Rebel (Divergent Fanfic)

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Rebel. Chapter One.

I walk slowly through the Erudite streets. I watch how cars pass by my side, fast. I can hear my foot touching the concrete with every step. The sky is cloudy, and tiny drops fall and touch the ground with a little 'Pop'. My hair is wet and so are my clothes. It's late, almost night. I'm walking back home. I kept walking until I arrived. I open the door slowly and quietly. I close it and I cross my arms to keep me warm. I go upstairs to my room and get a bath. When I'm finally done, I go downstairs to get dinner. My family is sitting in the table eating quietly. My mom smiles to me.

"Sit over here, Natalie". She points to a chair next to her. She is like me, same long,blonde hair and green eyes. The only difference is our way to see the things. My family in general, is small. My parents, two siblings and me. My big brother, Max, has already chose his faction. Obviously, he chose Erudite. He visits us sometimes, because he works, he is eighteen. My little sister, Danna is ten years old and she does nothing. My dad works on serums with Jeanine Mathews, Erudite leader.

"So, you already know what faction are you going to choose?" My dad asks with curiosity as he eats some vegetables. Long time ago, after the war, our government divided our society into five factions, Abnegation ( the selfless ), Amity ( the kind ), Candor ( the honest ), Dauntless ( the brave ) and Erudite ( the smart ). Whe you turn sixteen they should make you a Faction Test where they see your abilities, and they give you the results of what faction you will fit better in. In the Choosing Ceremony you will have to choose the faction you will stay in the rest of your life.

"No, I'm still thinking" He nods and the room is in silence again.

"You should not choose Abnegation" My dad always hated Abnegation. I don't know why, he never told me, or anyone in the family.

"You should let her choose, Harry" My mother replies. "It's her choosing ceremony, not yours". My dad leaves the fork violently in the plate.

"My dad told me not to choose Abnegation, and I didn't choose it". My mom turns to him and talks gently.

"It is not as bad as it seems". My mom comes from Abnegation. She has a little of selfless inside her. She always had. Danna looks at her plate sadly. I know what she feels. My mom and my dad never fought before.

"Mom, dad, please, we're having dinner". My mom looks at her plate.

"I'm sorry honey, but I can't let your dad choose for you". I nod and I understand why she tells me that.

"Anyways, how was school today?"

"Fine, I did a lot of work today, and it was exhausting". We all keep eating in silence. My mom picks the plates up when we finish. I go to my room and lay in the bed. I start thinking what should I choose. Should I choose Abnegation to tell my father I don't care? Or I should choose Erudite to show my family that I will always be with them? Or one of the other factions? I don't know, and I don't wanna know still. I keep thinking until Someone knocks the door. I stand up quickly

"Come in". Danna opens the door and I walk to her.

"What's the problem?". She walks to me and sits in the bed beside me.

"What are you going to do?". I raise an eyebrow.

"About what?"

"About all this stuff of the choosing ceremony". I pass an arm around her shoulders and press her to me.

"I don't know Danna, I don't know"

"Are you going to choose Abnegation?"

"I don't know, I need to check my results tomorrow". She nods.

"Okay, good luck". I smile. We stand there in my room hugging each other for a while until she stands up and heads to her room. I lay in the bed and kep thinkin until I fall asleep.

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