Going easy? Haha no.

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Avery:"DADDY WHERES MY FUCKING CHEER OUTFIT!"I yell from my room he has been letting us get away with everything.

Taylor:"it's in the laundry room"I say

Susan:"babe why are u letting them get past with everything? Hitting, biting, cussing, throwing tantrums, and being rude to people who come over"I say

Taylor:I look down"I don't know I feel when ever I punish them they drift away from me and hate me."I say

Susan:"babe they don't hate u their just mad for a second then back to normal I mean the little ones have started cussing Jake has started smoking weed again and Hailey is back to boxing"I say

Taylor:I sigh"I'll talk to them all"I say

Susan:I nod"thank u"I say and walk away.

Taylor:"alright everyone in the living room"I say

Kids:"WE'RE BUSY!"we yell.

Taylor:"LIVING ROOM NOW!"I yell and they all run to it. They sit down and I stand in front of them"alright I know I been letting everyone off the hook but it ends now"I say

Kids:"WHAT DAD COME ON!"we yell

Taylor:"Enough I don't want to hear it from any of u the cussing stops with everyone the weed smoking stops and you stop the boxing"I say and they all mumble stuff under their breaths."what was that?"I ask and they stay quiet"I know y'all don't like it but I do it cuz I love y'all"I say

Kids:"sorry"we say

Jake:he comes up to my room getting all of my weed"dad plz"I beg

Taylor:"no Jake I shouldn't have let this go and I'm sorry"I say

Jake:"dad plz if u do this I'm gonna have to go through all that shit again"I say

Taylor:"and I'm gonna break right their with u to help u through and and it won't be that bad u only been. Smoking for 2 days"I say and he nods starting to cry I walk over to him and pull him to me as he cries in my chest then he calms down"baby I promise I'm here for u the entire way"I say and he nods while sniffling."alright let's go we are going out for dinner"I say

Jake:I nod"we might have to go pick Hailey up"I say

Taylor:"from where?"I ask

Jake:"the arena"I say

Taylor:I sigh and nod and get everyone ready and in the car then drive to the arena as she comes out"Hailey lets go"I say

Hailey:"why?"I ask

Taylor:"we're going to dinner"I say and she nods.

Hailey:"I'll drive their"I say he nods and I drive their then we go in and get seated as everybody looks at the menu but me I drink my juice

Taylor:"Hailey ur eating"I say

Hailey:"no I'm not"I say as I'm start a juice cleanse.

Taylor:"why?"I ask

Hailey:"cuz I'm starting a juice cleanse"I say takin a sip

Taylor:"that's not healthy and why?"I ask

Hailey:"to lose some weight."I say

Taylor:"u don't need to lose weight"I say but she ignores me and keeps on drinking her juice they come back we order and I order her a salad then Susan walks to the bathroom fast she comes back out after a few minutes"baby are u okay?"I ask

Susan:"yeah just an upset stomach"I say and he nods then we eat pay and leave once we get home I go upstairs and throw up again in the toilet.

Taylor:I walk in and rub her back"babe u sure ur okay?"I ask and she nods throwing up again"babe ur not okay"I say and she nods

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