Rebel (Divergent Fanfic)

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Rebel. Chapter Thirteen.

I woke up breathing fast. Caleb quickly wakes up and walks to me.
-Everything all right?-. I nod.
-Yeah-. He hugs me.
-It's today-. He reminds me.
-I know-. He strokes my hair and we get ready for initiation. We walk through the hall and stop,in the forum. Jeanine was standing in the forum. We stood in front of her and she started to talk.
-Good Morning initiates. Today we are not going to the computer room, today I'm talking to you about something special you will need for your designs-. I look at Caleb. He is surprised to.
-As you already know our society is divided into five factions. When you turn sixteen it is necessary to do an aptitude test. This aptitude test shows you in which faction you will fit better in. Most of the society gets only one faction, but there are some people that get two or more factions. They are called Divergent-. I open my eyes widely. With all this problems with Caleb I almost forgot I'm Divergent. I relax so no one notices.
-Divergent people can't be controlled with any serum. That's why I'm telling this. You will have to design a serum that can control Divergent people-. We all stay in silence.
-Thank you for your attention. We are not having initiation today-. I look at Caleb. He is raising and eyebrow.
-Weird-. He says. I nod.
-This has something to be with today-. I nod.
-Caleb I nee to tell you something-. I grab his hand and drag him through the crowd. We walk down the hall and get to the fountain. I look around making sure no one is following us. I close the door and look at him serious.
-I'm Divergent-
-What?-. He looks at me surprised.
-Caleb, I trust you, I know you won't tell anyone, I'm Divergent-
-You are Divergent?-. I nod.
-Wow, I don't know what to say-.
-You don't have to-. I reply.
-Maybe-. He says.
-Maybe- I reply.

+ + +

I woke up because someone was shaking my shoulder.
-Natalie! Wake up! Now!- Caleb was shaking me.
-What's happening?- I ask, a little sleepy.
-We have to go-. His look is worried.
-Just come on!- He carries me out of bed and leaves me in the hallway.
-Run!- he says, almost shouting. I follow him from behind. We run trough the Erudite compound and through the streets.
-Where are we going?-. I ask. He stops.
-We are going to Abnegation-. He keeps running and I follow him. I keep running. Caleb opens the door of a car and I get into the passenger seat.
-Do you know how to drive?- I ask.
-No, but I'll try-. He starts to drive, fast to Abnegation. We arrive. He parks near a house. He gets out and I follow him. We run through the Abnegation streets and we arrive to a house. It is big and gray. He opens the door.
-Come on- he says. The house isn't that big from inside. One couch, a table with four chairs, a simple kitchen, and the stairs. I see a man and a woman in the couch. They stand up quickly.
-Caleb? What are you doing here?- the woman asks.
-Erudite is going to attack Abnegation, in an hour-. He breaths fast.
-How do you know?- the man asks.
-Dad, I live there-. His dad looks at him surprised. Her mom is looking at him surprised to.
-So you ran from Erudite just to save us?- her mom asks. He nods.
-Oh Caleb-. They hug. I just stand there watching.
-Who is she?- her dad asks. He walks to me and hugs me.
-She is Natalie, she is my girlfriend- I half-smile.
-Nice to meet you, Mr. Prior- I say shaking hands with him. I shake hands with his mom to. His mom smiles.
-I'm Natalie to-. I smile to
-Beautiful name, I guess- I say. Her mom smiles. Caleb is not happy.
-One more thing- Both of his parents look at him.
-Dauntless is helping-. His mom looks at him surprised.
-I need to get Beatrice-. She says.
-Mom you shouldn't...-
-I will, when the attack starts-. We sit in the couch, waiting for the attack.

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