Chapter 29 - Final

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as always - there will be mistakes.

Third Person POV

His blood is rushing, the thought of Miles even touching his Ira makes him red with rage. 

"Why is she so stupid sometimes?" Liam grunted, honking his horn a few times. "If she had just stayed with Louis, Miles would not have gotten her. If she had just listened to me- I wouldn't be racing past multiple these fucking cars."

It's not fair. Not fair to him. He's fucking angry and all he can think of is not the fact that he wants to inflict psychical pain to Miles, or the fact that all he really wants to do is kiss Ira senseless, to put a ring on her beautiful hand and be able to officially call her his but the fact that it's not fair

It's not fair that Miles could have done what he did to Ira so many years ago, then come back - once Liam had finally met this beautifully broken purity, once he had admitted to loving this pure soul, once admitting to himself that this is what love felt like - the rush of anxiety running through your veins when you spot them, the wide smile you don't realize is on your face when you wake up with someone's hair tickling your nose and realizing it's just her, when you get so enticed in the little things they do. He knows that's love, and he knows that exactly how he feels about her. So why is it, that now, once Liam and Ira were set off to god knows where - hopefully something great ahead - Miles has to show up. Fuck everything up.

Maybe I'm just selfish. Liam thinks - no, he knows. He knows he is selfish, he wouldn't even deny it if he had to be honest. He is so selfish when it comes to Ira, and he knows its his weakness. 

He's approaching an abandoned warehouse and his stomach flips, he knows it's the place since there are no other building anywhere in sight so he quickly turns into the road that leads to the warehouse. 

Liam realizes, that throughout his drive he hadn't once stop to think of what could happen. Miles could have men ready for him when he drove up, could have someone ready to strike him dead once out of his car and worse..

He could have killed Ira. 

Liam doesn't want to think it, but it's a possibility. It makes Liam clench his already tight fists harder, his stomach turning into knots as he steps out of his car, slowly making his way towards the large door. 

As soon as he reaches the last step, the door swing open and he's knocked out by something hard.


Liam's POV

"Boss isn't gonns kill him."

"But Ray.."

"Yeah well apparently boss is a big pussy now for that little whore."

My eyes shoot open, , adjusting to the new lighting as i search for the source of voices. They're two bulky men, sitting by a barrel and playing cards. My hands are tied behind my back as i struggle to retrieve the small pocket knife that i have in my boot. I grunt quietly, finally flipping the blade out and slowly cutting at the tight rope.

"Did you hear that?" one of the men say, causing me to freeze. "Go check it out."

I close my eyes, pushing the knife between my two hands as his footsteps get closer then stop. "Still knocked out, weak bitch." the guy spits, turning back around. I take the opportunity to jump up, snatching the gun poking out of his belt and quickly shooting him twice.

"Phil!" The other one shouts, shooting up and retrieving his gun from his holster. I waste no time firing my gun, watching him as he falls down beside his friend. 

I bend down to retrieve the other gun, snorting when i notice the safety lock on. "Fucking Idiot."


The hairs on the back of my neck stand as I hear gun shots echo in the cold warehouse. 

"'s nothing Ira, calm down." Miles tells me, small smirk plastered on his face. I scrunch my eye brows together, relaxing slightly back into my seat. I shoot back up seconds later as the doors bang open, relieving a raging Liam.

"Where the fuck is she!" He yells, walking quickly towards us. He apparently hasn't seen me yet.

Miles snorts, peaking an eye open as he glances towards Liam, turning back to me. "Oh this ones a keeper." he chuckles, turning to face Liam. "So glad you could join us Liam. We've been expecting you."

Liam reaches Miles, relaxing slightly as he spots me, but pulls a gun out from behind himself, pointing it straight at Miles' head. I scream, paralyzed in my spot. 

"Go Ira." Liam grits out, his jaw clenched as he clicks the bullet into place. I shake my head, unable to find my voice. Miles doesn't look scared, he looks peaced out. Calm, too calm in fact. 

"Ira. Go. Now." Liam repeats, nudging the gun closer to Miles. 

"N-no." I struggle to say, shaking sense into my head. "No Liam dont kill him!"

Liam turns to me with furrowed eyebrows, a face that screams are-you-fucking-insane. "Ira, he - he fucking raped you for god fucking sake!" Liam shouts as Miles lowers his head in what i think is shame. 

"I- It's complicated Liam, just please. Don't. He has a family now - he's different now." I try to reason. Liam stares at me, shaking his head before pulling his phone out of hos pocket. "Come get her." he states, placing it back into his pocket. 

The doors open seconds later, Harry and Zayn walking through. I look at him then towards the two approaching me as i piece together what Liam meant by "come get her."

"Liam n-" I shriek as Harry lifts me up, throwing me over his should. "Put me down!" I shout, pounding on his back. I look back at Liam but he doesn't look at me. Zayn sends me a sympathetic look as we walk out the ware house, placing me in the back seat of a locked car before driving away.

"Where the fuck are we going! You cant just leave him there! He's going to fucking kill Miles!"

"Ira just - sit down and buckle your seat belt." Harry instructs, peaking at me through the rear view mirror. I grunt, praying to god that Liam doesn't do something stupid. 

I hear a loud booming noise, glancing back again to find smoke filling the air - the warehouse up in flames. I shriek, searching for a black car to drive out and follow behind us, but nothing comes. 

I quickly search for my phone, quickly tapping in Liam's number. "Please oh please, please please, please dear god please pick up." 

"I'm sorry, but the person you have called is not available at this tim-"

The End. ((really))

there will be no sequel, this is the last chapter. i hope you guys enjoyed tinted as much as i did writing it, and just to let you know I'm starting something new soon - somewhere around February 2014 - and it'll be the first book to an upcoming series. 

I love you all and sorry for all the mistakes throughout this story :)




>> really going to miss Liam, and Ira. <<

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