Chapter 27

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"I don't understand,"

"Okay, i'll say it one more time in the simplest way i can. Liam is in deep shit. Miles is in the hospital. Ray, Miles' boss, is angry at Liam. Ray will and is tying to kill Liam. Jeff gave us a heads up." Zayn states for the fifth time, trying to hid his eye roll.  

It's not that I didn't understand that - I just didn't understand what we were going to do. We're at a gas station about five hours from town, leaving Harry and Zayn here so we can go on alone. Harry tells something to Liam, glancing at me before tapping the roof and moving aside. Liam waves as he pulls out of the deserted gas station, driving back onto the road. 

There was only one question stuck in the back of my head.

How long would we have to run?


"Ira? Come on babe, wake up."

I slowly blink my eyes open, wincing slightly as i move my neck from its uncomfortable position.

I smile lazily at Liam, shaking my head slightly as i look outside, taking in my surroundings.

"Are we in a parking lot?" I question, furrowing my eyebrows as Liam nods his head, unbuckling his belt. I follow in pursuit, jumping out of the car to stretch out my limbs.

I look towards the store, stifling a laugh as I raise an eyebrow. "Are we at a Walmart?" amusement laced through his face.

"we need to get you a temporary phone." He smiles, making his way to other side of the car. I yawn, grabbing hold of his hand before making our way towards the store.


"It's raining outside, do you have a sweater?" Liam asks, glancing over the racks of clothing. I stare at him blankly, glancing down at the sweater i was wearing. He turns to look at me, waiting for a reply as i nod slightly, grabbing a bag of crisps and tossing it into his basket.

I make my way round the racks, turning around quickly to find Liam gone. "Liam?" I say quietly, scrunching my eyebrows together as i look over the massive crowd. I go into one of the main aisles, looking down one quickly, continuing to the next.

I feel a hand grab my arm, making my heat beat quicken. "Ira we have to go." I relax slightly, turning my head to look up at Liam.

His lips are drawn into a straight line, his eyes focused on something behind me, his muscles tensed and his grip tight. He turns quickly, moving his hand to my lower back as he rushes us out.

Cold air rushes towards me as the rain pelts down against the pavement. I. shiver slightly, pulling my hood over my head as we practically sprint across the parking lot.

I cruse as my show slips off causing me to pause, trying to slip it back on.

"Ira, hurry we have to go - now" Liam says sternly as he rushes along. "What - why?" I stutter as he unlocks his car, opening my door as I slip in. "Ray - I think he found us." Liam says, turning to reverse the car out of the parking space as a man appears - gun in hand. "Ira get down!" Liam yells as he steps on the petal.

I crouch down in the seat, throwing my arms over my head as a loud thump sounds and then the sound of the car accelerating fills the car.

I peek up, noting the trees and fields flying by. "Ira, you know that new phone we bought?" I nod slowly, glancing down at the bag below my feet. "I need you to throw it out of the car." Liam states, glancing in his rear view mirror. I nod quickly, grabbing the phone and packaging,then quickly opening the window and tossing it out.

Liam curses, fishing out his phone as he continues to drive quickly down the road. I glance in the rear mirror, eyes widening as two black cars speed their way close behind us.

"FBI Agent Jerry Termin." Liam says into his phone, pushing harder onto the gas petal.

"Well hello there Jerry, its your old friend Liam Payne." Liam states, hitting the brakes quickly as he makes a quick turn nto a dirt road. "Oh fuck is right. Remember that favor you owe me? Yeah, i'm gonna have to use it now."

I watch carefully as the black cars follow onto the dirt road, leaving a heavy cloud of dirt behind. "it's more of a favor for you really - you know a drug dealer that goes by Ray Jay? I have some of his bitches tailing me." Liam grumbles, making a swift left into another dirt road. "Thought I'd stop by quickly and have them say a quick hi, you guys still located in the middle of no where right?"

Liam curses as the car bumps, swerving slightly before regaining control. "i'll see you in about five minutes then. Have a shit loaf of men outside, and armored." Liam hangs up, placing his phone quickly on his lap.

He glances towards me with a smile, driving the car into a seemingly empty lot before making a quick U-turn, causing me to grab hold of the door handle.

The two black cars catch up quickly, parking their cars as two bulky men jump out, guns aimed towards us.

Liam smirks, placing his hands back onto the steering wheel. My eyes widen as Liam accelerates again, hitting one of the black cars but making his way past them.

I glance in the rear view mirror, watching as men in blue aim their weapons at the two bulky men, placing cuffs harshly on their wrists.

"You okay?" Liam asks, glancing at me quickly before turning back to the road. I laugh, nodding my head. "Fuck yeah, we almost died, but we're alive!" I shout, face freezing as i realize my sudden out burst.

Liam chuckles, shaking his head as he makes a quick right. "I swear you're an adrenaline junkie." I glare at Liam, a small smile breaking out on my lips.

"so that's why I'm dating a crazy person, yes?" it doesn't really make sense, but nothing really does nowadays.

"hey, i may be crazy - but you make me sane," Liam looks at me with a bright smile, taking my hand in his over the console. "and that's why I'm going to fix this - get rid of Ray and runaway with you."






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