Chapter 23

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A/N: Playlist that helped me write this chapter (:  

[Do I Wanna Know - Artic Monkeys; Face Down - The Red Jumpsuit; Set Me On Fire - Bella Ferraro; Skinny Love - Birdy]

Ira's POV

The waves crash against the rocks, a salty breeze brushing against my skin, the sounds of small laughter coming from the house. "It's beautiful isn't it?" I whisper, a bright smile spreading on my lips as i feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist.

"yes it is"

I turn in his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck. "This view is even better though" Liam winks, pulling me closer. I roll my eyes, a soft chuckle escaping my lips as i spot the kids running across the living room. "Ahh!" a shriek is heard from inside. On instinct, Liam and i separate, bolting inside.

Blood surrounded the two fragile children, a dark figure hovering over them with a chuckle. "glad you could join us today, we were just playing a game." His chuckles turn into laughter as he backs in the kitchen, grabbing a new knife. I all but lunge forward, kneeling by my now, lifeless, children. 

"You killed them!" I shout, trying with every once in my body to not allow a sob to escape. Liam stands shocked, tensed in the doorway, a look of horror plastered on his face. "Well, I was hoping they were" the figure shrugs, twisting the shiny knife in his hand. 

I turn back to my kids, their eyes still wide open as i close them; allowing a single tear to fall down my cheek and land neatly in a pool of blood. "GAh!" my head whips around as i take in the scene in front of me, Liam's eyes starring into mine as he stabs the figure repeatedly, no emotion whatsoever on his face.

As the body falls down, Liam turns to his hands, stained with the murder's blood. He drops the knife, shaking his head back in forth. "nononnonononono - NO!" he backs into the wall, his eyes wide as he frantically tries to wipe the blood off. He sinks down, hiding his face into his palms as he cries.

"I didn't mean to. I'm sorry. It was an accident. I loved you. I'm so sorry. I love you."

I hesitantly make my way towards him, placing two hands on his shoulders as i kneel next to him. "Liam, its okay... you had to do what you had to do..."

"i killed her.."

"You killed who Liam? Look at me" He continued to sob, his body shaking as he continued to mutter apologies and 'i loved you' and the occasionally 'it was an accident'. I tried everything to get him to look at me but he wouldn't budge, not even when i yelled at him. "Liam fucking look at me dammit!"

"I'm so sorry, Ira. I loved you. I didn't mean to do it. It was the last time i swear"

My eyes widened, i had seen this all before, i just couldn't place my finger on it. i cautiously walked to the dead figure, squinting my eyes to try to get a look at it's face. It was dressed in black, a mask covering it's face. I sighed, looking for the hem of the mask as i tore it  off the figure's face, gasping when i saw who it was.

It was me.

The blood that had been surrounding the bod- me, had disappeared, along with the cut in the shirt fabric. I grabbed the end of the shirt, pulling it up to expose the skin. It was all different colors, mainly a dark blue, some yellow others red, a few gashes here and there accompanied by a pair of hand prints peeking out from the waist band of the pants. I jump as a hand wrap around my wrist, as i turned to look at me.

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