Chapter 6

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A/N: Liam's day & 800+ reads! thank you guys! thought we'd celebrate with a little of liam's 'tinted' side (;

It's been about a month now. a month since i met Liam, correction - since Liam saved me. yes yes, i finally admitted the truth. if Liam hadn't been there that night i probably wouldn't be here right now telling you this and yeah shut up i get the point. But let me just say, having Liam save you is not fucking fun. He'll take you out on a date, save you again from your roommates crazy ex, insist on driving you as much as you can to work. the scary part? you literally know nothing about him; and every time you try to ask him a question he suddenly has "things to do". can i get a bullshit?

"In all my years of working here, i think this is the slowest it's ever been." i comment, glancing around the small restaurant. Tony chuckles, wiping down the counter for what seems like the bagillionth time. "couldn't agree with you more. I have to give Anthony chores to keep him occupied" He sates, glancing in the back room. "so how's everything? been awhile since we've had a chance to sit down and talk." Tony says, gesturing me to siting the stools.

Tony is practically the closest thing i have to a 'father figure'. he took me in, gave me a job, even tried hooking me up with one of his nephews but lets just not go there.

I smile, plopping into the stool in front of the counter. "So." he starts, stopping temporarily as Anthony walks in to get the broom. "who was the young lad who dropped you off yesterday? was he your - um.." Tony trails off, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. I bite my lip, trying hard to hold back the laugh that wanted so badly to escape. "Boyfriend?" Tony finishes, crossing his arms over his chest. I let out a loud laugh, throwing my head back. "Liam!?" I yell between laughs, trying hard to control them. "My boyfriend??!" i continue, hitting my hand on the counter multiple times.

"Did i just hear that Ira has a boyfriend?" Anthony asks, walking up beside his father. "thats what i'm trying to confirm."Tony says, raising an eyebrow. "well when do we gettah meet him then?" "he's no-" "Yes we are gonna have to scare him shit less" "guys he-" "i can picture the look on his face is going to be priceless" "GUYS!"

Their smiles fade as the turn their attention towards me. i inhale a breath quickly, closing my eyes. "Liam is not my boyfriend." i reassure them, nodding slightly to myself. "i must be your sugar daddy then" i hear Liam say as the bell above the door jingles. I shoot my eyes open, facing two very amused Tony's - well, Tony and Anthony.

"I'm guessing your Liam?" Tony says, walking around the counter. Liam smiles, extending an arm. "yup, Liam Payne; pleasure to meet you." "Like wise. I'm Tony and thats my son Anthony. So.. did you come to sweep Ira off her feet?" Tony asks, a faint chuckle escaping his lips. "Something like that - if she's available." Liam smirks, glancing at me.

"Of course she's available!"


"we don't even have customers today!"


"she can leave right now, i'll have Anthony take orders if anyone comes in, go go" Tony says, pulling me out of the restaurant in shock. "Tony!" i yell as he closes the door behind us, a smirk plastered on his face. "fucking pri-" Liam coughs, a small smile spread on his lips. "shall we go?" he asks, gesturing to the car. "go where exactly?" i question, raising an eye brow. "well if you must know, the farmers market." I let out a breathy laugh, raiding both eye brows. He rolls his eyes, shuffling the keys in his hands. "i was thinking i'd cook for you or something since our first date you spent with Bert." he shrugs, walking to the passenger side of his car. "you coming?"


"So Ira,' Liam says, taking a seat on a near by bench. I follow, setting my drink down as well. "you a virgin?" My eyes widen as i almost choke on the soda i had been swallowing. "i - what" I mumble, regaining my breath. "are you. a. virgin?" he asks again, almost in an annoyed tone. "why do you want to know?" i retort, furrowing my eye brows. "Ahh - so you are?" he smirks, leaning a bit closer to me. "

"i - um no?" Liam chuckles, hand resting on my thigh. "well then. let me tell you a little something about sex then. Who ever its with, its gonna hurt. so badly you'll be clawing at my back but you'll get used to it. soon you'll be craving it, but at first? no you'll be avoiding it, saying a mixture of 'no's' and 'i don't want to's' and then you'll be doing anything from sucking my dick to taking showers with me and that'll just make it all funner." "did you say m-my?" i stutter, heart racing as his hand squeezes my thigh, inching up slowly.

I did the only thing rational, bet oyu fifty bucks you'd do the same - if you weren't a slut. i ran.

I quickly turn a corner, panting for air. I press my back to the wall firmly, in hopes he wouldn't see where I had gone. After what seemed to be five minutes I peeked around the corner. “Shit” I mumble as Liam turns into view. He first looks around, walking up to a girl with dark brown hair but then realizing it's not me. “Ira!” he yells, before spotting me.

I quickly turn back, heart racing. My eyes widen as I look for a way out, this farmers market was packed - I could easily loose him in the crowd. Without thinking, I turn to run – pushing past the crowd of people as I reach the back of the market. “Ira” I hear Liam say before my body is being pulled back. He smirks, gripping onto my wrist to hold me in place. “I heard its rude to run away on a first date.” He chuckles. “it's not a date if I don’t want to be here.” I retort, tugging my hand from his grasp. “Hey, you were the one who got in my car. I didn't drug you or anything.” Liam replies, shrugging slightly while tucking his hands into his pockets.

I turn to continue running, accidentally bumping into someone in the process. I scream as a chill rushes over me, sudden realization that I was wet. My eyes widen at my shirt, almost completely see through. Liam smirks as the man I had bumped into apologizes. “I'm leaving.” I state, turning towards the parking lot. “You're forgetting, I'm your ride.” I hear Liam say before I stop in order for him to catch up. As we continue to walk I feel Liam lean into me, breath tickling the skin of my neck. “Usually, when a girl gets wet in front of me – she's naked.” My eyes widen as I step away from him. I send him a quick glare, noticing the tinted brown in his eyes I have seen countless times already; what frightened me the most?

I was getting used to it.

A/N: oooohhhh. okay no, Liam is not a rapist and no i am not jumping into things. you'll see soon enough. *evil laugh* so did you like it? if you didn't, tell me what i can do to make it better - i love comments like these!

who misses Bert?

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