Rebel (Divergent Fanfic)

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Rebel. Chapter Sixteen.

Jack walks to the balcony and stands next to me. I watch all the city. I see, at the distance, the fence. Some people say that after that fence, there is nothing. Just ashes, from the war. Most of them say that the fence kept us alive, and we are the only survivors in the world.

-What do you think about the fence?-I ask Jack.

-The same as others. Just a separation between the city and the ashes from the war, what do you think?-

-I think it isn't. I think that the fence is just separating this city from other people, but we are not the only ones- I reply.

-Nobody knows-he sighed. I keep watching how the sun hides behind the buildings. The sky is full of orange, red and pink. Beautiful. Jack walks back inside and I follow. He sits in the couch and says.

-We need to get some food-.

-Yeah, I'm starving-. He stands up and opens the door.

-Come on, but quietly, maybe there is some people in here and we don't even know-. I follow him through the hallways. We walk quietly through them. We walk for one minute and I'm already lost. Jack looks behind.

-You are already lost, aren't you?- I nod. We keep walking. He stops and stops me to.

-There is someone in The Pit-. He whispers. I raise an eyebrow

-The Pit?-

-No time for questions- he starts walking slowly through the hallway, in direction of the other one. I follow him from behind. I see a not tall bot, with almost black hair holding a gun. He is looking in direction of the Pit ( still don't know what part, exactly ). We run quietly and we arrive to a huge room, full of tables. Jack walks in the direction to a door and opens it. It is a kitchen.

-This is where they cook for initiates- he says. We grab some food and return to the hallways. We walk quietly again when I hear some voices.

-How are you awake?- A female voice demands. I recognize it. Beatrice.

-The Dauntless leaders... they evaluate my records and removed me from simulation- A male voice replies. Jack pushes me into the wall. I keep hearing.

-Because they figured out that you already have murderous tendencies and wouldn't mind killing a few hundred people while conscious- Beatrice replies -Makes sense-. I turn to see Jack.

-I know her- I whisper to him.

-It's Caleb's sister- I say. She puts a finger in his mouth.

-Let's just keep listening-. He whispers. I nod. We keep listening.

-I'm not... murderous!- the male voice replies.

-I never knew a Candor who was such a liar. Where are the computers that control the simulations Peter?-. The male is Peter.

-You won't shoot me- Peter replies.

-People tend to overestimate my character. They think that because I'm small, or girl, or a Stiff, I can't possibly be cruel. But they're wrong-. And then she shoots. I hear Peter screams and I cover my ears. Jack opens his eyes widely.

-Now that you realize your mistake- Beatrice replies -I will give you another chance to tell me what I need to know before I shoot you somewhere worse-.

-They're listening- Peter spits -If you don't kill me, they will. The only way I'll tell you is if you get me out of here-


-Take me... ahh ... with you-

-You want me to take you? The person who tried to kill me?-

-I do. If you expect to find out what you need to know-.-

-Fine- Beatrice replies -Fine-. We stay there close to the wall when I hear another two male voices. But then I hear one I recognize.

-You want him to walk?- Caleb demands -Are you insane?-. I separate from the wall, trying to run to him but Jack stops me. He shakes his head, telling me not to go.

-But... I need to see him- I whisper. He shakes his head again. I get closer to the wall. I need to go with him, but Jack stops me.

-Jack- I whisper again, tears filling my eyes -I need to go-.

Hey guys! Sorry I didn't post anything this days, but I'm sick, sooo.

Well, thanks for all your support.

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