Chapter 5

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"Liam?" Matt chuckles, twisting his body to face him. "What are you doing- ohhh i see. Ira's your new shag rag? nice one- always wanted a taste but Jessie never gave me a chance; till now." 

"Is that all you came here for? A fucking kiss to piss off your ex" Liam asks in a harsh tone as he inches closer. could this go any slower. Matt moves his head slightly, before a slight smirk appears on his lips. "yup, maybe a little more than a kiss - oh but that's right, she's yours to fuck." 

There was no doubt that Liam towered over Matt, with more defined muscles. Liam stood tall in front of Matt, jaw clenched and hands balled into fists. "i'll give you three seconds to get the fuck off of her, and out of here." Liam mumbled through gritted teeth. "no can do buckaroo, need to get that kiss i so desperately need." Matt chuckled, sending Liam a quick wink before turning back to face me. "Now, where were we? Oh righ-"

In a matter of seconds, Liam had Matt pinned to the front door by his collar, his face red with anger. "If you're not going to leave without a kiss - i'm sure my fist wont mind taking Ira's place. Unless you have a better idea." Liam chuckles, tightening his grip on Matt's collar. "Liam come on, like you've never done revenge sex?" Matt laughed, glancing towards me. 

Liam turned his head to face me, mouthing 'go upstairs'. i nod rapidly, rushing upstairs and stopping at the top step.

"still want that fucking revenge sex?" i hear Liam mumble, followed by a small chuckle. "have you seen her? fuck yeah i do." Matt retorts along with what seemed to be an eye roll. Liam turns Matt around so that he is facing the door, pressed harder against the door. "i have seen her, have you seen me? If a good fuck is what you want lets do it right here. i like this position anyway - so how bout some good ol' revenge sex yeah?" Liam chuckles, pressing Matt harder against the door.

"Why the fuck you you care about her anyway?" Matt grunts, struggling under Liam's hold. "Look. come near her or Jessie again, and you'll be pulling you head out of the wall - if you're fucking alive." Liam mutters, swinging the door open and throwing Matt on the floor of the hallway. 

"This isn't fucking over Payne. Better watch your bac-" Liam slams the door, running a hand through his hair. I quietly make my way back downstairs as Liam paces back and forth, muttering a few inaudible things to himself. 

I reach the bottom step, accidentally bumping into a side table. Liam spins around, arm reaching for something behind him. When his eyes land on me he relaxes, hastily removing his hand. "shit i forgot you were hear." He mumbles, shoving his hands into his pockets.



Liam lets out a chuckle, glancing towards the door. "well, i should probably be going I'll just um yeah" Liam mumbles, making his way to the door. "no wait!" i yell, causing him to stop in his tracks. i scratch the back of my neck awkwardly, starring down at my feet. "I was thinking, um maybe you could stay - in case he comes back.." I mutter, glancing up to find a smirking Liam. "Are you asking me to sleep with you?" He smirks, raising an eyebrow. i roll my eyes, crossing my arms. "no you prick. I'm asking you to spend the night." I retort, walking towards the door.

I lock the door, switching the lights off before walking next to Liam. I stare up at him for a reply, receiving nothing. I sigh, grabbing his arm and pulling him upstairs. I grab some blankets and a pillow, setting them down on my bedroom floor. "i hope the floors fine. I have some close that might fit you in the box over there" I mumble, quickly pointing to the box and walking into the bathroom. 

"I have an extr-" I return to find Liam sound asleep - on my bed. "Fucking dick, get up" i curse, shaking him slightly. i repeat the action for about twenty times, only receiving a groan once. I sigh in defeat, slipping under the covers next to Liam. Almost immediately one of his arms rests on my hip, pulling himself closer a bit. I grunt, trying to escape his grasp but it was no use - he just kept on tightening his grip. "Goodnight Liam" i whisper into my pillow, eye lids slowly closing.

I shoot my eyes open, sudden realization of something i should have asked. 

why the hell was Liam here anyway?

A/N: this was quick. just finished it at 4:06 AM, sorry if it sucks. SOoooo, dedicated to @AllyStyles11 bc her comment made me laugh and practically wrote that little "Miam" moment(; 

And why do you think Liam was there? {Comment for next chapter}  ~{o3o}~


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