Rebel (Divergent Fanfic)

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Rebel. Chapter Four.

The crowd of initiates start to walk in direction of Erudite cars. I can see my mother smiling from the other corner of the room. I look at her and she moves her mouth telling me
"I'll tell your father and Danna". I smile. I keep walking beside Caleb Prior.
"So you are a Prior". He nods. He turns to see Dauntless initiates. He is looking for her sister. He keeps looking until he stops and some Erudite initiates punch him lightly making him get out of the Erudite's initiates line. I grab his arm and pull him into the crowd again.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm looking for my sister!". I pull him more into the crowd.
"You will get in trouble!". The crowd of Erudite initiates is far enough from us. Caleb is still looking for his sister and I start to get nervous.
"Caleb! We have to go". I start to pull him back to the crowd of Erudite initiates. He is looking at the Dauntless initiates. He is rigid, but instantly he calms down. His muscles are not tense anymore. He turns to me and keeps walking normally. He found his sister, I guess. I walk beside him.
"Why do you wanted to see her?"
"I'm not seeing her anymore, so I wanted to say goodbye". I look to the floor. I didn't say goodbye to Danna. Well, I did yesterday, but it is not enough. We keep walking in silence out of the building and we get into Erudite cars. I sit next to Caleb, because I have no more friends. Brandon is in Abnegation now. We sit there in silence. No one is talking. I start to get nervous. This type of silence freaks me out. I need to talk with someone. Then I hear a laughter and I turn to see who is the laughter from. Two Dauntless initiates are laughing. I know why they are laughing. I look to the people in the car. Caleb is the only one from Abnegation.
"Hey Stiff, I guess you chose Erudite because you got tired of the selfless, I mean, they can't ask question, am I right?". A boy with brown hair and dark eyes is staring at Caleb laughing.
"And I guess you chose Erudite because you were coward enough for Dauntless, am I right?" Caleb replies. The Dauntless initiates stop laughing and look at Caleb hatefully. I look to Caleb.
"Stop it". The Dauntless boy smiles.
"You should listen to your girlfriend, Stiff". I start to breath slowly so I can calm down. He keeps laughing and says "That's because you chose Erudite? For her?" They laugh and Caleb blushes. I start to get angry.
"I'm not his girlfriend"
"Shut up girl, I'm talking to the Stiff". I start to get more angry. I just can imagine me punching those two, but I'm not capable to. Caleb turns to him.
"Look, coward, she is not my girlfriend, and you shouldn't talk to her like that". I see how Caleb starts to get angry to.
"Caleb please, don't fight with them". The Dauntless boy turns to me.
"You should shut up and go to Amity, maybe you can find some like you". They laugh again and i turn to Caleb. He is looking at them hatefully, but turns to the window, and so do I. The Dauntless initiates are still laughing, but we don't turn. We have finally arrived to Erudite compound. We all walk down. They start to give us the tour through Erudite compound. I turn to Caleb. He is looking at all with excitement. I can see it in his eyes. We keep walking until we arrive to the hall where Jeanine will start giving us the speech. She walks to the forum and starts to talk.
"Welcome, my dear initiates, to Erudite, where you will start to learn more about all the factions, serums, and all our inventions to keep this society up. I wish you all good luck during initiation, and welcome to Erudite!" We clap to her.
"First of all, Erudite born-initiates and transfers will be in the same room".
"The hours for all will be pasted in your wall tomorrow, go to your rooms". We start walking to our rooms and everyone picks a bed. I pick one almost next to the wall and Caleb picks one next to me. We start to get ready for lunch when I see someone walking through the door. I walk closer to see who is it. My father. I rum to him.
"Dad!" He turns and he smiles. We hug each other.
"I'm glad you chose Erudite Natalie". I smile.
"But only one condition". I raise an eyebrow.
"You can't be with the Stiff, i heard you almost get in trouble because of him".
"But he is my friend!". He starts walking away and he shouts to me.
"I wanna be proud of you, Natalie!". I see how he walks down the hallway. Now I stand alone in the hallway. Caleb walks to me.
"You okay?". I nod.
"Yeah". I really don't know what to do. I think simulations start to get real.

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