Rebel (Divergent Fanfic)

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Rebel. Chapter Eighteen.

"How are you awake?"

"The Dauntless leaders... They evaluated my records and removed me from simulation"

"Because they figured out that you already have murderous tendencies and wouldn't mind killing a few hundred people while conscious. Makes sense"

"I'm not... murderous!"

"I never knew a Candor who was such a liar. Where are the computers that control the simulation, Peter?"

"You won't shoot me"

"People tend to underestimate my character. They think that because I'm small, or a girl, or a Stiff, I can't possibly be cruel. But they're wrong"

The bullet sound explodes in my ears, like I was there again. Peter's screams fill my eras.

"Now that you realized your mistake, I will give you another chance to tell me what I need to know before I shoot you somewhere worse"

"They're listening. If you don't kill me, they will"

They. Who are they?

I woke up breathing fast, sweat covering my face. I was in my bed of my old room, in my parents house. Everything is like I leave it. My books in the shelf, my clothes are hanging in the closet, and even my bathroom door is in the same position as I leave it 1 month ago. I stand up and walk to the bathroom. I see my reflection in the mirror. Messy hair, tired green eyes, serious look. How an Erudite always looks like. I take new clothes from my closet. Blue jeans, blue shirt and I brush my hair. I make a simple ponytail, and put my shoes on, and go downstairs. Jack is sitting in the table, eating cereal.

-What time is it?-

-Nine o'clock- he says, still eating.

-No news?-. He keeps eating.

-Some shoots nearby. Nothing more-

-Nobody got killed, do they?-. He shakes his head.


-Good-. I seat next to him and start to eat to. While eating I ask.

-Who do you think they are?-

-They? No idea-. He keeps eating.

-The ones Peter mention yesterday-

-Probably Dauntless leaders, maybe Eric- he moves his black hair to a side.


-The reason why I left Dauntless is because of him, don't ask-. I keep eating. He is serious. His eyes are looking to the cereal.

-Why did you chose Erudite?-

-Why not?- he repeats.

-You are hiding something. What is it?-. He leaves the cereal beside and looks at me. His eyes find mine and penetrate in them. So blue, so intense.

-Imagine you are 9 years old, and you walk through Dauntless compound, through the Pit. You get upstairs and pass near a giant room, with initiates there, and hear screams, like they were torturing them. And for they I mean to the same people who started all this. They.-

-I never thought of that before-

-First, I thought about Amity, then Abnegation, and at least Erudite, I never imagined that I'll make it through initiation-. I look at his arms. He has a tattoo in the arm.

-When did you get the tattoo?-

-15, when I was 15-. I look at my plate again. I leave the table and go back to my room. I grab my Faction History book and read.


Abnegation: 1. to refuse or deny oneself (some rights, conveniences, etc.) ; reject; renounce. 2. to relinquish; give up.


I will be my undoing

If I become my obsession.

I will forget the ones I love

If I do not serve them.

I will war with others

If I refuse to see them.

Therefore I choose to turn away

From my reflection,

To rely not on myself

But on brothers and sisters,

To protect always outward

Until I disappear.*

I leave the book back to the shelf. Words bounce in my head. Therefore I choose to turn away from my reflection. I shake my head. I just can't imagine living in Abnegation. I'm not that selfless.

Maybe knowledge is selfish. I don't know. I shake my head again. I'm just thinking like my father. I hear guns downstairs. I grab the Faction History book and run downstairs.

-Jack! Is everything all right?- he is sitting in the table.

-Don't get scared, it is outside, they have been passing and shooting all night and all day- he replies. I sigh and get back to my room. I leave the book next to my bed and lie again. I feel sick, tired. A new war is starting, and I'm part of it to.

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