Rebel (Divergent Fanfic)

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Rebel. Chapter Eight.

I woke up in Caleb's arms. He was hugging me. I smiled. I moved a little bit so I didn't wake him up and walk to the bathrooms. I got dressed and go back to the room. I see Caleb reading the book I borrowed him.

-Are you liking it?-. He closes the book and smiles to me.

-Yeah, a lot-. I smile. He leaves the book in the table and walks to me. He hugs me and gives me a kiss in my head.

-Good Morning-. I smile

-Good Morning-. From the other side of the room Jack is looking at us , laughing.

-You haven't understood it yet, right?-. He walks to us. He looks at Caleb hatefully and turns to me. He whispers to me.

-You'll be the next-. He walks away. I stand there looking to nothing. I can't move. Caleb passes one arm through my shoulders.

-I'm not letting him to hurt you-

-I know, but... I can't...-. I don't finish the sentence. I'm about to cry, but I don't want to.

-Hey, it's okay, I'm here-. I nod. He hugs me again. Jeanine arrives.

-Good morning initiates, we are about to start our third day of initiation. I'm glad that you are okay now, Caleb-. Caleb nods and smiles a little. -We have some things to do before we start to work in all the chemical stuff, so come over here-. We followed Jeanine through the hall quietly. I hear the footsteps of the initiates walking to the computer room.

-Today you are going to make a design of a new serum, it can be of whatever you want it to be, you will have to take in count all the things we have already studied-. Everyone starts to make their designs. I turn to see Caleb. He is starting to design his serum. His glasses shine with the light above us. I turn to see my computer and start designing. I decided to do a Pass-Out Serum ( that's how I call it ) that makes people get unconscious for a few hours. We finish the session and we get back to normal lives. Caleb and I walk through the main hall of the Erudite talking.

-So, you couldn't talk? At dinner time?-


-How horrible that should have been-

-It was, I had to hide my books from my sister, and my parents-


-Yeah!-. I laugh a bit. I have a great time with him.-So what about you? You haven't told me all about your family-. I smile

-Well, my mom is from Abnegation. She has always been so selfless. My dad has always been from Erudite. He doesn't takes very serious the term Faction Before Blood, but whatever. I have two siblings. Max and Danna-

-Wow, your family is kinda big, isn't it?-

-Well, no-. We keep walking when we reach the end of the hallway. There was a door. It was heading outside. I could see the buildings around the city. I open it carefully.

-Do you wanna see something?-. Caleb gives me a fun look.

-Sure!-. I start running and he runs behind me.

-Wait!-. I laugh. I keep running faster and he reaches me. He picks me up and starts running forward.

-You don't even know where are we going!-. He laughs and I laugh to.

-I don't care! We are getting lost together!-. I laugh again. He stops and he puts me down. We stand in a park.

-I love you-. He says and he kisses me gently.

-I love you to-. We smile to each other and kiss again. No one can ever ruin this moment.

-You have no idea how lucky I am to have you-. I smile. I really love him. And no one never can take me away from him.

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