Rebel (Divergent Fanfic)

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Rebel. Chapter Six.

NOTE FOR READERS: I used a TFIOS ( The Fault In Our Stars ) sentence. Please don't judge. I just liked it a lot when i read the book. If you have already read the book, you should probably notice.

Caleb is still hugging me.

"We have to go". We stand up and we walk to the initiates crowd to start initiation. Jeanine walks to the forum and starts talking

"The initiation starts today. Our system is more complicated but it is only one stage. You will be tested to see if you have the skills for Erudite. If you don't make it through initiation you will stay factionless". She seems serious. We all stay in silence as Jeanine keeps talking.

"The first part of your initiation is a little exam to test your knowledge". We start walking to the computer room and we all sit in the computer. The test is already prepared and I start it. I make through it very well, I think. I turn to see Caleb. He is concentrated in his exam. His messy, brown hair is covering part of his forehead. He has a blue shirt and blue jeans and his glasses. I keep staring and he turns to me. He smiles.

"Have you finished?". He nods.

"Yep". We smile to each other.

"So, how do you see Erudite?". He smiles.

"Really cool, I think". I smile to. I think he fits perfectly here. Jack is sitting in front of us, and when he finishes his exam he turns to me.

"How is everything going, Natalie?" I roll my eyes and turn to Caleb. He is looking at me.

"Why are you staring at me?". He smiles

"Because you're beautiful". I smile and I blush. I feel good. When I'm with him I feel like I'm safe. He smiles back and we look to each other. I turn to see the other initiates and most of them are finished. They are talking to their friends.

"Time is over, you can do whatever you want now". Jeanine announces. I stand up and walk to the door. Caleb follows me.

"Where are we going?"

"I don't know". He walks beside me and we go to the center of Erudite compound. It is like a mall.

"I think we should get more clothes". We go and buys some clothes. When we finish we get back to the room. We were laughing.

"I never seen a lot of books before". I laugh.

"It's because you never went to a library". We laugh. Again, Jack is in the door. We pass by his side again, but this time he does nothing. Caleb sits beside me and I take out the book I brought from the library. I leave it in the table. I put all the clothes I bought in my closet and sit beside Caleb again. We talk for hours until it is late.

"So, you are telling me that you hid your books when you were in Abnegation?"

"Yes, and most of them I read them in hours". I nod. "What about your family?"

"Well, I have two siblings, Max and Danna, Danna is ten and Max is eighteen". I smile.

"Cool, I have only one sister, her name is Beatrice and she is sixteen".

"And she chose Dauntless". He nods.

"I think she did the right choice, I don't know but I feel like she is going to make something important there".


"Yeah". My eyes start to get tired. I start to get unconscious. I'm to tired, so I fall asleep in Caleb's shoulder.


I wake up in my bed. I turn and I see Caleb asleep, in his bed. I stand up and get ready for initiation. When I get back from the bathroom, no one is in the room. I go outside and no one is there. I start to get nervous. I run through Erudite compound searching for the initiates. I run to the computer room and everyone is there, everyone excepting Caleb. I walk in but Jeanine stops me.

"Where were you?"

"I was taking a bath, I'm sorry". She looks to me serious.

"Go and find your friend, Caleb?". I nod. I run through Erudite compound searching for Caleb. I stop noticing something. Jack wasn't in the computer room to. I start to run faster looking for Caleb. I run through the hallway and turn to my left. I open the door and get into the fountain room.

"Caleb!". I shout waiting for an answer.

"Caleb! Please!". I start to search for him in the room. I walk to a corner of the room and I see him asleep.

"Caleb! Wake up!". I shake him. He doesn't wakes up.

"Caleb! Wake up please!". I shake him again.

"Please". I pass my hand through his hair and when I get it off I have blood in it. I watch my hand full of blood. I look at his head and part of it has blood. I watch my hand again. I don't know what to do. I'm watching blood roll down my hand. I wash my hand in the fountain and run out of the room. I run to the computer rooms. I can not breath.

"Someone help please! Caleb is unconscious!". Everyone is looking at me surprised. Jeanine looks at me and says.

"Someone call the doctor". Everyone stays in their place. "NOW!" Everyone start to run searching for the doctor.

"Where is he?" Jeanine asks.

"In the fountain! His head is covered with blood. I don't know what happened". Jeanine and all the initiates run to the fountain. I look at the only one who is still in the room. Jack.

"What did you did to him!?" I shout with tears in my eyes. He is looking to his nails.

"What I needed to". I start to cry.

"You didn't need to make him bleed!" I shout "What did he did to you?"

"He made me get angry". I wipe tears out. I'm getting angry.

"Your such a jerk!" I run out of the computer room crying. I run to the fountain and I see the crowd of initiates. I push them so I can get to Caleb. The doctor is checking him out. I sit next to him.

"Is he okay?"

"He is okay, he is not dead, and I think he is getting well soon". He carries him to the infirmary and I follow him. He leaves Caleb in a bed and I sit in a chair next to his bed. They check him out and they finally leave. I stay there until he wakes up.

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