Rebel (Divergent Fanfic)

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Rebel. Chapter Nine.

We kept talking for a few hours and go back to the rooms. Caleb read a bit and I fell asleep on his shoulder

Two weeks later.

It has been two weeks since we started initiation. Caleb and I have been couple for three weeks by now. I have been warned by my dad and Jack, but nothing happened. I woke up lying in Caleb's bed. Caleb wasn't there so I decided to stand up and take a bath. The initiation hasn't been that interesting. Serum designs only. Our final project is to present and elaborate our own serum. I go out to find Caleb. I walk through the empty hall till I arrive to the fountain. Caleb was reading in the floor.

-What are you doing here?- he turns to me smiling.

-Reading-. He points beside him. I sit beside him and hive him a kiss in the cheek.

-Happy Visiting day-. He smiles.

-I don't really think my family is coming-. He closes the book.

-Why?- I ask.

-Well, my father doesn't likes Erudite that much-.

-But, what about your mother?-. He sighed.

-She's probably visiting Beatrice-. I almost forgot that her sister, Beatrice, transferred to Dauntless.

-But, isn't your father visiting Beatrice? I mean, your mother should come instead of your father-. His look gets lost in the distance.

-Maybe-. We finished the conversation with his "Maybe". We stayed in silence for a few minutes and he speaks again.

-You don't have to be sad for me, enjoy your day-. I smile and take his hand. He smiles.

-I have to, because I love you-. He kisses my head.

-But you will stay with your family only today, won't you? I mean, it's your day-. I smile and turn to him.

-Maybe-. He smiles. He kisses me gently in the lips and we get back to the silence.

-"Maybe" is a strange word, you know?- he says, still holding my hand.


-It's like, dangerous-. I look at him surprised.


-Yeah, dangerous-. I lie again in his shoulder. We stay like that for a few minutes until we hear the voice of Jeanine Matthews .

-Initiates, get ready for Visiting Day-. We stand up and walk outside holding hands.

We walked through the hall and we found a crowd full of different colors. Black, white, yellow, red, and blue. I start looking for my family somewhere. At the distance I see my mother holding Danna's hand. I smile. Caleb notices that I'm smiling and says

-Go ahead-. I smile and without letting Caleb go I start walking toward my family. Caleb is following me from behind, still holding my hand. Danna sees me and runs toward me and hugs me.

-Hey there-. Danna smiles

-I miss you so much, Natalie. You have missed a lot of things!-

-Really?-. She is so exited she starts to jump.

-Yeah! One day, mom made breakfast, but then the neighbor called her and breakfast started to burn!- I laugh. My mom smiles and walks to me and hugs me.

-We have missed you so much-. I see a tall boy, with brown eyes and blond hair behind my mom.

-Hey Nat, how's all going?-. I wince. I hug Max.

-Oh my god Max, I haven't seen you since I was 15!- he smiles.

-I know, and I'm so proud of you-. I smile. I see how Caleb is behind, half-smiling with his hands in his pockets.

-Humm, mom, Max,Danna, he is Caleb, my boyfriend-. Caleb wakes up from his thoughts.

-Hi, I'm Caleb Prior-. My mom smiles and Danna walks to me and says

-He seems nice- . Caleb and I laugh.

-He is nice-. He passes an arm through my shoulders. My mom is smiling and so does Max.

-So I should look for my family to, very nice to meet you-. My mom smiles to him

-Nice to meet you to Caleb-. He gives me a kiss in the head.

-See you later-

-Yeah-. He starts to walk away to search for his family. My mom smiles to me.

-Nice choice- my mom says. I laugh a bit.

-So, you are flirting with one of Abnegation Leader's son, huh?- says Max, smirking. I give him a gently punch in the arm and laugh.

-He's cute- I reply. We passes and hour talking and when they needed to go, my mom passes me two papers.

-That's the reason he won't see his family anymore-. I look at her surprised.

-Just read it- she says, reading my mind. I nod and we say good-bye. I go back to the room and find Caleb reading.

-They didn't come, right?-. He nods with sadness. I sit beside him and kiss him.

-I'm here-. I say, trying to comfort him.

-You are the only person I want to be with-. I smile. Me to I wanted to say, but I leave it like that.

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