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wow, it's been long since i last checked the stats of this story. i'm utterly surprised, but it has been a couple of years since i wrote this– more specifically, four years.

for starters, i'd like to apologize for the great amount of grammatical mistakes throughout the story. after living these last four yours in a country where english is the first language spoken, my english has gotten a lot better, believe me.

i update this story to let you all know that i'll be editing this story and changing little details irrelevant to the plot but that still bother me enough to change them. always proof read, kids.

i promise you that the whole story will be revised and corrected.

about the sequel– oh boy, i've sure been working. not on the sequel, however. i have become reluctant of writing the sequel since i don't know if you, readers, will like me to write one. if so, please leave a comment behind and based on how many people wish for it, i'll contemplate the idea of resuming it.

thank you for sticking with me this far, sincerely.

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