Chapter 24

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A/N: at the end, i have a little dedication competition.


Liam's POV

It's like my mind has gone blank.

I can't really tell whats going on to be honest, its just a haze really. Ira's explaining everything to me. Everything. From her father to her brother to Tony and Anthony to - Miles.

I can only imagine how she felt when i had referred to him as "a friend". He wasn't a friend, i just didn't want her to worry. She kind of exploded thinking I was cheating - must be hormones.

But she looks so strong, sitting in front of me, her hands moving rapidly as she explains something along the lines of "...and that's how i got a scar on my lower back - oh wait I'm rambling, where was I? Oh yeah-" I know the only reason she's telling me these stories about anything other than Miles is to distract me and even with her doing that, my mind hasn't figured out how to take the new information.

I'm still processing the things Ira told me. I'm still trying to figure out why someone would do those types of things to her and why she would say she loved them? It makes no sense to me, Ira deserves so much, so fucking much that i wish i could give her. She deserves one of those cliche perfect lives with two loving parents but then again i wouldn't really know.

I've never really met my parents. I have this fragment of a memory that i hold onto, one where i think i had a sister. But what matters right now isn't the fact that i never had that cliche perfect life i wish Ira did, and the fact that she didn't either makes me love her even more than i possibly could imagine.

And then it just hits me. It all hits me like a rush of wind, practically pushing me to the ground. Everything that Miles had done to Ira, everything Miles had done to break her down. I wanted to kill him. Beat him to a pulp or rip out his heart just so he could feel the pain, but i'm sure it was way more painful for Ira.

I wanted him dead. I wanted him to never exist. I wanted him to just drown in the Arctic so people would never discover his body till 100,000 or more years later. I didn't want anything to do with Miles, i wanted him out of my fucking house. I'm going to move, we're going to move somewhere far and i don't give a shit if anyone disagrees - we're going to get the hell out of this place.

I stood up, my jaw still clenched as i look down at her. She stopped talking to watch my every move, her hands frozen in mid air while her eyes widened with fear. Was she afraid of me? She has to know that i would never do anything to hurt her, she knows right?

I relax, taking a deep breath before kneeling in front of her. She's scared, i can tell, there's the same fear in her eyes that's in the eyes of anyone who has to pass Zayn, Harry and me to see Jeff. The same fear in her eyes when i did my first job. The same fear in her eyes Danielle had the day i nearly killed her friend.

"Ira." I breathed, trying to figure out what to say exactly. But the only thing i could think of was, "i love you. And I want Miles the fuck out of my house." She lunged forward, wrapping her arms around my neck as we fall back onto the floor. I snake my arms around her waist, snuggling slightly into the crook of her neck before continuing.

"I'd never hurt you. I'd never want to, i don't think i could ever hurt someone so perfect as you anyway. I'm glad you told me this - I never liked that ass anyway, Jeff made me take him in till we do a drug transaction." I paused slightly, thinking of ways i could murder Miles and get away with it. "It'll be my last one. I-we, are going away okay? We'll go some where nice and peaceful an- and yeah? All i know is that i want to be with you somewhere far away."

She pulls away slowly, staddling my lap as she stares down at me. "You have to tell me." she states, leaning back on my propped up knees.

"tell you about what?"



Ignoring the fact that she still hasn't said "i love you too Liam", and the fact that we haven't fucked in this kitchen, and the fact that we've only fucked once, i run my hands over my face because i'm going off subject and i haven't even started.

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