Chapter 8

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A/N: Since  i don't think i can dedicate to two people i'll just make it the first thing you all read. Thanks to @MaleneClementsen & @AllyStyles11 you can enjoy this chapter. I didn't realize people actually fangirled when i updated lol, makes me feel special to know some of you do :3

I slowly open my eyes, wincing at the amount of sunlight peaking into the room. I sit up, stretching my arms above my head before getting out of the bed, and walking towards the bathroom.

Quickly stripping down, i hop into the shower. I stand under the water for a good twenty minutes or so, just letting the warmth pelt down on me. And that's when i realized.

"Where the fuck am i?"

I look around the shower, Men's body wash set on one side along with a razor and shit. This isn't my bathroom. I quickly shut the water off, extending my hand out of the shower in an attempt to find a towel. With no luck i peak out, looking around for something to cover up. There's the clothes i changed out of - which i just noticed were my underwear and an over sized shirt - and a rug on the floor. I grunt, slowly stepping out of the shower, and creeping to the door. I crack it open an inch, peering out to find it empty. "hello?" i say, sighing when no one replies.

I pick up the clothes from the ground, holding it so that it was somewhat covering me and stepped into the bed room. Now, if i was a guy, where would i put the towels if not in the bathroom? I check the drawers, finding nothing. I check the closet, nothing. As i was about to walk to the other side of the room i hear a door shut loudly, followed by a few words and the sound of steps coming up the stairs. 

I panicked, dropping the clothes and lifting the bed comforter just as someone walks in. I hold the comforter up, eyes wide as the man walks in looking the opposite direction the freezing when turning to me. He lets out a whistle, raising an eyebrow. "Hey Zayn, did you get it?" another voice called, quickly followed by steps coming up the stairs.

"Something better" Zayn, i'm guessing, chuckled; stuffing his hands into his pockets. "Oh yeah wh- woah." the other guy says as he enters the room, eyes widening. I bite my lip, blood rushing to my cheeks. I've honestly never been in a more awkward situation than this - i mean first of all, i'm not quite sure who's house this is. I'm not even sure what happened last night. 

"Zayn, you should stop starring, you're scarring the girl" the other man says, sending me an apologetic smile. "Harry you're such a buz kill. It's not like Liam 'll care, he probably just fucked her and wont call her again." Zayn shrugs. I furrowed my eyebrows, anger over coming me.

"Liam did not fuck me nor will he in the future." i say through gritted teeth. Zayn chuckles, taking a step closer. "Lets see. you're naked, in his flat, with his comforter covering you, with what i'm guessing are your underwear on the ground and you're telling me you two haven't fucked? I think you're lying." Zayn retorts, smirk grin on his face. "Zayn!" Harry yells, grabbing Zayn's shoulder. "Oh quite it Harry, you know i'm right." Zayn replies, rolling his eyes.

"I think you're making assumptions by the past, you don't even know the girl's name and you're implying shes Liam's fuck for the week. Now," Harry says, turning to me. "Whats your name love?" he asks, warm smile spreading on his lips. "I-Ira" i say,  clearing my throat slightly.

The two men exchange wide-eyed glances. I could almost swear i heard Zayn mumble "shit".

"Well Ira, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." Harry says warmly, dimpled grin plastered on his face. "Liam talks quite a lot about you." He states, glancing to a nodding Zayn. "How do you know Liam?" i ask, taking this time to wrap the comforter around me. "work." Harry replies, smile still pasted on his lips. "What do you do?" I continue, considering Liam wont tell me i might as well pry it from his co-workers yeah?

"We-" Zayn starts before Harry quickly cuts him off. "probably shouldn't tell you because we aren't in line to say" Harry says, sending an almost unnoticeable glare to Zayn. almost.

"I'm just a bit curious is all. Liam doesn't want to say so i was hoping you'd two tell me. I wont say a word its just its killing me" I mumble, chuckling awkwardly. "We really can't say," Harry replies, glancing to the side table. "But we have to run, Zayn grab the thing and lets go" Harry says, before giving me a small nod and walking out. 

Zayn walks to the side of the bed, bending down and quickly stuffing into his coat. He stands back up, looking at me with a sigh. "Promise yah wont tell Liam i told you?" he asks, raising raising an eyebrow. I nod all too quickly as he rolls his eyes, walking around the bed to stand in front of me.

"We're body gaurds" He replies nonchalantly. "What type of body guards?" i push, hoping to get more of a clear answer. "We get hired to protect and help people" Zayn shrugs walking to the door. "What kind of people?" i ask before he walks out. He turns to me with a slight smirk.

"People with a death wish."

A/N: yup. Back hurts from typing in a weird position. *sigh* i have a lot of things going on soon so i'm sorry if i don't update again for a while :( i promise to try even if it's those short one page ones - better than nothing right? I'm sorry :(

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