Chapter 2

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"Wake up. Wake up. Wake up"

"Wake up already"

I throw my hand up, immediately wincing in pain as it hits something hard. "Damn, don't gotta hit me!" I hear Jessie yell. I sit up, leaning my back against the headboard as i rub my eyes open. "What do you want?" I ask harshly, glaring at her for an answer. "The man down stairs said this was for you," she says, pulling out a large black box; ribbon neatly tied around it. My eyes widen slightly as i take it from her, reaching for the small tag.

'Can't wait to see you in this tonight - '

"He's downstairs!?" I whisper harshly, jumping out of bed. "Yeah, who is he?" Jessie asks, trying to get a glimpse of the note. I crumple the tag, shrugging slightly before quickly reaching for the box. I hated lying to Jessie, but then again i wasn't really lying – I don't know who Liam Payne is.

I quickly discard of the ribbon, opening the box gently to find a layer of tissue paper covering a rather expensive looking black and red dress. My eyes widen as i pull the dress out, i would have to admit - it was beautiful. "woah" was all Jessie could mutter before the sound of clattering pans sounded from downstairs. Me and Jessie exchanged glances, quickly trotting downstairs.

"Are you okay?" Jessie questioned, running to Liam's side. He was rubbing his head, glancing up to the assorted pots and pans that hung above the island. Jessie frantically ran to the fridge, offering him frozen peas which he kindly declined - but Jessie being Jessie, forced the peas on his head. I let out a small chuckle, leaning against the island as all eyes turn to me.

I raise an eye brow as Liam stiffens up a bit, removing the bag of peas from his head. "What are you doing here?" i ask bitterly, receiving a deadly glare from Jessie. "I came to drop off your dress, Jessie asked me to sit for tea while she woke you." He smirked, taking a seat in one of our stools. I nod, clenching my jaw before turning to Jessie. "Hey Jessie - can i talk to you for a second? in the hall." i command rather than questioning, dragging her out.

"what the fuck Jessie!" i whisper bitterly, peaking over her shoulder. "he's very nice, Ira. I honestly don't see what you hate about him." she mumbles, crossing her arms over her chest. i roll my eyes, glancing back towards Liam. "It's pretty rude to keep him waiting, Ira" Jessie mumbles, following my gaze. "You let him in!" i blurt, anger rushing through my veins. 

I walk back into the kitchen, forced smile placed upon my lips. "As much as i'd love to stay and chat, i really have to get to work no-" "ill take you." Liam interrupts, shooting up from his seat. "no you don't have to do that - I'll be fine, it's walking distance." I say, sending him a quick smile. He smirks, leaning forward a bit to much; his breath burning my skin. "you can either decline and have me carry you out or you can accept and come willingly" he whispers, smirk growing as he leans back; pure confusion written on my face. "if you think I'm joking, i'd love to show you I'm not." he says quietly, glancing towards the door. "ill be ready in five" i groan, quickly running upstairs. 

I slam the door behind me, taking a seat at the edge of my bed. My heart was racing; head pounding. I had no doubt that Liam could forcefully carry me out, and i honestly didn't want to test him. I stand up, grabbing my work clothes and quickly throwing them on before pulling my hair into a tight pony tail.

I walk into the bathroom, straightening my black skirt and top, glancing down to make sure my VANs were tied. Moments like these are why I'm so thankful Tony doesn't have a certain dress code other than black. I brush my teeth quickly, sighing as i make my way down stairs.

"ready?" Liam asks me as i reach the bottom step. "ready as i'll ever be" i mumble, walking towards the door. I grab my bag, glancing up at Jessie. she sends me a quick wink, walking back upstairs. I open the door, taking the first step out. Memories of the night before replay in my head as i stare at the empty hallway, causing my heart to race even faster.

"Are you okay?" Liam asks as i nod shakily. "cus you're gripping my arm pretty tightly." He mumbles, pointing to his arm. I look up at him confused then glance down, almost immediately pulling my hand off. "sorry" i mumble, continuing to walk toward the elevator. He chuckles, his hand finding its way to my lower back. i grunt quietly, glancing up at him. i shrug it off, quickly turning a corner. 

His hand was fine till - of course - it moved lower than it should have and he squeezed. I quickly swat his hand away, anger rushing through my veins as i turn to face him. "you still want to go on that stupid date? don't fucking touch me like that again." i snap, immediately slapping my hand over my mouth. He stares at me wide eyed, but i didn't dare mutter an apology for my outburst - ass got what he deserved.

"Didn't know you could get like that" he chuckles, running a hand through his hair. I roll my eyes, stepping inside the elevator as it opens. "you don't know anything about me" i retort, pressing the lobby button. i glance his way as he nods, smirk noticeable on his lips. 

Liam turned to me, eye's over taken with the tint i had seen the night before. he inches closer to me as i inch back, soon pinned against the wall. The reason i didn't move will be a question till the day i die, but i  didn't - not even a hand to push him away. i stood there, defenseless as Liam leaned ever so slightly onto me. Our faces centimeters apart to the point where his hot breathe tickled my skin. he chuckled deeply, moving his lips quickly to my neck; setting a soft gentle trail of kisses up to my ear.

"Why don't we change that?"

well yes, i am going to be that annoying author who puts a note at the end of chapters. anyway, i hope you enjoyed it - i know I'm enjoying writing it(: so comment for the next chapter and what you think their date is going to be like(;

i thought the picture was necessary because omf


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