Rebel (Divergent Fanfic)

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I just wanted to thank you. Already 104 views!

I'm so happy that my story has been read by a lot of people!

I'm serious, thank you!

ILYSM guys , thank you!

Thank you for your support!

I will keep doing the story, thank you.

Rebel. Chapter Eleven.

I woke up in my bed. I walked to the bathroom, and take a bath. I watched my reflection in the mirror and start brushing my hair. When I got out, I see Caleb closing the book.

-Have you finished it?-

-Yeah, it's really great!-. I smile.

-I know!-. He smiles and hands me the book. I give the book back.

-Keep it-


-Yeah-. He smiles, and leaves the book in the table next to his bed. I sit beside him. He hugs me and groans. I turn to see him.

-Are you okay?-. He smiles and says

-Yeah-. I see him worried.

-What happened?-. He hugs me.

-Don't worry, not important-. I look at him.

-Caleb-. I sighs

-Yesterday, when you were with your family, Jack threaded you and me again-.

-What did he did to you?-

-He just pushed me out of the way and I hit with the wall-. I turn to him

-Why did you didn't tell me?-

-Because I don't want you to get worried about this, I'm okay-. I look at him serious.

-You just groaned, I think that is not being okay-. He looks at me worried.

-I'm okay, just don't worry-

-Caleb, I love you and I'm worried about this-. He turns to me to.

-I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't told you. You should probably know that if I don't tell you that, it is because I know you will worry, and all this stuff, but sorry-. I look at him impressed.

-I'm sorry, I didn't meant to. I...- He interrupts me.

-Maybe I have to stay away from you, maybe if I stay away, you won't get hurt-.

-But I don't want you to stay away from me-. Tears filled my eyes up.

-I love you Natalie, and that's why I'll keep my distance, so you won't get hurt, I'm sorry-. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

-Caleb, please don't, I...-

-I'm sorry-. He starts to walk away. Tears rolled down my cheeks softly.

-I'm sorry to- I said knowing that he won't notice. I sit in the bed and wipe tears out. It's for my own good. I think. Words pass through my mind again and again. I walk out of the room. I run through the hall and open a door. I feel the breeze of the fountain. I get closer and sit down. I start to cry. My sobs mix with the sound of water dropping. My hair gets a little wet. I stay in the fountain for 10 minutes. Then I realize something. I have no more friends. I walk out of the fountain, wiping tears out and get to the computer room. Everyone is already working in the serums. Jeanine walks to me and says

-Where have you been?-

-I'm sorry, I just..-

-Just sit down-. I walk through the computer room looking for a space. I see Caleb already working on his serum. An empty space is beside him. I walk to it and sit down. He doesn't notices. I start to work on my serum. I turn to see to the other side. A girl with black hair and hazel eyes is next to me. I keep working. My mind is focused on Caleb. Only Caleb. I can't work. Maybe he doesn't wants to stay away from you. I think again. Maybe. I repeat. "Maybe" is our word. I feel like it is. When today's session is over I get to the library, buy a book and walk to the fountain. I open the door and see Caleb reading there.

-I should go then...- I say. Caleb stands up and pulls me in again.

-It was fake , you know?-


-All this "I may stay away from you" stuff-. I look at him raising and eyebrow.

-I was making sure that Jack thought we were breaking up or something-.


-Yeah-. He smiles. I can't move. I just don't know how to react. Caleb gets closer and kisses me. I smile.

-I'm sorry I made you cry-. He says, scratching the back of his neck.

-Are you serious? That was the best act ever!-. We kiss again. We stayed kissing for seconds. We pulled away.

-Maybe-. He says smiling.

-Maybe- I reply. We kiss again. I smile and laugh. He does the same. We pull away and sit in the floor and start to read.

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