and we sat down to eat. Dianna made ham and mashed potatos.

"Demi when did naya get here and why is she here?" Maddie asks

"well we've been talking awhile and she was planning on asking me out tomorrow but couldn't wait so I invited her over and yeah" Demi explains

"So what did you say?" Dallas asks

"I said yes but I have to check with Hannah and Molly first" Demi says

"You two can date but I don't want to walk in on you two making out again" I laugh

"What?" Molly says

"You know how mommies and daddies get married?" I ask Molly

"yeah" she replies

"well sometimes two girls or two guys like each other and in this case mommy and naya like each other and want to know if you're okay with them being together" I explain

"Yes Demi can be happy with naya" Molly smiles

"In that case naya yes, I will be your girlfriend" Demi smiles

After all that we finished our dinner and now we're all going to bed. Demi and marissa are together, Nayas on the couch, and Molly and I are in the guest room.

I woke up to Demi jumping up and down on the bed saying wake up it's Christmas! I started laughing really hard.

"Oh my god demi stop you're gonna give me a heart attack" I laugh

"Oh shit" Demi says

"Oh my god my feels" I laugh

"Lovatic side coming out?" Demi asks

"Little bit" I laugh

"Come on let's go open presents now" Demi begs

"Fine" I laugh

Demi pulls me down the stairs and I see everyone already down there. Demi threw a present at me and grabbed one for herself.

I opened it up to a new phone! Everyone is opening presents and having a good time and I can't help but smile and be thankful that this is my life.

Once we finished opening presents everyone started really looking at their stuff.

This Christmas couldn't be better! I got some awesome things too!

New phone -from Molly
Laptop -from Marissa
Necklace -from Eddie
Staying Strong -from Demi
Guitar -from Maddie
Bracelet -from Dallas
Earrings -from Dianna

The first thing I picked up was staying strong. On the inside cover I noticed Demi wrote me a note.

Dear Hannah,

I love you so much baby girl you're my world and I'm glad you're mine. I'm so happy you opened up to me right away and are comfortable around my family. You are one brave strong girl never forget that! I want you to have this book because I truly believe it will help you (and I know you wanted it(: ) I hope you really read this and follow it!

I love you hannah, forever and always! Stay strong baby girl! -Demi

I smiled and closed the book and picked up the guitar. I started playing skyscraper and got lost in the music. I brought myself back to reality to see everyone looking at me with shocked and amazed faces.

"You know skyscraper by heart?"

"Holy shit you're amazing"

"Maddie watch your language"

"That was absolutely amazing"

"Good job sissy!"

These are just a few of things they're saying. I can't help but smile.

I put my guitar down and everyone went on with their buisness. I set up my new phone and got on twitter for a bit before picking up my guitar again.

I spent the day messing around on my guitar and hanging out with the family!

This really is a very Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone! Here's my present to you(: stay strong and be happy!

Demi Lovato Adopted MeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant