Chapter 15

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It's Saturday.

I still can't look Joe in the eyes.

On Tuesday Liam came to pick me up and while we were leaving Joe yelled, "USE PROTECTION!' while the Lesyl family was walking in. I'm actually gonna have to thank him on that one, maybe now the Lesyl family will stop bugging me about stealing their welcome mat. And just for the record, i did not steal it - Jessie told me she puked on it one day and threw it out, i mean who has a welcome mat in an apartment building anyway?

"And this is the main building" Eleanor says excitedly, opening the two doors in one swift movement. It was big. Lots of colors. And lots of skinny models. I almost cringe when i see a girl walk by with heels higher than my knees.

"they'll do your measuring while i go get Lou okay?" Eleanor smiles as a another woman drags me to the side, instructing me to stand on a small platform while she and a man jot down a few notes and measure me. 

I distract myself by looking around once again, noticing the variety of the models - i'm almost positive we could line them up from palest to darkest. Glancing down at me then back at the models, i feel like a needle in a hay stack.

"Ira!" Louis yells, startling me. I shake my head slightly before a small smile spreads on my lips, quickly vanishing as the lady tilts my head and extends my arm. "Hi" i mumble, sighing in relief as the lady allows me to step down. 

"So you ready to see the designs?" Louis chirps, hooking his arm through my floppy one. I smile, quickly reacting as Louis leads me farther into the building.


"So, Eleanor has a lot of designs already done - she just could never find a person for her designs. And the reason why you'd fit perfectly is because, well first - when you look at these models whats the first thing that comes into your mind?" Louis asks, waiting patiently for a reply.

"skinny" i reply, rubbing my arm awkwardly. Louis lets out a small chuckle, nodding his head. "Yeah well that too, but i was hoping you'd say something along the lines of 'the same' or 'boring' i dont know but - back to the point. So the reason you'll stand out is because well, you're not the 'model type' and don't take this offensively but your curves make you stand out in a bunch of models so the cameras will be attracted to you, and the outfits you will wear and we'll sell more considering women will see that you don't always have to be a model to dress like one" Louis smile brightly while i stand there trying to decide if that was all a compliment or not but, Eleanor comes back before i can make up my mind.

"So i think i brought like - everything.." Eleanor huffs, plopping the pile of papers onto a near by desk and spreading them out. "Now i want you to be in something comfortable and something you'd wear on a daily basis, because in the end you get to take it all home!" Eleanor cheers, clapping her hands together before gesturing me to take a seat in front of the pile. I comply, already separating the designs i like from the others. 

"Louis?! Louis!" a blonde yells, running towards him. "You love me don't you?" she says, grabbing ahold of Louis' hands desperately. "Of course love, whats the problem?" Louis asks, a small smile on his lips. She pulls him frantically down the hall, turning a corner and disappearing.

Eleanor excuses herself for a moment, leaving me to sort through the pile of designs. I'm halfway through when someone comes and stands next to me, awkwardly hovering over me. I look up, doing a double take on the familiar face. "Zayn?"

He smiles, gesturing to the empty seat next to me with a questionable look, i nod allowing him to sit down. "Hello." He says again, leaning over to look at Eleanor's designs. He bobs his head from left to right as if saying 'they're alright', before resting against the back of his seat. "Are you a model?" I ask because to be of all honesty, i can see him as one.

He snorts, resting his head back and closing his eyes. "No, Louis tries to shove me into some color spandex every time i stop by but I'm to camera shy and no way would i get into spandex. I'm just waiting for someone special, if you were wondering why i was here. What about you?" he asks, eyes remaining closed. "well apparently i have the perfect body for Eleanor's desgins." i reply with a shrug, placing a design with to many colors into my "NO" pile.

"Is that sarcasm i smell? really should brush your teeth." he chuckles, glancing around the hallway. "only sarcastic if you see it that way." i retort, placing the last design in the "NO" pile. Theres no doubt that the "NO" pile is significantly bigger than the "YES" one but who am i kidding? a lot of these outfits are too outgoing for me. "you have a beautiful body that some women would die for so embrace it." he says sternly, eyes focusing on something behind me as a smile spreads on his lips. 

"I've gotta go but hey - you know LIam's birthday's coming up, right?" Zayn asks, eyebrows furrowing. I shake my head, me and Liam haven't really talked much about him really. Who am i kidding - we barely talk at all. "Oh well is the 29th, of this month, August. We usually do something but i dunno - plans change. You should - you should do something special for him." Zayn states, ending with a wink. "i gotta run - catch you later."

something special.

oh i've got something in mind.

"I knew you'd pick these" Eleanor states, pulling me out of my mental planning as she looks over my small pile of "YES". She smiles brightly, tucking the pile under her clipboard. "Now, what's your shoe size" she asks, pen ready to write.


"okay, how do you feel about dying your hair?"

"not to crazy about it but as long as it's not like neon green i guess i'm okay with it"

"alright then, well that's all we needed really - do you want me to call you a cab or something? I wouldn't mind giving you a ride if you want." she smiles brightly. "no it's okay, Liam said he'd pick me up" and wow do i need a car. As if on cue, my phone rings with Liam's name popping up on the screen. Eleanor smiles, giving me a small wave good-bye before walking off.

"Hey i have a question"

"Oh hey Ira, how was it? Did you have fun? Oh yeah it was great, thanks for asking Liam." i roll my eyes, making my way down the long hall. "Sorry" he chuckles.

"So whats your question, are you here?"

"yeah i'm in the parking lot and i was wondering...


"Have you ever given a guy a blow job?"


"have you - ever - given - a guy - a blow - job."

"I - wha- whe- Liam Payne why the hell are you asking me this?!"

"just wondering if you have any experience is all" he chuckles, "wanna know if you can handle my dick in your mouth" he says and i can almost hear the smirk on his lips. I grunt, rolling my eyes.

"I'm almost to the parking lot i'll see you then Liam" i mumble, quickly ending the call. I shake my head, shoving my phone into my purse as a girl was blazing read hair approaches me, wicked smile on her lips.

"I'm sorry, but i couldn't help but over hear you talking to Liam Payne?" i nod my head slowly, furrowing my eyebrows. "Can you tell him Maple says hi? and that last time we - met up - was fun, and we should do it again." she smiles, nodding her head. 

"And you know Liam, how exactly?"

"We're.. friends?"

"Okay well, i have to go i'll tell him you said hi and - yeah" i mumble, brushing past her and through the lobby to the parking lot, where sure enough Liam was there - but not with his usually Audi TT. "What the hell is that?!" he smirks, standing up and striding to me, placing a helmet in my hands.

"a motorcycle."

A/N: Sorry i left you guys like that, got a life for once. Anyway, hope you guys are enjoying? dont forget to vote!

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