Averys sick.

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Avery:"daddy comes in my room and lays down with me"my head hurts"I pout.

Taylor:"I know baby but the medicine will kick in soon"I say as Susan comes in she goes to cook lunch but Avery says she doesn't want nothing"u have to eat baby"I say

Avery:"no daddy"I say shaking my head.

Taylor:"yes"I say and pick her up taking her downstairs.

Avery:I whimper and put my face in his neck"I don't wanna eat"

Taylor:"baby u need to eat some"I say

Avery:"n-no d-daddy"I sniffle about to cry.

Taylor:"why?"I ask rubbing her back.

Avery:"I don't feel good"I sniffle

Taylor:"is it ur stomach not feeling good?"I ask and she nods."does it feel icky?"I ask

Avery:"y-yeah"I sniffle

Taylor:"alright baby"I say and get her a cup of sprite she takes the cup and sips the sprite while her head is on my shoulder. I sit on the couch while holding her I sit her cup on the coffee table for her in case she needs it.

Avery:"d-do I still have to do the shots?"I ask weakly.

Taylor:"let me see ur cuts"I say and he lifts up her shirt I look at her cuts their not that bad but no any good either."yeah baby"I sigh and she starts crying in her hands."baby ur almost done with them"I say rocking her

Avery:"I-I don't wanna d-do th-them t-today"I cry

Taylor:"shhhh baby calm down"I say and she calms down rubbing her eyes while sniffling I hold her while rubbing her back.

Susan:"Babe can I talk to u for a sec?"I ask from the kitchen and he walks in."do u just wanna get it over with?"I ask talking about the shots and thank god Avery isn't in here.

Taylor:"yeah"I sigh

Susan:I nod and get them ready"just hold her down on the couch"I sigh he walks in kisses her head and holds her down.

Avery:"n-n-no daddy p-plz"I cry hysterically

Taylor:"baby calm down and look at me"I say softly she looks at me for a few seconds but then I see that she sees Susan about to put the needle into her cut she screams and cries moving her hip and kicking her legs so that Susan can't do anything."Avery look at me don't look at mommy tell me how much fun u had in the snow"I say

Avery:"N-N-NOOOOO!"I scream and cry as mommy holds my legs down but I kick her in the face and claw at his arm making him bleed.

Taylor:"Avery Rose settle down right now"I say firmly.

Avery:"G-GET YOUR H-H-HANDS OFF OF M-M-M-ME"I scream and crying clawing at his arm harder digging my nails into his arm making it sting.

Taylor:I sit her up and crouch in front of her where I'm not holding her down no more but she can't get up"Avery calm down baby breathe"I say and she cries harder then calms down controlling her breathing."ok baby are u calm?"I ask gently and she sniffle an hiccups while nodding."ur almost done the shots ur need them"I say

Avery:"n-no"I sniffle rubbing my eyes.

Taylor:"if u don't the cuts will get worse and then you'll have to go back to the hospital do u want that?"I ask

Avery:"n-no"I sniffle starting to cry again.

Taylor:"then let mommy give u them really quick then me and u can cuddle and watch a movie"I say softly.

Avery:"I don't want them"I sob bringing my knees up to my chest.

Taylor:"baby I know I don't want to do it either but u need them"I say softly she cries harder hiccuping she then jumps over the couch running up to her room locking the door. I give her a few minutes to calm down I walk in her room sit by her and rub her back while she cries under the covers she then screams and cries in fear."Avery calm down baby its me"I say

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