Rebel (Divergent Fanfic)

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Rebel. Chapter Three.

I walk through Abnegation streets ( that's weird, because I had never been there before ). I have Abnegation clothes and I can see my father wearing his Erudite clothes. He shouts from the other side of the street.

"You betrayed your family!"

"No! It's just a simulation!". My father takes out a gun. My heart starts bumping faster and faster. He points at me.

"Go ahead! Shoot me!" His hands shake and he throws the gun away. I breath and I smile. Then it changes. I see Jeanine with serum in her hands. He is putting the serum in someone's neck. I walk closer to see who is it. Danna is laying in the chair . I do nothing. I don't know how to react. Teh I get it. I walk to Jeanine, take the serum from her hands and inject Danna with it. It all changes again. I'm back in the room, laying in the chair and the Candor woman looking at me.

"How do you do that?"


"Control simulations". I raise an eyebrow. She nods.

"I have... News". I get rigid.

"You are Divergent". I feel dizzy. Words pass through my head several times. I'm Divergent. I nod and I start walking out of the room. The Candor woman grabs my arm

"You can't tell no one, okay?" I nod.

I walk out of the room almost running. I don't know what to do, or how to react. I reach school's door and I start running. I run to my house and get in quickly. I start to breath and try to slowdown my heart beats. I walk into the living room normally, like nothing happened. My mom is sitting with Danna in the couch.

"How was the Faction Test honey?" My mom asks. Danna looks at me.

"Fine, I got what I wanted to". I didn't want to be Divergent, but this is the only way to make them believe me. Danna raises and eyebrow. I look at her and I say.

"I'm going to my room, okay?" My mom smiles and Danna keeps staring at me. I run downstairs and close the door behind me. I start thinking what I'm doing tomorrow.

Today is Choosing Ceremony. I'm feeling like I'm passing out in the line to get into the choosing Ceremony. My mom is holding my arm so I can keep steady. We walk into the Erudite seats and my mom sits beside me. My dad didn't come because he is thinking I'm choosing Abnegation. I watch how the Choosing Ceremony starts and one by one everyone stands between the five bowls and drop their blood into one of them. I hear a lot of names. The i hear one I recognize.

"Brandon Miller". Brandon walks to the bowls and he cuts his hand. He walks to Abnegation bowl and drops his blood in the rocks of Abnegation. So he did choose Abnegation. I smile at him and he smiles back. I see how he walks with the Abnegation initiates and disappears into the crowd.

"Caleb Prior" . I stare how Caleb Prior walks to the bowls. He cuts his hand and drops the blood in Erudite water.

"Beatrice Prior". Caleb's sister is next and she drops her blood into Dauntless coal.

"Natalie Casefor". I stand up and walk to the bowls. I grab the knife and cut my hand, i press my hand and walks between Abnegation rocks and Erudite water. I get closer and i drop my blood into Erudite water. I just did it. I'm staying in Erudite, and I'm happy I did. I walk to the crowd of initiates and walk to Caleb.

"So you chose Erudite"

"Yep, so did you". I nod. We keep watching the Choosing Ceremony until it is finished. One of the Erudite instructors walk us to the Erudite cars. I feel so good by choosing Erudite. I feel like i did the right decision. I feel so proud of myself that I wince. I feel good, and i don't want this feeling to end.

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