Rebel (Divergent Fanfic)

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Rebel. Chapter Seventeen.

Jack shakes his head again.

-Natalie, it isn't the most intelligent idea I heard from you, stay-. I shake my head.

-I need to go!-. I demand. He points to them and told me to listen.

-Did I shoot him on the leg?- Beatrice says -No. He walks. Where do we go, Peter?-

-The glass building, Eight floor-. One man stands next to Beatrice.

-What makes you think you have the right to shoot someone?-

-Now isn't the time for debates about ethics-. I realize that the man is her father. I distract thinking about Caleb when I hear his voice again.

-Please stop fighting. We have more important things to do right now-. Jack moves his head to the right, making me notice to move to the right. I see them going down the hallway, not in our direction. I follow Jack from behind, but he stops me.

-They are heading to the Pit- he whispers. I see how they discuss some things when I hear shoots. Jack grabs my hand and pulls me in the direction to his apartment. I turn back, to see Caleb. He is with her sister. A tear rolls down my cheek while running. We arrive to his apartment and closes the door behind him.

-Why didn't you let me go with him?!-

-I was trying to protect you- he says, calmly.

-Protect me?! Protect me?! I wanted to go with him, because I love him, and I promised that when I find him, I'll stay with him, but you didn't let me!- tears rolling down my cheeks.

-We believe in acknowledging fear and the extent to which it rules us- he says.


-We believe in acknowledging fear and the extent to which it rules us- he repeats.

-What is that?-

-A part of the Dauntless manifesto-. I raise and eyebrow.

-And why do I want to know that?-

-Because that is what is happening to you, you are afraid to lose Caleb again, and you want to keep the fear inside of you-. I look at him surprised.

-I don't...-

-Just don't deny it-

-I do not!-

-You do-


-Don't act like you don't! Just accept it-. I don't reply.

-We believe in freedom from fear, in denying fear the power to influence our decisions-. He says. I don't reply again.

-Do you know why I'm telling you this?- he says, firmly. I shake my head.

-Because I love you, and I don't want you to just fear you won't find him again, and I know that it is not right to love you, but I can't stop it, I know you are with Caleb, but that isn't going to change my feelings for you-. I look at him surprised. I open my mouth to say something but he stops me.

-I understand if you wanna go with him right now-. He sits in the couch.

-And then kill myself? No. I'll wait-. He turns to me.

-I'm sorry-

-You shouldn't-

-But I am-. I just look at him. His blue eyes aren't scary anymore, they are full of sadness and disappointment.

-I'm sorry to-. He smiles and I smile back. We stand up and go out. We walk to the train and jump inside. We wait until we arrive to Erudite compound. We jump again, and get inside. We run to the main building and get inside. We run through the forum and get in the initiates room. No one is there.

-We shouldn't come- I whisper to Jack. He nods.

-Let's get out of here-. I nod and we turn.

-I know a place where we can hide- I say. We run out of the main building and run through Erudite streets. I run to my house and open the door.

-Welcome to my childhood- I say to Jack. I get in and turn on the lights.

-We have plenty of food in the fridge, four rooms and computers. We can stay here for a long time- I say. Jack nods and we sit in the table to eat.

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