Rebel (Divergent Fanfic)

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Rebel. Chapter Two.

I woke up breathing fast. I dreamt with the Choosing Ceremony, I guess. I stand up and walk to the mirror. I see my reflection. My messy blonde hair is covering my face and my green eyes look tired. I walk to the bathroom and take a bath. I start choosing my clothes for today. Blue shirt with blue jeans. When our government divided us into factions, our factions decided to make all clothes have the same color in a faction. The only ones that doesn't have any special color to distinguish, are the factionless. I put my clothes on and make a messy bun and go downstairs. I smell bread and bacon. My mom is the only one in the kitchen. She is cooking breakfast. I sit in the table and start to eat. My mom grabs a plate and sits beside me.

"Are you ready for today?"

"Kind of". She nods.

"You don't have to". I smile. She is the only one that can cheer me up. Not even my best friend. I stand up and give her a kiss in her cheek and start my way to school.

I walk again through Erudite streets. This time they are full of people I don't know, but I keep walking, not paying much attention of what I'm exactly doing. I feel how someone punches me in the shoulder and I turn to see who is it.

"Hey!". Brandon, my best friend is walking beside me. He has messy black hair and intense blue eyes. He always carries his favorite book with him.



"You scared me". I laugh a bit.

"Sorry". He winces and keeps walking with me.

"Prepared?". I shake my head

"No, actually, I'm very nervous". He passes his arms through my shoulders and presses me to him.

"Come one, it is just a test, tomorrow...". He takes a deep breath and continues.

"Tomorrow you will be nervous". I nod. I don't even know what faction I'm going to choose. So yeah, I'm to nervous.

We walk to school and I see how Dauntless children jump through the train. I stare at them for a few seconds and keep walking.

"So what faction are you planning to choose?" I ask to Brandon curious.

"I don't know. Maybe I'll choose Erudite, maybe I'll choose Abnegation". I raise and eyebrow.

"So you are planning to choose Abnegation, huh?". He nods

"Probably". I laugh a bit and keep walking.

"Why are you laughing?". I turn to him and I try to seem serious.

"You are not selfless". We both laugh for a few seconds and we continue walking until we arrive to the cafeteria to wait our turns for the Faction Test. I see around and I see a lot of people form other factions. I turn to the table next to us and I see four children from Abnegation.

"Hey Brandon, they are some children from Abnegation, maybe they can tell you if you are made for Abnegation". He gives me a gently punch in the arm. We laugh and I turn to see the Abnegation children.

"Caleb Prior". The voice calls and one of the Abnegation children stands up. I look at Brandon.

"Prior? Isn't that the last name of one of the leaders of Abnegation?". Brandon nods and we stare at Caleb Prior go inside the rooms. We talked for more and then we hear another name.

"Beatrice Prior". Brandon looks at me.

"Another Prior". I nod. A girl from the table next to us stands up and walks to the rooms. Brandon and I talked for more about how he could make it through Abnegation initiation.

"Brandon Miller". I smile at him

"It's your turn". He stands up and walks to the rooms. Now I'm alone in the table staring at people passing by. I see Caleb Prior walking in my direction. I don't know him but he sits beside me.

"I guess you are from Erudite".

"I guess you are a stiff". He half-smiles .

"I wanna ask you something"

"I thought Stiffs are not allowed to ask questions".

"Whatever, humm, this is kind difficult but, how is it all in Erudite? I mean, is it cool?" I look at him surprised. A Stiff is asking if Erudite is cool.

"Yeah, kind of". He smiles.

"Thank you, humm, well, bye"

"Bye". He smiles to me and before he goes he turns to me and says.

"What's your name?"

"Natalie Casefor". He smiles.

"I'm Caleb Prior". I smile and he goes away. I stare at the people leaving and passing to the rooms.

"Natalie Casefor". I stand up and I walk to the rooms. I open the door of the room 3 and get in. I see a Candor girl preparing the serum. She points to a chair next to her and I lay down in it. I start to shake a little. I try to stop it, or just don't seem scared.

"I'm putting the serum now, okay?" I nod. She injects me the serum in my neck and I dive into the simulation.

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