Jake hitting girls again.

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Susan:the next morning I get up and cook breakfast. Taylor. Ones downstairs wraps his arms around me laying his head on my shoulder"morning"I say and the kids come down dressed for school.

Taylor:"morning"I say with a yawn then sit with the kids she plates the food and give everyone a plate. I eat with everyone then Susan takes the kids to school and. Ones back with a sniffling Aaliyah cuz she had to go to the doctor today."what's wrong with her?"I ask

Susan:"she had to get a finger poke and a shot"I say

Taylor:"awe baby"I say and pick her up she lays her head on my shoulder and I rub her back.

Susan:"Hailey's on her way"I say he nods sitting down holding Aaliyah in his lap as she plays with his fingers. He kisses her head and Hailey comes in.

Hailey:"hey"I say

Taylor:"hey princess"I say.

Hailey:"what's been up?"I ask

Taylor:"well she's sick at the moment, Grace is going through a heart break and Avery is mad at Jack that's all that's going on"I say

Hailey:"damn don't have all the fun with out me"I say

Taylor:"yeah it's real fun"I chuckle"so how are u two?"I ask

Hailey:"good... I found out I'm pregnant"I say

Taylor:"congratulations baby"I smile

Hailey:"thank u"I say

Taylor:"does Tristan know?"I ask

Hailey:"yep"I say

Taylor:"you'll be fine we are all here for u"I say

Hailey:"thanks"I say and he nods"well I gotta go"I say and kiss his cheek then huh mom and leave.

Taylor:I walk to the living room rocking her trying to get her to fall asleep and she starts crying"what's wrong baby?"I ask

Aaliyah:"head hurt"I cry

Taylor:I get up cradle her then get her a baby aspirin and she takes it then falls asleep instantly I lay her on the couch hoping she won't want to be held while she's sick like Avery likes to be but she wakes up crying. I rub her back"baby what's wrong?"I ask.

Aaliyah:"up"I cry making grabby hands.

Taylor:I pick her up and hold her she falls asleep again. I hope her for a bit then lay her back down to see if she stays asleep but she starts crying again I pick her up again holding her to me as she calms down sucking on her thumb staying asleep. I sit on the couch putting my feet up rubbing her back as she sleeps.

Susan:"how's it going!"I whisper after taking a picture.

Taylor:"well she won't let me put her down"I say and stand up"watch"I say and lay her down and she starts crying again.

Susan:"oh"I say

Taylor:"I know she's not gonna let me let her down even when she's awake just like Avery does"I say

Susan:"she might feel better in a hour or so"I say he nods then I get a call from jakes teacher saying that he got into a fight wit Lexie I sigh and hang I'll be back"I sigh

Taylor:"ok be careful"I say and she nods leaving them aaliyah starts to wake up.

Aaliyah:"daddy"I giggle

Taylor:"hey baby u feeling better?"I ask and she nods."good"I smile and a mad Susan comes in holding a sniffling jakes arm.

Susan:I take him up to his room and shut the door"WHY THE FUCK WOULD U HIT ANFIRL HASNT UR FATHER ALREADY DISCUSSED THIS WITH U?!"I scream

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