Chapter 20

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"What do you mean she's not here?!"

"I mean exactly that. She's. Not. Here." 

"Louis stop  being an ass and help me! Where the fuck is she!"

"Liam i think you just need to calm dow-"

"Calm down? Really! She could be in trouble now tell me where the hell is she!"

"She's at - she's at her apartment. She needed to clear her head i don-"

I shut the door, running back to my car and quickly slipping in. Will i ever forgive Louis? If Ira's hurt then no, no never. 

I don't even know why i'm so worried. For all i know she could have bumped into a vase or maybe Jessie dropped a plate - who knows. I just have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that feels like something is clawing, trying to get out.

Something in my stomach makes me think Ira is in trouble, is hurt, or with Miles. 

Ira's P.O.V

 "Shit i'm sorry Ira."

"Dick, what the fuck are you doing here?"

"Really? Dick? I thought you'd mature by now."

"Well maybe you would have know if you actually i dunno - called, email, sent a text - CAME BY?"

He sighed, taking a seat on my couch as i got the broom and dust pan. "Still as clumsy as ever" I mumble, sweeping up the remains of the glass. "Hey, i just got freaked when you screamed. You looked like you saw a ghost." Richard retorts, muffling a small chuckle. 

"Well, technically you were a ghost. I thought you died like, years ago." I shrug, placing the broom and dustpan back in place. I pull out my phone, trying to turn it on with no luck. "I think you broke my phone" I pout, tossing it towards him. He picks it up, trying the same before placing it on the coffee table with a grunt. "I'll bye you a new one, sorry"

"So care to explain why you're here? or why you haven't called in what - five years? or was it ten?"

"It was four years."

"Well i'm glad you're still keeping track. After  you know, dump me somewhere to fend for myself and then don't talk to me for four fucking years. Glad that you're still keeping track big bro!" I shout sarcastically. I don't know why he's even here, or how the fuck he got in. But i'm not really worrying about that right now, i want to know why he's here and why he left me all alone for years with no word. "What the hell are you doing here" I ask again after Richard didn't reply.

"I got word that Miles was in tow-"

"Are you fucking serious? So you didn't come around here for me? You came to see if i was fucking around with Miles? Really? You don't trust me that much? I can take care of my self"

"No you can't Ira! God fucking damn it if you could take care of yourself you would have gotten away from him the first time he hit you! He fucking - he fucking raped you Ira! What the hell was i supposed to do when every time i looked at you i saw his hands on you and i felt like it was my fault! i could have stopped it! I saw the bruises and i saw your lies. Ever single one of them. When you told me i didn't know what else to do, i just wanted you safe!"

"How do you think i felt? when i told you it was because i knew it was to much. I knew i couldn't change him. I knew i couldn't save myself and so i went to you. How do you think i felt when you wouldn't look me in the eye after telling you everything? How do you think i felt when you threw all my shit in the trunk of your car and drove me here. You left me. You left me just like dad! You two are fucking the same! You couldn't deal with me so you just dumped me to become someone else's problem. You promised you'd never leave my side. My own fucking brother!"

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