Rebel (Divergent Fanfic)

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Rebel. Chapter Twelve.

Five days later...
After another 5 days, Jack finally noticed that we were a couple again. Caleb and I were walking through the library.
-I need to find some books-. He says. -Can I reach you later?-.
-Yeah, sure. In the fountain?-. He nods, he stays in the library and I walk away. When I was reaching the exit, I saw a girl with black clothes, blonde hair in a ponytail and serious expression. Beatrice. I pass by her side. She was really concentrated of what she was exactly doing. I guess she is looking for Caleb, I think in my inside. I start to follow her keeping my distance, when she arrives with Caleb and starts to talk to him. They start to walk out of the library talking to each other. I follow again. They reach the park where Caleb and I sometimes walk in. The start to talk. Caleb puts a serious expression. They don't seem like they are having a great time, I think again. Beatrice says good - bye to his brother and walks away. I run into Erudite compound and run to the fountain. I sit and Caleb arrives. His expression is almost empty.
-What happened?- I ask. -Why are you so serious?-.
-Beatrice-. He says. His look is lost in the distance.
-What happened to her?-
-She came, to Erudite compound, and she asked me to look for the simulation serums-. I raise and eyebrow.
-But, why?-. He looks at me.
-Natalie, the things are changing, something big is going to happen, that's what I told Beatrice, something is happening, and we don't have any idea of what it is-. I look at him surprised. Someone big is happening. I thought so when I read the Order of Restriction. Something is happening, here in Erudite compound, but we don't see it.
-What we can do to stop it?- I ask. He looks at me.
-There's no going back, it has already started-.


The last days of initiation, Jeanine hasn't appeared. Some people say she is planning something to Erudite to increase. We don't know. One night, I woke up in the middle of a sound. I stand up and walk to the door to see what is happening. I open the door carefully and go out. I walk through the hallway, my naked feet touching the concrete. I follow a light at the distance and hear some.
-When is the attack?- a male voice asks.
-Tomorrow, it has to be tomorrow, some people have already noticed- a female voice replies. I recognize the voice. Jeanine.
-But, isn't tomorrow to late?- the male voice asks again.
-No, it is perfect-. Jeanine and the man starts to walk away and I'm planning to follow the, when a hand covers my mouth and grabs my arms. I try to shout but I can't. I try to hit the person with my elbow and I get it.
-Ouch, it's me, Caleb!- he whispers. He lets me free.
-I'm sorry, I freaked out-
-Don't worry, did you just heard what they said?- he asks.
-Yes, and it doesn't looks nice-.
-Tomorrow- he repeats.
-Yes, tomorrow-. He hugs me.
-I won't let nothing happen to you, okay?-
-Yes-. I reply. We get back to the rooms and start to sleep again.

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