Chapter 11

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I ran upstairs as quickly as i could, fumbling with the keys to my apartment till i got in. Jessie was on the couch eating a bag of chips, slightly amused as i ran in a panting mess. "had a nice jog?" she mused, receiving the finger before i ran upstairs and into my room.

I had this really bad feeling that Liam would drive away, so i stripped almost immediately, pulling the a random black dress out of my closet. I shrugged it on, struggling temporarily till i got the zipper up. 

I was brushing my teeth quickly when my phone buzzed, screen lighting up with a new message.

"Sleep tight beautiful, see you soon." - Liam

"that asshole" i grunt throwing my phone back on the bed. I look at myself in the mirror, running my hand quickly over the dress. If i have to be honest, i hate dresses. i always have. I've hated dresses and heels since i can remember; yet some how i always seem to be using those things when it involves Liam. Its not that i don't have the body or the looks, i mean i'm not perfect that's for sure. i worked hard for the way i look, took up the last two years of high school. Anthony said that i shouldn't change, i should just stay the way i am. I had just told him that i'm not changing, just becoming the person i've always wanted to be - it never really made sense though.

I want to have fun tonight. I want to live a little more than i do. No way in hell am i letting Liam ruin that chance.

"Get up and go put on a dress we're going to get shit-faced." i tell Jessie as i trot down the stairs. She looks at me with a shocked expression, whether its the heels or the fact that i'm encouraging her to consume alcohol is unknown. She quickly recovers, jumping off the couch and runs upstairs.

Thirty minutes later we're outside some club with booming music and drunk people stumbling out. "Come on" she encourages, grabbing my hand and running to the front of the line where the man eagerly lets us pass.

i probably would have had an argument about how that's disrespectful to the people waiting in line, but not tonight.

Jessie pulls me along to the bar, where she asks the guy for "a round of the strongest shit you have" and the finishes off with "and keep it coming till we can't stop laughing". The man chuckles slightly, turning around and grabbing a bottle of what ever is in that bottle. 

"and tonight, we get shit-faced"


"did you know that" giggle "sloths sometimes" giggle "mistake their arms for branches and they like" giggle "fall to their death?" 

"nope" the man says, seemingly uninterested as he sips fro his drink. "So Ira, who you here with?" he asks, a small smirk plastered on his face. "I'm here with Jessie, but i think she left - i don't even know how long i've been here to be honest" I reply, letting a small hick-up escape.

"do you have a way home." he asks, eyebrow arched. I look around slightly, peering into the different people grinding on the dance floor. "dunno" i reply with a smile. He nods, letting his hand find its way to my thigh as he leans in. "you can always come home with me" he whispers into my ear, his breath scorching my skin. "like a sleep over?" i giggle, raising an eyebrow. "Well, i don't know if we'd do a lot of sleeping - but yeah. a sleepover." he shrugs, jumping off his stool and offering me a hand. "why not" i say, giving him my hand as he guides me threw the crowded place.

I bump into multiple people, receiving small glares and giggles. It almost feels like this place is an endless hallways except its not, and we're almost to the door. "Ira?" a voice says, grabbing my shoulder. I stumble slightly, the man guiding me turning to see hwy i had stopped. 

"Ir- what the hell- would you mind? we're trying to get out of here mate" the man says, trying to continue walking. "Ira, does Liam know you're here?" the voice asks, shooting a glare to the man trying to tug me along. I look at his face, pulling my hand from the mans and using it to squish the voice's cheek. "you're handsome voice" i giggle, squishing his cheeks together. i run my hands over his face, tangling them in his oh-so-soft curls. "what type of shampoo do you use?" i ask, ruffling my fingers threw his hair. 

and then it come to me. 

"Harry!" i yell, engulfing him into a hug. "How could i forget the guy who practically saw me naked!" i yell, lifting my feet off the ground. He grunts, wrapping both arms around my waist. "h-hi" he mumbles, setting me down. I turn, finding the man long gone. bummer.

"Does Liam know you're here?" Harry asks again, trying to get my attention over the loud music. I frown, "Liam's an asshole." i mumble, turning to walk back to the bar, but Harry grabs my wrist, pulling me to the back of the club. "Who were you with?" he asks, grabbing a water from a waiter and handing it to me. "Jessie, but i think she left" i giggle, placing the water in someone's hand. 

Harry mumbles something i can't quite hear, but continues to lead me to a small booth where a familiar face lights up. "Ira!" Louis yells, scooting off the  booth to hug me. Usually, i would get very awkward - considering i've only met the man about twice, but it must be the alcohol because i return the hug; letting out a loud "Louis!"

"someone get us shots!" Louis yells to no one in particular as he gestures for me to take a seat.


"No more." Harry growls, pushing Louis back onto the seat. Louis rolls his eyes, sticking his tongue out at Harry before returning his attention back to me, "He's usually funner - i promise" Louis says, causing us to burst into a fit of giggles. 

"You know what Ira, you'd make an excellent model." Louis slurs, eyeing my body. I smile, letting out a small giggle. "i think you've had to much to drink" i say, bursting into another fit of laughs. "No no i'm serious. I mean, you're not to skin and you have curves and your arms arn't wobbly and you aren't white you look like a creamy caramel and the cameras could just love to get a taste" Louis says, a goofy smile spread on his cheeks. 

I raise an eyebrow, glancing to Harry and back to Louis. "thanks?" i offer, not really sure what to say to that. "Louis is a fashion designer or whatever." Harry informs, tapping frantically at his phone's screen. My w=eyes widen in realization as i nod, a wide smile spreading on my lips. "I'm going to call my assistant so i don't forget this!" Louis announces, fishing his phone from his pocket.

"Ele-whore wakey wakey" Louis giggles into the phone, deciding he should put it on speaker. "-ctual fuck Louis, it's like two am and i - and you! have work tomorrow. And stop calling me that. It was funny like what? when i wasn't engaged so yeah." Louis rolls his eyes. "you're engaged to your job, love - i just didn't want to g=forget i found the perfect model for your design you wanted to tryy" Louis says, a mischievous grin plastered on his face. "name?" the phone grunts "Ira" Louis says before hanging up. 

I smile, feeling my eye lids beginning to get heavy. "I should get a cab, i'm about to pass out" i mumble, reaching for my phone. "No! we'll take yah home! gotta lovely guest bed that would love some company - plus i doubt you can remember your address" Louis says excitedly, standing from the booth. I shrug, scooting off the booth. "i'd be glad to accompany your guest bed this fine night" i giggle, wrapping an arm around Louis shoulder.

Its an awkward position, but we go with it.

A/N: Hi, um yeah, so i don't think i've really put her appearance into detail so I'm just gonna tell you here. I imagine her with curves yeah, brown hair, brown eyes, and caramel skin. Why? because well every fan fiction i read they're always pale or white like there's no other race on the planet. just btw.

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