Rebel (Divergent Fanfic)

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Rebel. Chapter Seven.

Caleb moves his head slowly. I turn to him.

"Oh my god! You are alive!" I stand up and hug him. He groans. "Oh, I'm sorry". I stand up with tears in my eyes. Caleb tries to sit and I help him.

"Why do you cry?" He asks me.

"Because I was worried". I smile crying.

"Come over here, sit". He points next to him in his bed and I sit next to him. He wipes my tears out.

"You don't have to cry, I'm fine now". I smile. He pats his shoulder telling me to lay in his shoulder, and I do lay is his shoulder.

"What happened?". He stops smiling.

"I don't want to talk about it". I don't reply. I understand why he doesn't wants to talk about it. We stay there for minutes until Jack comes in.

"Look at this! You are alive! How joy!" He laughs. Caleb turns to other side. I stand up.

"Can you please leave us alone?". Jack smiles.

"Look, girl, I'm just trying to be positive". I sit next to Caleb again and lay my head in his shoulder. Jack walks to us and carries me up.

"Hey! Let me go!" He walks out of the infirmary and carries me to the rooms laughing.

"Let me go!" I shout again. He laughs more and he runs down the hallway and turns to his right. He opens a door and lets me down.

"Finally". He smiles and closes the door behind him. I walk to the door and try to open it. It's locked.

"Jack! Let me out of here!" I start to knock the door.

"Let me out of here!" I shout again. After 20 minutes of waiting I hear the door opening and I see Jack again. I walk to him and he grabs my arms so I can't go.

"What do you want?!"

"Someone wants to see you". This time he is serious. He walks me down the hall to a lab. My father is sitting in a chair of the lab.

"Dad?" I try to let myself free, but I can't.

"I warned you"

"You warned me what?"

" I told you, you can't be with that Stiff, so he payed". I try harder to let myself free and I finally get it.

"Why do you have to do that?! Is that more important than my happiness? Why do all this faction stuff makes you make all this things!?" I'm almost shouting. I'm very angry with him. I start to walk to him, but Jack stops me.

"If you keep that relationship with the Stiff, he will still be paying for it".

"What?! NO! What is your problem?! I'm living my life! This is not your life! So leave me alone to live it MY WAY!". I walk out of the room crying. Caleb is hurt because of my fault. I just caused this. I run to the infirmary and when I arrive I wipe tears out. Caleb sees me.

"Everything all right? I thought something happened to you". I nod and fake-smile. I sit beside him and lay my head in his shoulder. He turns to me.

"You were crying". I nod and I start to cry again in his shoulder.

"What happened?"

"It's my fault" I sob.

"What's your fault?"

"That you are here, hurt". I keep crying. Caleb starts to stroke my hair.

"No, it is not your fault"

"It is, my dad told me to stay away from you and I didn't did it, so he made you pay for it". I keep crying in his shoulder.

"But I don't want you to stay away from me, no matter if I get hurt all the time, I want to be with you". I keep crying.

"No, I don't want you to get hurt"

"And I don't want you to stay away from me". He keeps stroking my hair and I stop crying. I wanna tell him I don't wanna stay away from you to but I wanna stay like this, he stroking my hair, I laying in his shoulder. He brakes the silence.

"Can I tell you something?". I nod.

"It's to soon, but it is already been two days of initiation" I wanna hear what he is going to say.

"But, true love is about that, isn't it? When you feel you find the right person, you just fall in love at the first sight, no matter if you have only spent with her only two days. But Natalie, I love you, and I wanna stay with you always". I smile.

"I love you to, Caleb, I really do". He smiles and he turns to me.

"First thing about love: you have to trust the other person and make the things you are most afraid of". And then it happens. He kisses me. I feel my heartbeats go faster when our lips touch. I kiss back. We stay kissing for a few seconds and we pull away. We smile to each other.

"I guess we are a couple now". He says wincing.

"Yeah, we are". We kiss again. Our kiss is interrupted by the doctor, who checks Caleb out and says he can go. We walk out of the infirmary, both smiling and grabbing each other hands. We walk to the room. Everyone is quiet when we get in, but still we laugh and smile to each other. We sit side by side. We were so inside all this drama that we almost forget all about factions, and initiation and everything that divided us before. We lay down in his bed and my head lays in his shoulder. He is passing one of his arms under my back, pressing me to him. We smile. I stay like that until I fall asleep and day two from initiation is over.

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