Rebel (Divergent Fanfic)

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Rebel Chapter Twenty

We put our foreheads together for a long time.

-I though I was never going to see you again-. I say.

-I didn't, because I love you, and I have faith in you-. I smile. -I was going to Abnegation, you know? With Susan, to help them-

-What about your sister? Where is she?-.

-She is going to Candor, to investigate some things-. I wanna stay with him.

-I'll go wherever you go- I say.

-Okay-. We stay in silence for more time.

-Where do you want to go then?-

-I don't know-.

-Actually, Jack is waiting for us in Erudite, he is in my parents house, he said he will wait for us there-. He nods.

-Then we will go to Erudite and look for him, but when do we started to be friends with Jack?-

-He's a good friend, after all he did to us, he took care of me when you were here-

-Then I am grateful- . I don't talk about the kiss with Jack. I don't even know if I should talk about it. We will never talk about. We just talked about it once, no more.

-Let me grab my things, okay? We will leave right after I'm ready-. He kisses my head and walks to Susan. He starts to talk to her. She just nods. I get closer to hear.

-I'm sorry, but I don't want to leave her alone-

-Don't worry- she smiles and they hug. They say goodbye and I follow Caleb to grab his things. We walk through the hallways. It has a lot of people in it, passing cans. Every of them look at me weird, because I'm wearing only blue. A girl comes running to me.

-Why are you wearing only blue?-.

-Because I'm from Erudite, I'm leaving don't worry-

-But here isn't Erudite-

-I know, I just came to see my boyfriend-

-Actually you don't- Evelyn says behind me. I turn.

-Follow me please- Caleb is walking to me.

-Come on Natalie, let's go-

-No, you'll stay until I finish- The little girl is already gone. Caleb passes an arm through my shoulders.

-She's no going anywhere with you, not alone-

-You can't go Caleb-

-I'm from Erudite to, you can ask me to, not her-

-But you weren't in Erudite when the attack started-

-Also her-

-How do you know?-

-Because I was with her-. Evelyn gives Caleb a hateful look. She has two guards behind her.

-Take her to my office, and don't let him follow-. Caleb looks at Evelyn confused.

-Evelyn, please, she didn't do anything-. One guard grabs my arms and put them together in my back. The other guard stops Caleb.

-Hey! Leave her alone!- he shouts.

-I'll come back! Don't worry!- i reply. Evelyn follows the guard that is driving me through the hallways. We turn to the left and I see a door. The office. Evelyn opens the door and the guard pushes my inside, and sits me in a chair. Evelyn whispers something to him and he nods. He grabs two little ropes. He ties my hands to both sides of the chair.

-What are you doing?- I ask.

-Keeping you here, we can't do the interrogatory with Caleb here-

-What? No! You were just asking me questions! Not tying me up!-. She ignores me.

-Why I can't go? Why are you keeping me here? What did I ever did to you?-

-You did nothing, Jeanine did-

-I'm not working with Jeanine!-. Evelyn turns to the guard.

-Make her quiet-. He grabs a fabric and ties it in my mouth. I can't talk. I can't do anything. I'm tied up by the factionless. I'm prisoner of the factionless. Evelyn and the guards go out. I hear that Caleb is outside. Maybe he already escaped from the guard.

-Is she still there? What did you do to her?-

-Calm down, she is now controlled-

-Controlled? What do you mean by controlled?-

-She's tied up-

-She didn't do anything-

-Jeanine did-

-He isn't working with Jeanine!- he demands -Now leave her alone! We were just about to leave!- Caleb walks into the room, takes the fabric out of my mouth, and takes the ropes off.

-Did she hurt you? Did she do something to you?-

-No, I'm fine-. He helps me get up.

-Come on, let's go out of here-. We walk out of the factionless zone and start walking to the train.

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