Rebel (Divergent Fanfic)

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Rebel Chapter Twenty-One

We walk to the train. Caleb has some things in his backpack. We walk in silence.

-I'm sorry- he says.


-For letting them tie you up-

-They didn't hurt me-

-Show me your wrists-. I show him my wrists. They have a red mark, of the rope.

-They did hurt you-

-I didn't notice, I swear-

-Don't worry- he opens his backpack and takes a little bottle of it. He puts the liquid in his hands and then put it on my wrists. I jump a little bit.

-Did it hurt?-

-Yeah-. He touches the scars carefully. I look at his hands passing through the scars. He kisses my head.

-I love you- he says, putting his forehead in mine.

-I love you to- he kisses me gently, still grabbing my wrists. He pulls away.

-Come on, we need to go-. We run and jump into the train we sit together. I put my head on his shoulder.

-What will happen?- I ask.

-What do you mean?-

-What do you think that will happen? Do Jeanine will do something to us?-. He starts to think a little bit.

-I don't know, but I'll stay with you, no matter what-. I smile. We see Erudite compound at the distance. Caleb stands up and helps me to stand. We jump off the train and run into Erudite compound. We walk through Erudite compound slowly and carefully, and finally arrive to my home. I open the door and say

-Jack! We are back!-. No one answers.

-Are you sure he is here?- Caleb asks.

-Yes, he said that he will wait for us-. I start walking looking for him.

-Jack! where are you?- . Again, no one answers.

-Jack!!!!- Caleb shouts. No one answers again. I start to feel worried. I run through the house looking for him.

-JACK!!!- I shout running through the house. Caleb grabs my shoulders hard.

-Natalie, he is not here-

-He has to be!- I say. I feel guilty for leaving him here.

-Natalie, calm down, he is not...-. I jump.

-Jeanine!- I say -Jeanine- I repeat. Caleb shakes his head.

-No, Natalie. You can't go- I nod.

-I have to-

-Then I'll go with you- I nod and half-smile.

-Let's go- I say. We run to Erudite compound. We stop in the elevator.

-Ready?- he says. I nod, a little scared. The elevator door opens. Caleb and I walk in and he presses the button of laboratory. We stayed there and the elevator opens again. We look to each other and walk in. It was a hallway, full of light, all white. We walked silently through it. Our footsteps made an eco. It sounded in all hallway. We turn to the left and we found Jeanine and two guards walking to us.

-Oh, Natalie and Caleb- she says and smiles. -I can't believe you are here already!- she says, smirking.

-Jeanine, we just came for Jack- Caleb says.

-And when did you both started to befriend him?- we look to each other.

-When the attack started- I reply.

-Oh, how good- she says and puts her hands together.

-We were about to put him into a serum try-

-He's not your pet- I say -You can't try serums on him whenever you want to-

-Oh, yes I can. He is Divergent, he is immune- she says.

-Divergent?- Caleb asks.

-Yes honey, Divergent- she smiles. -Actually, we can ask about your results in your aptitude test, can we?-

-Yes you can, we have nothing to hide- I say.

-Then you don't mind that we put you under truth serum?- Jeanine asks.

-No- Caleb replies.

-Great! Let's go- she turns and the guard guide us to a room. Caleb looks at me worried. He knows that I'm Divergent. I told him in the fountain. I hope Jeanine doesn't asks him about me. I'm first

. I sit in a chair and one guard puts me the truth serum in. He starts to ask.

-What's your name?-

-Natalie Casefor-

-Which faction are you from?-


-What were the results of your aptitude test?- I wanna shout the truth. I wanna say that I'm Divergent, but I don't

-I got Erudite- he looks to a paper.

-That's what it says here- he says to Jeanine.

-Okay, now Caleb- he sits and the guard puts the truth serum on.

-What's your name?-

-Caleb Prior-

-Which faction are you from?-


-You were a survivor from the attack?-

-No, I'm an initiate in Erudite-

-So you are a transfer-


-What were the results of your aptitude test?-

-Erudite- he says. He nods.

-same, what it says here- Jeanine nods.

-Good, actually, Natalie? You lied- I raise an eyebrow. She shows me the video where I tell Caleb I'm Divergent.

-I...- I say. Jeanine looks at me serious. She calls a guard.

-Take her to the cells- I get nervous. I don't know what to do. I try to run anywhere but the guards are in the door. Caleb stands up and gets in front of me.

-You are not taking her anywhere- he snaps.

-Yes, we are- Jeanine says. A guard grabs me from the back and puts my arms together in my back, so I can't go.

-Don't hurt her!- Caleb says. He walks to me, but another guard stops him.

-Caleb!- I say. The guard starts walking me out.

-NATALIE!- he shouts. The guard drives me through the hallways and pushes me into a cell.

H ey Guys! Sorry for not posting :( it was because I wasn't inspired, but one of my best friends, Pao, helped me with this chapter.

Love ya guys!

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