Chapter 12

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"Say you're sorry. say it." he yelled, hand gripping my wind pipe with so much force, i felt it would break. Its as if he never really wanted me to say it, with his grip so tight i don't even know how i managed to mutter "s-sorry"

His eyes soften, grasp loosening drastically - but not being removed. I inhaled heavily, trying to get as much air in my lungs in case he thought my apology wasn't enough. "Oh god, not agai- i'm so sorry Ira, im so sorry. I swear. this was the last time, i swear"

He removed his hands and hugged me tightly, crying into my shoulder until i hugged him back; muttering sweet nothings into his ear. I loved him, no doubt - but it was to many times he had said, 

"this is the last time, i swear"

I slowly open my eyes, trying hard to ignore the pounding in my head. I sit up, glancing to the side table where two small pills and a glass of water sit. Praying to god it's not some gateway drug, i pop the pills in my mouth and drain them down with the water. I stand up, making my way out of the door and down a hall where the faint sound of laughter and dishes could be heard. 

"Ira!" Louis shouts, causing me to wince. "Oops, sorry - forgot about the hangover" he smiles brightly, motioning me to a cup of coffee. I smile gratefully, wrapping my fingers around the cup. "How are you not hungover" i ask quietly, closing my eyes and taking a deep inhale of my coffee.

"Louis doesn't get hangovers, or at least he recovers within minutes of waking up. He's just weird like that" Harry says as i open my eyes, finding him walking in with a box of donuts. "Oh, my knight in shinning armour," Louis says, grabbing a donut from the box. "And i am not weird, i'm unique" Louis states, rolling his eyes.

"Uniquely weird" Harry says, pouring himself a cup of his own coffee. He turns back to us, cup in hand as we just stare; silence over coming us. "What?" Harry says, arching an eyebrow. I look over at Louis as he looks at me, wide smile spreading on eachother's lips for no reason in particular. We shake our heads, turning our attention back to our cups of coffee. 

Suddenly the front door opens, a skinny brunette walking in; her hair in a messy bun as she carries a folder full of falling papers. "Louis" she breathes, dropping the folder on the counter and running to his side. She hugs his side tightly, catching him by surprise. "Well good morning to you too, Eleanor." Louis says, patting Eleanor - i presume - on the back.

She untangles herself from Louis' side, walking up to the box of donuts and taking two. As she's about to take a bite she looks up at me, a small smile brightening her face. "I'm so sorry! i didn't see you there - i'm Eleanor." she says, reaching over the counter to shake my hand. I return the gesture, setting the coffee down as i shake her hand. "Ira."

Eleanor's eyes widen slightly as she glances to Louis - who nods - and her smile seems to grow even wider. "You're right Louis! She does seem to fit my design, lets have a look - turn around." she encourages, taking a bite from her donut. I furrow my eyebrows, slowly turning around.

"She's perfect." Eleanor states, continuing to finish her second donut. "um..?" i say, biting my bottom lip. "am i missing something?" i ask, raising an eyebrow. Louis puts up his hand, swallowing the rest of his coffee. "Remember last night? i told you how you could be a model - well yeah" Louis says, giving me a small smile. I snort, grabbing my cup of coffee.

Before taking a sip i look around; all eyes seem to be set on me.

"oh you're not joking are you?"


"We can get you fitted today, get you out of those clothes"

I nod slowly, glancing down at the clothes on my body. I frown, "why is it that when i go out i end up in someone else's house with their clothes on" i mumble, sighing heavily. "wait - what's today?" i say, head shooting up. "Monday right? or is it Tuesday? one of those" Louis replies, snagging a donut from the box. 

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