Rebel (Divergent Fanfic)

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Rebel. Chapter Fifteen.


I wanted to thank my friend, Pao, for helping me and inspiring me to write this fanfic. Some ideas are from her, so credit.

Jack was running beside me. We didn't know where we were going. I stopped to take some air.

-Where are we exactly going?- I ask. He turns to me.

-I don't think you will like the idea-

-Why not?-

-We are going to Dauntless compound-. I look at him surprised.

-Dauntless compound? Do you know that Dauntless initiates just killed a lot of Abnegation people? And we are going to Dauntless compound?-. He nods. We start running again. While running I asked

-How are we getting in there?-. He stops again and looks at me.

-Did you ever watched how Dauntless initiates jump through the train-. I give him a surprise look.

-No, no way, I'm not jumping through that train!-. He rolls his eyes.

-I did it when I was 10, you have to do it, or you stay here and die-. I give him a hateful look. We start to run to the train. He starts to run faster. I start to run behind him. I see the train tracks near. The train is coming closer. Jack runs faster and jumps to the first car. I run faster. Jack is still in the door.

-Run faster!- Jack shouts from the door.

-It's to fast!- I shout, still running. Jack takes his hand of the train.

-Hold my hand! Come on!-. I grab it and he pulls me up. He holds my waist and pulls me up. We stand to close from each other that I can see his blue eyes penetrating in mine. We stayed looking to each other for some minutes. He, holding my waist and I, looking at his intense blue eyes. I look at my feet.

-Oh, I... I'm sorry- He says pulling away.

-It's okay- We didn't talked to each other until he said.

-Umm, Natalie, we need to jump again-. We stayed close to the gates and he jumps to a roof and I follow.

-Good for an Erudite- he says taking dirt off his shirt. He gets closer to the roof and jumps off in a hole. I scream.

-I'M FINE!- he shouts from the hole. -JUMP! IT IS SAFE!-. I get closer to the cliff and jump. Air moves my hair. I scream. I land in a net and bounce several times. I laugh and Jack helps me get down.

-Did you liked it?- he asks smiling.

-Yeah!- I say laughing. He smiles to me and I smile back.

-I'm sure you could make it through Dauntless initiation-

-Maybe- I say. Maybe I repeat. I remember about Caleb, and instantly I feel sad. Jack notices.

-Everything okay?- he asks.

-Yeah, thanks-. I start to walk behind me.

-So, what are we doing here?-. He turns to me.

-Stay alive, I guess. We are staying here until it is safer-. I nod.

-Good plan-. He guides me through hallways until we arrive to a department.

-Welcome to my childhood...- he says, not very proud.

-Wow. It is... Awesome-. I look around. He shows me all the apartment. I go out to the balcony and watch the city. Jack watches me from the inside. I'm thinking of Caleb. I promise his words pass through my mind over and over again, and I don't stop them.

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