- darkness -

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hero; a "Rebel" sequel and spinoff sneak-peak —


That's the first thing I saw when I had finally woken up after the unexpected shot I had received from an unknown location. The thrilling sensation of adrenaline running down my body begging me to stand up and run away from wherever I was was familiar; a sensation I had constantly felt while still being in Dauntless.
Those memories seemed to be so far away, yet it seemed like they had happened yesterday.
A groan escaped my chapped and pale lips, the sound coming out raspier than I expected. My throat was sore due to the lack of water and my head pounded.
Instinctively, I pushed my body up with the help of my weak elbows that sunk along with the soft surface of the mattress I was currently laying on. The room was quiet, blackness reigning over the whole place. My heavy breaths were the only thing that disrupted such peaceful atmosphere.
Where was I?
I had swore to stay in Erudite to help Natalie... so why am I here? I was fine on my own. I was fine on my own. If those hadn't arrived, I could've been sitting right outside of Natalie's household, waiting for her... and Caleb, of course.
Jealousy rose inside my chest as the thought of the two of them kissing made me sick, and the worst part was that I couldn't do anything about it. Natalie would never fall in love with me. She would never notice me, because she has eyes only for one only.
But that's okay. I want her to be happy. I want her to feel the same, crazy love I feel towards her but towards Caleb. She would be better with him, anyways.
After shaking my head various times to shake my nostalgic thoughts away, I swung my legs off the bed and landed on the cold tile floor soundlessly. I winced in pain and placed a hand over the shot wound on my chest.
Helpless. That is how I felt, and that's how I was. I was no one. My memories would fade away along with the factions, the system, and all of this world that Natalie and Caleb would wipe out.

But... wasn't I part of this war too? I was Dauntless. I am Erudite. This factions are working together to defeat something I am not aware of. But I'm going to fight for whatever I think is right. Natalie no longer exists, Caleb no longer exists, factions are now a useless division to think of, indifference is ignorance and ignorance is bliss. I don't want to know who they are.
I want to find my own ideals and fight for them. That is what I'm going to do. I found myself clenching my fists and walking closer towards the door to the room.
Creaking wooden floor and the door to the dark room swung open.  For the first time, my eyes met the most beautiful eyes I have ever met; even more beautiful than Natalie's. Black clothes, pale skin, long, brunette hair messily cascading down her small shoulders. Dark eyes wide in fear, arms pressed against her chest.
"You saved me..?"
The words left my mouth before I could even process them. The girl, in nervousness, bit her lower lip and nodded her head rapidly, her hair bumping against her forehead gently.
I blinked a couple of times before nodding my head once in response. "Thank you... um..."
"C-Cara," she replied softly, her voice shaky.

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