Rebel (Divergent Fanfic)

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Rebel. Chapter Fourteen.

We hear guns at the distance.
-Caleb- His dad says -We need to get the hell out of here-. His dad opens the back door.
-We should get to the old building, RUN!- he shouts. His mom and dad are already out. Caleb is almost going but I grab bis arm. Tears are filling my eyes,
-Natalie, we need to go!- he says worried.
-I can't- I say, tears rolling down my cheeks.
-Why?- he asks softly.
-My family, I can't leave them alone-. I say.
-I should go with you, I won't let anything happen to you- he says.
-No- I reply, crying. -You should stay with your family.
-Are you sure?- his voice is breaking down.
-Yes- I say, crying. He hugs me and kisses me in my head.
-We are gonna meet again, okay? No matter what happens, we will find each other-. I'm crying. I don't wanna leave him. It hurts.
-Don't cry, we will meet again, I promise-. I nod.
-Now, get out of here and find your family okay?- i nod again and he kisses me.
-Good Luck- a tear rolls down his cheek. I run outside in the direction to Erudite compound. I see all the Dauntless initiates attack the Abnegation people. I stop. I see people dying, and I can't afford it. I see Jeanine standing through the crowd, almost smiling. I see Abnegation people dying in the streets. I don't feel sadness anymore, I feel anger. Anger. They are killing innocent people. I turn around and run to the car. I start driving back to Erudite compound. I park the car near the entry and run to my house. I open the door.
-Mom! Dad! Danna!- I shout. No one answers.
-Mom? Danna?-. The lights ore off, the doors are closed. They're gone. I run back to the car and drive back to Abnegation. I park near Caleb's house. I run through the street, like no one was there. No one notices so I keep running. I open the door and no one was there.
-Caleb?- I ask. No one responds.
-Caleb!- no one responds. I remember that he was running with his family. I'm alone. I go upstairs and watch everything. I see a room opened with books in it. I walk into it. It's Caleb room. The room is not interesting. It has nothing in it. A bed, and some books, with it's table and a bathroom. I lie in his bed. It smells like him. I stay there lying in his bed when I hear someone was getting inside the house. I run into the closet and hide in it. It smells like Caleb to. His Abnegation clothes are hanging. I sit down and try not to do any noise. I hear some footsteps going upstairs and came in the room. The footsteps stop. I hear the footsteps going outside. I sigh. The footsteps get out of the house. I get out of the closet. I walk slowly downstairs. I open the back door when someone puts his or her hands around my mouth and my arms. I try to scream. I look around to see who is it. Jack. I try to get myself free and I get it.
-What are you doing here?- he asks.
-Can I ask you the same question?-. He gives me a serious look.
-I'm just trying to help, okay? If you wanna get out dead from this one, go ahead-. I look at him hatefully.
-Why are you trying to help anyways?-. He swallows.
-I... I.... It's because I...- he starts to get nervous.
-You what?- I ask softly.
-I don't want you to get out from this one, hurt- I look at him. He is looking at his feet.
-You don't want me to get hurt?- I ask.
-Do I have to repeat it?- he says, more firmly.
-No, it is okay, but why?-
-Because I have no friends, and I thought that maybe we could be friends, or something like that, and I'm sorry of what I did to you and Caleb, I got... Mad with myself because of it, and I'm sorry-. I look at him surprised.
-Wow, well I forgive you-. I smile to him and he smiles back.
-Now leaving the sentimental thing, we need to get out of here- He says. I nod and we run out to the streets again.

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