Chapter 9

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Body guards. Body guards are good guys? yeah.

then why do i have this feeling Liam's not.

"People with a death wish."

Lots of people have a death wish, my brother used to say i did when i'd run around his shop. But Zayn could've meant something entirely different, couldn't he?

I grunt, belly flopping onto Liam's couch. The only reason i'm still here is well, for a few reasons.

1) I have absolutely no idea what neighborhood i'm in non the less know how to get back to my place from here. 

2) I have no idea where my clothes are and if i left the house looking like this? well lets just say people would get the wrong idea.

3) It's really comfy here. 

I sigh, walking into his kitchen. It's not like i'm intruding, i mean, if Liam thinks i'll just sit here all day waiting for him and starving my ass of well he's wrong. I open his fridge to find nothing but a gallon of juice and a few eggs. bleh, i've never been a fan of eggs.

I feel like ordering take out. But then i think back to how i don't know his address, don't know were my purse is and oh yeah - i'm not wearing pants. I should probably get on tha-

The door opens and shuts, as Liam walks into the living room. "fuck" i say, watching Liam through the kitchen door.  I quickly hide from the window, cursing myself for walking around pantless - i mean for gods sake Ira! You're in Liam fucking Payne's house. "please don't come over here, please don't come ove- shit" i said as i fell back, having leaned to much on the kitchen door. My back hit the ground hard, causing me to cry out. I turn to my side, arching my back up.

"Ira?" Liam called as i heard his coming closer. I let out a deep chuckle, could this get any worse?

Spoke to soon.

"Is she alright?" a familiar voice called before Louis appeared. I let out a small groan as Liam helped me up, god there is going to be a bruise. "Are you okay Ira?" Liam asked, concern written all over his face. i nod, looking down, before my cheeks began to burn. I quickly pulled the shirt down as low as it could go, glancing from Liam to Louis.

"I'm gonna go..." i trail off, pointing up the stairs. Liam nods, stepping aside as i run upstairs, quickly rummaging through Liam's drawer until i find a pair of sweats.. Shrugging, i pull them on, about to walk back downstairs i stop; over hearing a bit of their conversation.

"Have you told her yet?"


"Are you ever going to tell her, damn it Liam - you said she was different."

"she is different! I just think it would be better if she didn't know, she'll run i know it-"

"Liam. Leave the past in the past. That was three years ago."

"Just because it happened three years ago doesn't mean it didn't happen. Drop it Louis."

"But you'll tell her - soon."

I walk downstairs, cutting Liam off. He glances down at the sweats, a small smirk forming on his lips. "comfy?" he asks, amused eye brow raised. i look down, cheeks burning bright red from embarrassment, i honestly don't know why i'm here.

As they walk into the kitchen i remember how i woke up with practically no memory on the previous night; that was till i saw Louis, and like a flash i remembered the club, the shots, the dancing and the car ride. I don't remember ever getting out of Liam's car of non the less strip off my dress.

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