Chapter 26

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a/n: i'm so sorry, this is terrible.

"I'm so sorry, Ira. You have no idea. I didn't mean to... well i did mean to but i didn't know I'd take it that far. it was killing me. i love you too much to know that he was breathing after doing anything to hurt you. I'm so so sorry."

This is all too confusing to me. Miles, Miles isn't dead. But he was severely beaten... And Liam did that? He did that with no remorse?

Miles wasn't always that way. I fell in love with Miles, the guy who walked down the streets and told random people that he loved me. I fell in love with that Miles. But after he got mixed into drug dealing and the gang, he changed. I still care about him. I always will.

Liam thinks Miles is dead. He believed he killed him. Liam wanted him dead. Liam thinks he's a killer.

Is he a killer?

Would he have done this, kill someone, if they hadn't paid Jeff? Would he kill anyone?

What if we were to end this all. Would he try to get back at me? Would he kill the people i care about? Would he kill Tony, Anthony, or Jessie?

no. No. NO.

Liam would never.

Or would he?

I don't know Liam.

I remember saying the same months back, and yet it still hadn't changed. What if everything Liam has told me is just one large lie?

How could i love a lie?

I back away from him, wondering how i could ever fall in love with a man i don't know. I don't know him. He put Miles in the hospital. He's a killer. I can't love him.
How could I ever say i loved this man.

"You love me?"

i shoot my gaze up, eyebrows furrowed as i taje a deep breath. "no." i reply weakly, continuing to back away from him. My back collides with the wall as he makes his way closer.

There's a look in his eyes that reminds me of everything.

If given the opportunity, i would have killed Miles.

I do know Liam, granted it's a strange way, but i still know him.

Liam said it was killing him. That he loved me too much to let Miles live with himself.

I look toward me feet, realization hitting me as his body heat bolted onto me.

"Are you lying?" He questioned, body pressing closer to mine with every breath I took.

I'd be lying to myself if i said that,

I shook my head, averting his gaze.

i didn't love you.

In seconds, my chin was being tilted up - a smirk grin on his face. "Then tell me you don't love me."

Jesus Christ my mind is just to fucked.

I grunt, snaking a hand around his neck as i push my lips against his. I can taste the scotch on his breath - hell i smelt it when he walked in. I just honestly don't have the strength anymore to care.

I still dont know how i feel about what Liam did. If anything i'm worried. Worried for a few reasons; knowing Miles' grudges last eternity, that this could very much get their 'gangs' involved, and that most likely the police.

I dont even know how we ended up in my bed with Liam ontop of me, or how the room was filled with my soft moans and the sound of my bed squeaking each time Liam would push in and out of me.

My mind is just to fucked up.


knock. knock.




There's a large noise that jolts me awake, followed by Liam who had his briefs slipped on and was making his way towards the stairs.

"don't look at me like that! i forgot my fucking keys. get back inside yah noisy neighbors!"

that sounded a lot like....

"Zayn shut it before they call the cops."


I quickly grab the first shirt i find on the floor and throw it on, followed by my panties and quickly make my way downstairs. I could honestly care less that i have no pants or bras on right now.

I reach the bottom step and sure enough, Zayn and Harry are standing in my living room.

"it's good to know we're welcomed here." Zayn snorts, rolling his eyes.

"you're not yah idiot. especially if yah break down her damn door- Jesus Harry why didn't you just call?" Liam grunts, running a hand over his face.

"Its not something you just call abou- oh good, Ira. I need you to pack only things you absolutely need. Liam we already got a bag from your place so you're good - we need to leave within the hour." Harry informs me, handing me a good size duffel bag.

"whats this all about?" i question, looking to Liam for an answer. 

"it's for your safety, we'll explain on the way out." Harry states, nudging his head towards the stairs. I nod, scrunching my eyebrows together before running upstairs. I don't really know what i would need the most, so i grab my tooth brush and a load of panties and bras, throwing in two pairs of pants and three shirts. I quickly change out of Liam shirt, but tow it into the bag, pulling on a bra and a hoodie along with a pair of sweats. 

I quickly make my way down stairs, finding Harry waiting patiently for me. "Where's Liam?" I ask as we step out, glancing at the massive clump of wood missing from our door. "In the car with Zayn." I nod, making my way down the hall. 

I stop temporarily, realizing that Jessie never came back last night. Would she be in danger too? I go to grab my phone form my pocket, realizing I left it. "Shit i left y phone." I grunt, turning to look down the hall as the elevator dings open. 

"We'll get you a new one, but for now we have to go."

a/n: i'm not satisfied with my writing lately. had a bit of a headache when i wrote this so i'm sorry if its confusing - im 99.99% sure it will be. 

4 more chapters.

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