Rebel (Divergent Fanfic)

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Rebel. Chapter Twenty-Two


Since now, I'll do Caleb's point of view, so the chapters are not that boring.


I look at Jeanine hatefully.

-What did you do to her?!- I say, angry.

-Oh, don't worry honey, she will be fine, IF you help me- I raise an eyebrow.

-What do you mean by help you?- I ask.

-You will help me study the Divergent people. If you accept, she won't get hurt, but if you don't, she'll die the same way your parents did- she says, smiling.

-If I accept, you'll have to accept some of my conditions to- I demand. She smiles.

-You are a very good dealer, I hear you-

-If I accept, you'll have to let Natalie out of the cell. She won't be hurt by any of your guards. She would be free to visit me whenever she wants to, and she could even stay with me, every day- I say, firmly.

-Deal- Jeanine says. We shake hands.

-Bring the girl back- Jeanine demands. The guards go out and go to look for Natalie. After a few more minutes, she comes back. We hug.

-I'm sorry Natalie-

-About what?- she asks.

-I... Accepted to work with Jeanine so she could let you out-

-It's okay- she says -You know I'll stay with you, right?-

-That was one of the conditions- I smile and we kiss.

-Caleb, your work starts right now, follow me- Jeanine says. Natalie and I follow Jeanine through the hallways.

-We have being doing some experiments with a special Divergent girl you probably already know. She is very... like a rebel, and we are killing her today because she doesn't cooperates-

-You never told me I'm killing people- I say.

-Well, you never mentioned about that, and you didn't give any conditions about not killing- she says. Natalie gives me a confused look. We follow her and we arrive to a room.

-You should probably wait for me here, you can watch through the window, when it is your time to come in, I'll call you- Jeanine says, opening a door for Natalie and me. We get in. The window is large and it almost takes all of the wall. On the other side of the window there is a silver table. There is a girl in it. She has blonde hair, in a ponytail, and she has black clothes, I can't see her face but...

-Beatrice?- I say. A woman in there replies:

-Yes, Beatrice Prior-. I go out of the room and open the door where Jeanine went through.


-You never told me any conditions about her-

-IT'S MY SISTER! SHE IS THE ONLY FAMILY I HAVE LEFT!- I shout, angry. -You know what? I quit. I'm not going to kill my sister- I demand. Jeanine nods her head one time to the window.

-Then, Natalie is paying that- I hear Natalie scream in the other side of the door.

-Natalie!- I say, and run out but Peter stops me. Wait, Peter?

-Choose, Natalie or Beatrice- Jeanine says. Hard decision. I have to choose between my family or my girlfriend. I wish I could choose both. I sigh.

-Natalie...- Jeanine smiles.

-That's what I thought- A guard opens the door and lets Natalie in. She is crying. I run to her and hug her with all my strength.

-What's wrong?- I whisper to her,as I care her hair.

-They... They killed her, in front of me- she says, sobbing.


-Danna- I open my eyes widely.

-This is all my fault- I say. She doesn't answers. She knows it has being my fault.-I'll make everything to keep you safe-

-All my family is already dead- she cries. I hug her.

-Mine will be to- I say, with sadness. A tear rolls down my cheek.

-It's time- Jeanine says. I kiss Natalie's head and go to the room. I see Beatrice.

-And guess who is working with me- Jeanine says

-Caleb?- she says, confused. Jeanine hands me a serum.

-I'm sorry Beatrice- I whisper and a tear rolls down my cheek and I inject her the serum. Her heart stops beating and I feel devastated. I have being killed to.


Hey there! I'm so so sorry for not updating this. I feel so guilty right now. Thanks so much for 1.6 K! OMG I'm so thankful with you right now guys! Thank you so much for your support! Help me to get to "the popular" divergent fanfictions. I'll appreciate it to much! Don't forget to read my new story, Always. I updated the first chapter already. Hope you like it and please leave your votes and comments!

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