Chapter 13

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"i love you"

"i love you too."

"you'd never leave me, right?"


"good - because i'd always find you."

"Ira?" Anthony says, raising an amused eyebrow. I shake my head, pulling myself back into reality. "Huh what?" i ask, returning to wiping down the counters. "oh nothing you just seem a bit... distracted?" Anthony shrugs, a smirk grin on his face. "Is it.. Liam? Have you guys had s-" I grunt, throwing a dirty rag at him.

"If i had it's none of your damn business and no we haven't and for fucks sakes how many times do i have to say that Liam isn't my boyfriend for it to get through your thick skull!"

 Anthony puts his hands up in defense, backing up an inch or two with a smirk on his face. "either way Ira, from your somewhat bother, i can tell you like the guy - you might even be, GASP! in loooovvveee" Anthony coos, dodging the sponge i threw at him and running to the back. "dick" i huff.


"Are you sue you don't want a ride?" Tony asks for the thousandth time. I shake my head,  giving him a quick smile. "Liam said he'd give me a ride home." i say, receiving a smirk from Tony and a wink from Anthony. "oh please" i mumble, rolling my eyes. "see you tomorrow chicka!" Tony yells before they hop into his car, and drive away.

I check my phone, resting my back on the brick wall by the class windows of the restaurant. 


I sigh, pulling up my Pac-Man app to spare time.

I check my phone again after dieing for the 50th time.


"he's probably just stuck in traffic" i sigh, returning to my game.


My phone starts warning me that it's at 20% charge so i stop playing my game, slouching down to the floor and taking a seat "shouldn't be long now"


I'm not going to lie, i'm starting to worry.

At 4:03 i got one text,

"I can't pick you up"

"clearly." i mumble sarcastically, shutting it off and start to walk home.


I decided to take the long way since it goes by a park and lake and honestly i need to clear my head a bit.

Not that the longer way is a worse way, but it's not necessarily the safest way. The neighbor you walk through is known for many things, no doubt you'll find a few cop cars patrolling around here. Luckily, for those who have been here countless times - there's a alleyway which leads straight to a block away from my apartment.

It's a beautiful afternoon, the sun still creating this warm yet cool atmosphere. There's kids running around the park, laughing and screaming while their mothers watch closely - small smiles on their lips. The lake has a few people along the sides, pols in hand while they share a laugh with each other. 

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