Rebel (Divergent Fanfic)

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Rebel.Chapter Nineteen.

-Natalie! Come here for a second please!- Jack shouted from the kitchen. I close the book and run downstairs. Jack was standing in front of the door.

-I need to talk to you-. He says.

-Okay-. I walk and stand next to him. He scratches the back of his neck. His blue eyes are looking at my shoes.

-Look, I was thinking, umm, that you probably need to look for Caleb-. He says. Suddenly, a smile crosses my face.

-Are you serious?-. He nods.

-But we will meet again, right?-

-Of course!- I smile -Thanks for understanding, Jack- He smiles.

-But, before you go- He gets closer to me, and he kisses me. I freeze. I don't know how to react, so I just close my eyes. He puts his hand on my cheek and keeps kissing me. He pulls away.

-I.. i'm so sorry-.

-It's okay-

-No, it isn't, you are supposed to be with Caleb-

-Don't worry-

-No, Natalie, I love you, but it is just impossible. You love Caleb, and Caleb loves you. You are a couple now, I can't just make you brake up-.

-I understand, I'm sorry to-. He puts a hand in my cheek

-I know you are going to find him. You are smart, brave, honest, kind and selfless, you represent all the factions. I know it. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you aren't beautiful, or you aren't smart, you are, you really are-.

-Why are you telling me this?-

-Because it is true, you are the best person I have ever met- I smile.

-Thank you-

-I'm gonna miss you, but we will see each other again, promise?-

-I promise- We hug. I grab my stuff and put it in a backpack. Jack follows me to the door.

-You can stay the time you want- I say.

-I'm gonna stay here, until you and Caleb come back, okay?-

-Okay-. We hug again.

-Bye Jack-

-Bye Natalie-. He closes the door, and I start my journey. I walk to the entrance of Erudite. I get out. I decide to start looking in Abnegation. I wait until the train arrives and I jump in. I leave my stuff next to the door and face to the outside. I see how the Erudite compound disappears. I keep watching the scene when someone covers my mouth with their hand and grab my arms. I try to free myself but I can't. I move violently and I hit my head with the wall and fade out.

I wake up in a dark, small room. I am lying in the floor. My head is hurting. I feel it. Blood covers my head. I stand up carefully and looks around. There is only a door. I try to open but it is closed.

-Hey! Let me out of here!- No one answers. As I though. I sit in the floor. After 10 minutes a woman opens the door.

-Evelyn wants to see you-. He grabs my arm and picks me up.

-Who's Evelyn?-

-Walk- she drives me through a building. It is old and a lot of people is sitting in the floor. They loom at me hatefully. She drives me to a part of the room.

-She is the Erudite girl, Evelyn- a woman stands up.

-Good. Leave her with me- The room is full of people.

-What are the plans of Jeanine Mathews?-she asks

-What? Do you think I work for her?-

-Well, you are from Erudite, so yes-

-No! i'm against her!- she looks at me with a serious look.

-Natalie?- I hear a voice from behind. Caleb is standing in front of me.

-Caleb!- he smiles and runs to me. I smile to. He hugs me and picks me up.

-I missed you so much!- he says. I start to cry of joy.

-Me to!- He leaves me down again. He wipes tears out.

-I told you we will find each other- I nod,smiling. He kisses me.

-I love you so much- he says and kisses me again.

-I love you to- and we keep kissing.

-Caleb? What are you doing?- A girl is standing behind Caleb. He pulls away.

-Oh, Susan, she is my girlfriend, Natalie-. I smile.

-Nice to meet you Natalie-.

-Nice to meet you to, Susan- . Caleb turns again, and puts his forehead in mine. And we kiss again.

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