Chapter 1

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I hate her. I hate Jessie. Who throws a party the weekend before finals? Seriously. I'm actually starting to consider moving back into Tony's. I mean, Jessie is amazing and we get along most of the time but - I need to focus on my classes and my part time job. And once I'm done with finals we're free for the summer, which means more working but - money. And god, I need money.

So now I'm walking down the dark halls, heading back from the study hall. It was pretty quiet there actually, usually there's a bunch of pot heads crowding around the vending machines but tonight there was only one cute guy in the corner – nose in a book.

I'm glad we got that flat only a block away from the university, honestly if we had gotten one any further I'd probably have to ask Jessica for a ride. It's almost pitch black outside now, and I can barely see the few cars driving past me. I sigh in relief as I reach our building, quickly trotting up the stairs to find booming music coming from our floor. I prepare myself for the worst, opening the door in one swift motion.

There in the middle of the room, Jessie is dancing on our couch – shirtless. “IRA!” Jessie yells, running over to hug me. “do you want something to drink?!” she yells over the music and the faint sounds of boys yelling for her to come back. I shake my head, looking over the crowd. This is going to be tough to clean up. “Oh come on Ira! I promised it'd be my last party for the year so you have to have fun!” Jessie says, gulping down her drink. I roll my eyes – she did promise and I was so thankful for it. “okay, but let me go put my stuff away.” I reply, motioning to the textbook and book bag I was carrying. She nods, moving slightly for me to scrunch my way through the crowd and into my bedroom.


Fun. I'm supposed to be having fun. This is not fun. There's about a hundred people crowded in our small living room. I squeeze my way into the hall, gasping for air. There's a few people out here, two couples leaving and a man laying on the floor. The man looks – lifeless. I'm afraid to walk over and poke him, it'd be hard to explain a dead body to the cops. With out much thought I quickly run next to the man, slapping his cheeks lightly – receiving no response in return. I press two fingers to his neck, not able figure out where exactly I'm supposed to put my fingers. Really wishing I had taken that CPR classes now - Shit.


I decide the only thing rational is to slap the man to life so, I slap the stranger with the back of my hand as hard as I can. I wince as it hits his cheek, immediately causing it to redden. The man's eyes shoot open, anger apparent. “WHAT THE FUCK!?” The man yells, standing up and grabbing me along with him. “WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?” He yells, grip tightening on my shoulders. “I-I'm Ira. You're h-hurting me.” I stutter, trying to escape his grasp. His hands only tighten more, sick smirk replacing his frown. He leans in, exhaling a breathe filled with the smell of smoke and alcohol. “Well, hello Ira – you're quite pretty ain't-cha?” He mumbles against my ear, I quickly push him away before being pulled back. “Where do you think you're going? Hah - you look like you like to party, might as well party with me.” He says, smirk growing. “Get away!” I yell, trying to pull out of his hands. He pulls me under his arm, gripping tight as I struggle against his grasp.

“LET HER GO!” I hear someone yell from behind us. The man turns his head, raspy chuckle escaping his lips. “mind your own damn business twat.” The man replies as I turn my head, trying to get a glimpse of the stranger defending me. He was tall, a bit muscular and from what I could tell – angry. I wince as my back is slammed against the wall, hand clenching my throat. I gasped for air as his hands tighten, blocking any chance of air entering. Note to self: if you every see an unconscious body in the hall do not go near it. I'm cursing my mom for growing me up to be such a caring person - this would have never happened if i had just walked over the man. I try to mutter a 'help' but nothing comes out as everything begins to blur.


All I can remember is a figure stripping the man from me - knocking him down with a few punches. I closed my eyes, head pounding from the sudden rush of blood. "Are you okay?" The stranger asks, helping me up from the floor. "I - uh." I shake my head, regaining some-what of balance. I look up to find a pair of eyes – some what tinted black, starring intently at me. He wasn't necessarily pale but he wasn't tan, I would call it more of a coffee cream? What are you doing, this man just knocked out someone with a few punches – imagine what he could do to you, Ira!

I can feel the blood rushing through my veins, I feel almost as if I could faint. From what I remember this stranger had only punched him a few times and boom – unconscious. I look up at the stranger, his jaw clenched as he glanced down at the man – I look around, no one in the halls. I knew that this guy would probably chase after me if I ran, but hey – momma did say I was a chance taker. “Don't.” the stranger says sternly before I turn, bolting for the stairway. 

I hear the door slam behind me as I run down multiple steps, dropping something in the process. I didn't dare stop, but continued running till i reached the lobby. I pant for air, Joe - the security guard - rushes to my side, keys jingling on his waist. "Are you okay, Ira?" He asks, helping me take a seat. I stare at the door leading to the stairway for a good five minutes or so before letting out a sigh of relief. "Yeah Joe, thanks" i respond, giving him a quick reassuring smile. He nods, patting me on the back. "Gotta go do the rounds of the building - you gonna be okay kiddo?" Joe asks, glancing up at the clock. I nod my head as he walks out the door, silence filling the lobby. I rest my head on the wall, inhaling deeply before closing my eyes.


I open my eyes slowly, blinking a few times before fully adjusting to the florescent lighting. I glance over at the main desk, Joe no where in sight. I straightening up before extending my arms upward - exhaling a sigh of relief. "You're finally up." I hear a familiar voice say. I turn my head to the right and sure enough, he was seated in the couch next to me. 

He stands up quickly, filling the empty seat next to me. I'm honestly speechless - who was this guy anyway? "You've been asleep for a good ten minutes or so" he says, leaning back on the arm rest. "I - who are you?" I ask as he extends an arm, 'Liam - Liam Payne," he replies as i shake his hand, looking him in the eyes. "Ira - now what do you want." I say bitterly, watching as his smile turns in to a smirk - eyes tinting themselves into a dark brown. "I actually came here to return this," he replies, fishing out my phone. I begin to reach for it as he flinches back, leaning closer. "Everything comes with a price babe, and in your case - it's pretty expensive."

"Oh and why is that?" I ask, crossing my arms. "Well - i did just save your phone from possibly being taken. And then there was that incident with the man-" "i would have been fine." I retort, anger rushing through me. "Oh right because getting killed or raped or kidnapped is handling it?" He replies, raising an eyebrow. "Whats the god damn price." I say, hoping Joe would come back already. "Let me treat you to dinner - tomorrow night."

"And why would i let you do that?" I ask as he hands my phone back, standing up from beside me. "I don't think you have much of a choice, Ira." He says, giving me a quick wink before walking out.


So that was Chapter 1, hopefully it'll get better as the story continues(:

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