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The waves crash against the rocks, a salty breeze brushing against my skin, the sounds of small laughter coming from the house. "It's beautiful isn't it?" I whisper, a bright smile spreading on my lips as i feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist.

"yes it is"

I turn in his arms, wrapping mine around his neck. "This view is even better though" Liam winks, pulling me closer. I roll my eyes, a soft chuckle escaping my lips as i spot the kids running across the living room. "Ahh!" a shriek is heard from inside. On instinct, Liam and i separate, bolting inside.

Louis is on the floor, laughing loudly as Joyce and Stephen continue to attack him with tickles and lip gloss. Zayn snorts, shaking his head as he steps over Louis' pleading body - placing the rest of the groceries in the kitchen.

I sigh in relief, helping Louis up as Stephen and Joyce run off into the other room. Eleanor walks in, balancing her new born baby on her hip while the diaper bag in the other. I rush to help her, setting the bag on the floor before retrieving Liz from her hands. She huffs out a small "thank you." glancing behind her towards Harry who squeezes a stroller through the front door. 

"Thank you Harry." Eleanor thanks him, placing it to the side. "Max said he would come by later this afternoon since he had to finish up the last of his work papers." Eleanor informs me, bringing out the baby seat and placing Liz in it. 

"great, he'll make it in time for the barbecue Zayn and Liam want to have." I smile, turning my attention to Stephen as he comes bursting in with a large pout. 


"Liz is finally asleep." Max announces, taking a seat next to Eleanor as she gives him a thankful smile. "Just in time for stories." Louis muses, swatting at a mosquito. I raise an eyebrow, a small smirk playing on my lips. "What type of story Lou?"

He smiles brightly, pointing to my husband. "The one Liam still hasn't told us - with what happened to him and Miles in that warehouse like three years ago." Everyone turns to Liam, watching as he slowly tags a drink from  his beer, placing it down and pulling me ever so tightly against his side.

He licks his lips, looking down at me for confirmation in which i nod to, nuzzling my head into his chest. "Well.."

Back to the warehouse three years ago, Liam holding tightly onto a gun pointed directly at Miles' head as he waits for Harry and Zayn to take Ira out of the building.

The door shuts loudly, leaving the two men alone - waiting for what is to come next. "What are you waiting for then?" Miles shoot Liam a quickly sideways glare, closing his eyes tightly as he waits for Liam to pull the trigger. 

Liam grunts, mumbling a small "fuck" before stepping back, tugging the bullets from the gun and dropping them to the floor. Miles stands to his feet, a smug expression plastered on his face. Liam scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest. 

"I don't know why the fuck she doesn't want me to kill you - I don't wanna know why I'm listening to her to be honest. I fucking hate your guts. But, I love her. And if she believes your different, that you have a family now - who am I to say she's insane? I'm letting you go for fucks sake." Liam states sternly, giving Miles a somewhat respectful nod. 

'"Well," Miles starts, looking behind him before looking back to Liam. "I would really love to say all that shit in the movies like 'take care of her, because god know i didn't' and 'ill kill you if you hurt her' and all but Ray is probably already on the scene so we really should get to the back car. Miles turns on his feet, looking back to Liam. 

"You have to leave your car - I had my men place explosives so that if anyone tries to enter through the front BOOM!" Miles smiles widely, continuing to walk towards the back of the warehouse. Liam looks back to the front, hearing car doors shut and yelling before chasing after Miles, hoping into his passenger seat. 

Miles zooms off, barely getting away as the whole warehouse goes up into a large flame, the sky filling with smoke. "That was close." Liam mumbles under his breath, reaching for his phone but realizing he must have dropped it in the warehouse when he was fighting the two men. 

Miles pulls over about a good hour or so away from the warehouse. Liam follows as he steps out of the car, walking to Liam with an extended arm. "Thank you." Miles stated, giving Liam a firm shake as another sleek black car pulls up. 

Jeff pokes his head out of the car, sliding his shades down the bridge of his nose as he calls out to Liam, "You coming or what buster?" Liam smiles, nodding his head towards Miles before slowly making his way towards Jeff's car. "Liam!"

"I did not say buster." Jeff scoffs, receiving multiple shushes for Liam to continue.

Liam stops, glancing over his shoulder as Miles stuffs his hands into his pockets, a small, thankful smile spread across his cheeks. 

"Take care of her will yeah?"

Liam nods, a small smile plastered on his face as he hops into Jeff's car.

I look up at Liam, a large smile spread across my face as he looks down at me, giving my lips a quick peck. "So basically Miles saved your ass?" Zayn questions, receiving laughter all around except from Liam, in which he received a death glare. "No." Liam pouted, eyebrows furrowed. 

"Oh don't worry Liam, I'm sure if you were given the chance to save my life you would do the same." Miles cheers, smug smirk hidden behind his beer. "I highly doubt that mate." Liam retorted, rolling his eyes slightly. 

I smile to myself, thinking about something Louis had told me so long ago, "Its funny the way love works, I mean it's like you two are meant to fix each other." Liam has done so much more that 'fix me'. He's healed me, he's allowed me the opportunity to tie all loose ends, to settle unfinished business. Without Liam, I wouldn't be sitting here, with great friends - with Miles and his wife just a few feet away. I wouldn't have two beautiful kids and mostly - I wouldn't be happy.

Everyone laughs to something Niall said, continuing to share stories and drink, the fire pit we had placed between us all still burning bright - just like my love for Liam Payne. 

The End.

I said it was the last chapter. Epilogue isn't really a chapter soooo.

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