Rebel ( Divergent Fanfic)

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Rebel. Chapter Ten.

When Caleb was finally asleep I decided to read the papers my mom gave me. I pick one and start to read them.

-Erudite compound-
Jeanine Matthews.
Abnegation news.

Dear Jeanine,
We have already studied some of the information of Abnegation Leaders. We have discovered that Marcus Eaton's son, Tobias, ran away from Abnegation to Dauntless to escape from his father. We have the idea that probably another of the Abnegation Leaders, Andrew Prior, also abused of his daughter and son, Beatrice and Caleb Prior. At the moment Beatrice is in Dauntless compound and Caleb is in Erudite compound. We also got the results of the aptitude test of Caleb and Beatrice. Also normal. At the moment, this are the news.
Thank you,

I watch the paper with open-mouth. I still can't believe that. I knew about Marcus Eaton and his son, but I don't think Caleb's father did anything to him. I grabbed the other paper and read it.

-Erudite Compound-
It is officially restricted to Abnegation people to enter to the Erudite compound because of government reason.
Jeanine Matthews.

I threw the paper across the room. I just can believe it. Just because of the stupid government Caleb won't see his family anymore. I won't see Brandon anymore. I felt so angry at that moment. I covered my face with my hands and start to cry. I just don't know why I cry. I just felt so mad that I just cried because of it. I hear how Caleb stands up. He runs to me quickly.
-What happened?- he says worried.
-I'm sorry. I' m so so sorry-. I felt like it was my fault. I felt that my father helped with this.
-Natalie, what's going on?-. He sat next to me and started to stroke my hair. I pass him the paper with the restriction. He read it and when he finished, he leaved the paper in the bed. I see his sad expression and say
-I'm sorry, it's my fault, I'm sorry-. He presses me to him.
-It's not your fault-. He strokes my hair. I don't respond. He turns my head to him.
-Hey, stop crying, it's not your fault- he wipes my tears away -Okay?-
-Maybe-. I respond. He smiles and keeps stroking my hair.
-Is it true?-
He looks at me surprised. -About my father? No. My father never did nothing to us-. I nod.
We stay like that until I fall asleep.

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