Jake again

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Taylor:I'm up making breakfast then I hear someone sneaking downstairs I step out of the kitchen and see Jake I clear my throat making him turn around"where were u going?"I ask

Jake:"n-no where"I say

Taylor:"don't lie to me"I say

Jake:"fine"I sigh"I was going to meet up with Hunter"I say

Taylor:"oh the one u just got into trouble with?"I ask raising my brow.

Jake:"no a different Hunter"I say

Taylor:"so the boy out their waiting in the same car from the other day and the same boy out their the one I saw at the syrup club with u isn't the same Hunter?"I ask and he puts his head down"so u lied to me?"I ask and he nods"livingroom"I say pointing their.

Jake:"why?"I whine

Taylor:"Jake don't test me"I say

Jake:"I'm not"I say

Taylor:"then listen to me"I say and he huffs turning around starting to walk to the door again."Jake Caniff u step one foot out that door and I will spank u right their do not think I'm playing"I say and he huffs going to the living room and I follow him"why would u sneak after u got introuble yesterday?"I ask and he shrugs"we've had this talk before about lying"I say and he nods I nod"u can bend over the couch or my knee"I say

Jake:"What!"I exclaim"why am I getting whooped?"I ask

Taylor:"what's the rule for lying?"I ask

Jake:"dad come on u don't do that to the rest of the kids"I say

Taylor:"because their lies are about who broke the crayon or if they ate and extra cooking not sneaking out with a boy they just got In trouble with."I say

Jake:"that's a load of Bull sh-"I start but get cut off by him.

Taylor:"Jake Caniff"I growl and he stays quiet. I sigh"alright Jake I won't spank u but if u take that for granted or lie to me and sneak out with him I will spank u right then and their the entire spanking understand me?"I ask and he nods going upstairs to get dressed for school I go make breakfast.

Avery:I come downstairs"daddy do I have to go to school?"I ask

Taylor:"yes, why wouldn't you?"I ask

Avery:"I didn't get allot of sleep last night"I yawn

Taylor:"why not?"I ask

Avery:"I was on my phone"I mumble

Taylor:"Avery Rose"I say sternly looking at her and she looks down"u go lay on the couch and I'll take u later we will be talking about this tonight"I say firmly and she goes and lays down. I make breakfast and get the kids to school then change and feed The twins then Susan comes downstairs and picks up a giggling Lucas. I smile and lay Andrew on the couch then walk over to a sleeping Avery"Avery wake up"I say shaking her gently.

Avery:"no"I mumble had asleep.

Taylor:"Avery now"I say picking Andrew back up holding him as Susan holds Lucas and Avery whines sitting up"lets go"I say

Avery:"I don't want to I'm to tired"I whine

Taylor:"and who's fault is that?"I ask and she puts her head down."let's go we gotta get going"I say and she shakes her head."Avery Rose now"I say and she pout and grabs her back pack and walks to the car. I shake my head, kiss Susan then buckle Andrew into the car pulling the hood over him so the sun doesn't get in his face then I drive to her school once we get their Andrew screams and cries wanting to get out of his car seat and Avery goes in her school."shhh baby calm down"I say to Andrew who keeps on screaming and crying. I sigh and put in a CD that always calms them down and he does calm down an also makes noise I smile then drive home I take him inside and sit on the couch next to Susan who's holding Lucas and the little ones who don't go to school are playing.

Susan:"how'd Jake act this morning?"I ask

Taylor:"well he got up this morning and tried to sneak out"I say

Susan:"what has gotten into that boy?"I sigh

Taylor:"I don't know"I sigh she nods and plays with Lucas who gurgles and smiles I play with Andrew as he makes noises then jakes teacher calls me.

(Phone convo)
Taylor:"hello?"I answer
Teacher:"hi Mr.Caniff how is Jake doing today?"I ask since he isn't here.
Taylor:"what do u mean he should be their"I say
Teacher:"I'm sorry sir but he's not he was here for 5 minutes for his first class then he said he needed to go to the bathroom but never came back"I say
Taylor:"I swear that boy"I growl"okay I'll go look for him then bring him back to class and I'll make sure he stays their"I say
Teacher:"okay have a nice day Mr.Caniff"I say and hang up.
(End of convo)

Taylor:I sigh"alright babe Jake skipped school so I'm gonna go find him are u gonna be okay with the kids or do u need me to take one?"I ask

Susan:"Can u take Lucas?I need to spend time with Andrew"I say

Taylor:I nod and smile"come here big boy"I say walking over to him and she hands him to me.

Susan:"have fun"I laugh and kiss him he kisses me them leaves

Jake:I'm with Hunter again at the strip club we are drinking and smoking as the girls dance on the poles naked and we throw money at them then dad walks in and grabs my arm and walks me to the car"duddddde leeeet goooo"I slur

Taylor:I shake my head dragging him to the car I put Lucas in his seat buckling him up then close the door rolling down the window I turn Jake to the side and start spanking him hard sobering him up.

Jake:"Ow Dad Stop!"I shout moving so he doesn't hit my butt no more.

Taylor:"oh we haven't even started or close to being down"I growl I turn him around putting my arm around his waist holding him and spank him he puts all his weight on my one at making it hard for me and make me drop him he quickly stands up and sprints down the road. I run after him catching him I take him back to the car I put child safety lock on and drive off as Lucas sleeps and Jake plays with his fingers while sniffling. We get home and I take Lucas and Jake in and lay Lucas in his Pack-N-Play whole Jake keeps on sniffling."why don't u tell ur mother why we're about to go in my study to have a discussion once again"I say sternly and he shakes his head."Jake Caniff I'm not playing tell her right now"I say sternly still having a hold of his arm but he still says nothing I bring my hand back and smack his butt.

Jake:I wince"I went back to the strip club with Hunter"I say fast

Taylor:"we will be back down in a bit"I say and she nods we go up to my study and he tries to get out of my hold"Jake do not test me"I say and he stops I let go and sit down in my office chair"I wanna know why"I say and he shrugs"no ur gonna answer theirs a reason why you've been disobeying us."I say

Jake:"I don't know hanging out with Hunter gets my popularity back at school"I say

Taylor:"Jake u don't need him to get ur popularity your on the foot ball team you have all of them he only looks for trouble their are plenty of kids that have fun but also keep their head on strait"I say and he sighs"Jake u understand that we do this because we love u"I say and he nods "alright let's get this done"I say and he bends over my legs and I start his spanking as he starts crying. I continue them reach under and unbutton his jeans.

Jake:"no"I cry holding my jeans up.

Taylor:"Jake let go"I say

Jake:"dad plz"I cry

Taylor:"Jake this is the second time in the past week what did I tell u last time?"I ask and he cries letting go. I pull them down and continue spanking him and he keeps crying then I pull down his boxers"this will never happen again Jake so u understand me?"I ask

Jake:"yes"I cry he finishes with his hand them give me 10 with the paddle and I cry harder he rubs my back then picks me up holding me until I calm down and I do just sniffling.

Taylor:I stand him up and pull up his boxers and underwear carefully"alright let's get going"I say and he nods going to the car I walk to the car drive him to school and walk him into class and he goes in I give him a look and he sits down knowing I'm serious or him to stay then I go home.

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